Official Wii U Discussion Thread

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I've stumbled upon an interesting post on the IGN boards (for once) that discusses the potential capabilities of the Wii U. He also makes an educated guess of the next gen comparison and more.

Worth reading if you want some perspective on the matter (or if you're simply bored). Smilie

That's an interesting thread, mainly because it proves that not everyone on IGN are idiots, which is strange to look at.

Thinking about the size of the controller and stuff, it'll probably not much bigger than the PSVita, and I doubt it'll be too unwieldy, I'm not entirely sure about the positions of the buttons being underneath the analogue sticks, but the GC and Xbox have d-pads under their right ones, and the size as I said is probably a shorter distance than the pictures perceive.

( Edited 19.06.2011 18:49 by Stulaw )


Footage from GT Motion shows the controller isn't that big, I think it should be quite comfortable.

Only just realised this, but this is actual footage of Tekken on Wii U.


Only just spotted that vid. The hair on the girl at 1:57 looks like it flows really well. Almost to the point where each individual strand is swaying on its own.

An actual decent Nintendo Article on the Wii U development problems, and it's from IGN.

I'm in shock, they usually jump on the misinformation bandwagon and start talking like Nintendo's doomed. But this article is right on the money, yes the Wii U may be having some Dev Kit problems, but that happens on every console development cycle, it wouldn't be technology without problems.

It's also surprising that it's written by Richard George. I didn't expect that after reading some of his articles the past few months.

I haven't been on IGN since a while (and don't plan to because I'm scared of seeing more Skyward Sword spoilers on the frontpage), what did they make out of the "2nd circle pad attachment"? Another "Nintendo is doomed" story? IGN houses probably the biggest amount of angry people I've seen on any gaming site so far, so surely it was a complete ragefest.

( Edited 09.09.2011 11:38 by SirLink )

Well the title suggested it, but overall it was a positive article on the second circle pad, it's called "What the Heck is Nintendo Thinking?", probably to get more views (as always most IGN readers don't read beyond the title).

He said that it came out because the 3DS needs a second analog stick.

I think it did, and I don't think it will be as uncomfortable as people who haven't even touched it are making it out to be. It'll be like playing with a CCPro in some ways, the grip looks similar and the two R triggers stop the user from having to reach over (people must really have small hands)and reaching over for the buttons shouldn't be as much of a pain as people are making out (seriously, the thing ad's an inch or less to the 3DS) Plus the chunkyess and curvature will make it nicer to hold.

Oh yeah, there's been nothing on Skyward Sword in ages (except for the bundle news).

( Edited 09.09.2011 11:50 by Stulaw )

Yeah, IGN knows exactly how to cater to their "readers" with their headlines. Got to hand them that.

I actually saw someone on another site saying that it could be like the Wii-Zapper. It's not required, but offers better control in certain games for gamers who want it. It makes sense because even Monster Hunter Tri G isn't made specifically for the attachment and doesn't require it either. They even revised some camera controls to make it work just fine without a 2nd circle pad, something I didn't actually expect Capcom to do.

Capcom seem to be the best 3rd party developer for new games on the 3DS at the moment, and I'm not surprised by it not needing the attachment either. I still don't understand why Mega Man Legends 3 was cancelled, but I think they'll sell the franchise eventually.

Hopefully Capcom will continue what they're doing with the 3DS on the Wii U. RE6 is in development and probably will come to the system, and hopefully a Monster Hunter 4 will be in the works (that would be awesome). They'll also (like with the 3DS) show what can actually be done with the hardware, we'll see games looking as good, if not better than Battlefield 3 on the PC from them if they tried (it's that much of a power leap).

Smash Bros. Universe do you think it's fake or not?


It's just like all those supposed 'leaks' of Project Cafe prior to E3, fake documents and pics, etc. No way something like this would slip into the open.

Yeah I guess you're right.

I saw that yesterday too, seems like it'd be something that's easy enough to fake.

I doubt SSBU is anywhere near real development just yet.

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Another reason I think it's fake is because Universe isn't a synonym for combat, like Brawl or Melee. I think Super Mario will probably end up being titled universe.

Anyway, I've been looking up videos on the Watson computer the Wii's Power 7 CPU is based on. Now of course it's not going to have all the AI and won't run anywhere near as fast (Watson has hundreds of the CPU's put together), but it's going to be pretty impressive.


( Edited 21.09.2011 20:27 by Stulaw )

I've come to the conclusion that the Wii U is brilliant because it solves the HUD dilemma. HUDs are necessary to display vital information, but they are distracting and limit immersion.

Some games hide the HUD away when it's not needed, and some games allow the player to disable the HUD completely, but neither solution is ideal.

The tablet controller will enable developers to permanently move almost all HUD elements off the television, leaving it as a pristine window into a 3D world. It will make games feel bigger, more cinematic, more artistic, and more real. I think that "immersion" is going to be the key word thrown around in early Wii U reviews.

I haven't seen this idea discussed before, though I'm sure it's not novel. Does anyone else agree?

( Edited 13.11.2011 03:54 by keith )

@keith: I agree. HUDs are vital for pretty much any game, especially more complicated ones where you need a lot of information displayed constantly. It may seem uncreative and lazy to use the Wii U controller as a dumping place for all that but looking at a gaming world with no HUDs taking up some space should really help in making games feel more immersive.

Have you tried turning off the HUDs in your games? It really does make them more immersive (until you die because can't remember how many bullets you have left Smilie).

I think that's a great Idea, I love playing games without the HUD on screen all the time, and I tend not to look at it too much anyway. I'm surprised that not many games have tried this on the DS/3DS, I know OoT3D does.

( Edited 13.11.2011 14:50 by Stulaw )

I think games without HUDs would be enough to make getting a Wii U worth it.

The actual Darksiders II interview from E3 on video.


A French retailers listing for WiiU

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

£400? Good lord, I'd never buy one at launch for that price.

Somehow I doubt it will launch at that price anyway. Nintendo have released no pricing details and won't be till at least E3 2012, maybe even after.

( Edited 07.12.2011 17:47 by Marzy )

Our member of the week

Carrefour has never been known for their reliability in announcing prices for electronic products (they have malls over here as well).

The product was removed from their product list already anyway.

( Edited 07.12.2011 20:30 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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