3DS Discussion Thread

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If it's a system code to be used universally across all games, then it's fine. Anything more, and you can forget it Nintendo.

No point really reacting to it / taking it as gospel until the 19th. We'll learn all we need to then.

Per-game friend codes again would be ridiculous, though.

( Edited 12.01.2011 21:08 by Mason )

What's the point... I give up with hoping for a decent online structure from Nintendo. If they keep friend codes with the 3DS, I can't see them doing anything better with their next home console either (in terms of online).

Nintendon't listen to their customers.

If it is just a single code for each system, then I won't mind so much.

( Edited 12.01.2011 21:26 by Marzy )

Agree that if it's like this on 3DS nothing will change with the Wii successor, and it would be stupid, but right now all of this is unconfirmed. It's all been hush-hush on the online front because it's something that's more important for American/European audiences, so they're clearly holding back the information until the presentations in a week or so. I'll wait until the news, good or bad, tips out of the horse's mouth.

You gotta be freakin' kidding me...

Ok, let's calm down. Not all hope is lost yet. Who knows what this could mean anyways. I'd actually be unable to comprehend this if they didn't AT LEAST moderately improve the way the whole friend system works.

Let's just wait for now..Nintendo will hopefully tell us EVERYTHING in one week at their press event and stop this freakin' madness. Smilie

If they still have friend codes for each game I'll be very disappointed. Surely some sort of profile system or 1 code for the system would make much more sense? Ahh well I'll wait till the 19th for official confirmation but that's gonna be a right pain if it's true.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Yeah, might as well wait for an official statement before getting annoyed. Nintendo's silence on the this topic is worrying though. Then again they've mentioned nothing about the shop channel as well so maybe they want to surprise us all with the new online infrastructure?

L said:
Yeah, might as well wait for an official statement before getting annoyed. Nintendo's silence on the this topic is worrying though. Then again they've mentioned nothing about the shop channel as well so maybe they want to surprise us all with the new online infrastructure?

Yeah, that's the problem with Nintendo keeping everything a secret. You never know what they're plotting, really. They are simply full of surprises. Who knows, maybe they'll blow us away with awesome online features that we would have never expected to come from them. Smilie

Mason is completely right on this with his statement that the Japanese audience just doesn't really care much about that stuff. No real point showing it off just yet if other things get people in Japan more excited about the 3DS.

You guys should see this http://gouki.com/Story/Details/3ds-blow-out
Apparently the 3DS can play 3DS games up to 8 hours with 3D off and low brightness settings. This is probably BS but thought you guys might wanna see anyway.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Nah it could be true because when they first announced the DSi they said the battery was between 4 - 5 hours but on the lowest light setting mine lasts for at least 10. It could be the same case scenario with the 3DS and that the 3 - 5 hour battery life is only with the highest light settings and 3D turned on.

LKR000 said:
You guys should see this http://gouki.com/Story/Details/3ds-blow-out
Apparently the 3DS can play 3DS games up to 8 hours with 3D off and low brightness settings. This is probably BS but thought you guys might wanna see anyway.

I'd love that to be true, but I get the feeling that story is going by info we already know about, and they've misinterpreted the 7-8 hour DS games play for lower settings 3DS games play. Hopefully I'm wrong.

I must say I am really interested in the 3DS.. I haven't owned a DS since the lite, which I had a few, which were all sold.

But if the price is right and the console has some good wifi/online features I may just pick one up.

I just need a handheld, all I have is my iPhone and I can't get into gaming on it really I find it too hard..

sporkhead (guest) 16.01.2011#163

Shame about the friend code system, though it appears there's some evidence that points to the hope that either SSFIV3D gets its friend codes from a global list on the 3DS (unlikely otherwise Nintendo should have harked on about this at Japan already), or maybe Nintendo WFC isn't ready yet.

It's in the latter half of this article anyways, if I wrote it up all here it'd be a long bit of typing!


now I am worried lol
will the video recording update be a new update version of the 3ds? such ala 3dsi ;p

I was waiting for zelda ocarina of time bundled for 300 dollars I don't mind but the true is not even zelda nor mario is making the launch date.

I will be very happy to play winning eleven or doa

I don't know what to do ;p undecided Smilie

but 3ds all the way

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

Yeah it'd be nice if OoT was packaged up with the system ala N64/Mario 64. But somehow I don't think they'll do that. Especially when there'll be a few special extras like the camera/toy thing and so on. Maybe there'll be a demo thrown in like Metroid Prime Hunters was on the DS.


But I'd be pretty happy with a 3DS, OoT and PES on launch day. Very happy actually.

( Edited 17.01.2011 06:52 by Soundworks )

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 
sporkhead (guest) 17.01.2011#166

I'm just hoping Nintendo will show some more of the 3DS's features outside of the game software on Wednesday. That is, the fruitation of their plans for online gaming. We've seen streetpass and Miis and Augmented reality, but I imagine 3DSWare/3DSShop and online functionality should be properly unveiled, especially as that's a key part in Nintendo's 'battle' with their "enemy of the future" Apple. Let's hope for the best, anyways!

This is pretty damn awesome Smilie

I hope we get Samus playable, both in her power suit and the Zero suit ;P

Also here's the apparent launch line up for the US:

* Pilotwings Resort
* Nintendogs + Cats
* Steeldiver
* Dead or Alive
* Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D
* Madden NFL
* Super Street Fighter IV 3D
* Asphalt 3D
* Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D
* Ridge Racer 3D
* Resident Evil: The Mercenaries
* LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars

Link here http://www.destructoid.com/3ds-north-american-launch-titles-192044.phtml

( Edited 19.01.2011 20:38 by LKR000 )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I hope Samus is playable. My new main.Smilie Hayate can piss off. XD

Wow. Surely Samus will be playable after seeing that. Awesome stuff.

Somewhat weak launch lineup though. No Mario, no Zelda, no Star Fox. If I got one at launch I'd probably get Resi Evil, Dead or Alive and Street Fighter, but even then, that's 2 beat 'em ups. I'd love to get my hands on one and try it out, but don't think I'll be spending the price it is to get one.

Yeah no Mario or Zelda kinda sucks but I'm gonna be hooked on Mercenaries 3D and DOA so they should last a fair while. Also with Links Awakening and Mario bros I shouldn't get bored too quickly Smilie
Samus needs to be playable in DOA since they've shown us that.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Man imagine a Pokemon Card game compatible with the Augmented Reality capabilities of the system.

I'm sure Konami will want to get a YuGiOh game out there sometime aswell.

OMG, YuGiOh. Smilie The possibilities there are crazy!!!! Smilie

YuGiOh has already been listed, so it's on the way; World Championship 2012 no doubt. Can't wait for it, Nightmare Troubadour sold me on a DS. Smilie

The question is....
Cosmos Black
Aqua Blue?

I'm thinking black, everything else is black bar my Wii, but the reasoning is that I would get a blue version, but its the fact that its not all blue that puts me off Smilie

I would easily go for the black, if I got a launch system. The blue is the most ugly sort of blue they could have picked, to me. I've never really liked that colour and always found it looks tacky.

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