After miserable sales on 360 Kinect, Sports Island will be trying it's luck on 3DS.
Sports Island 3DS
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After miserable sales on 360 Kinect, Sports Island will be trying it's luck on 3DS.
Sports Island 3DS
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D - Official Site
(RE: Revelations has yet to receive one)
Revelations does have a Capcom page:
Mercenaries & Revelations - Image Slideshow
Is it just me or does Jills face look a little bit odd?
Might just be me but I dunno. Both games look awesome, the 3ds is gonna rock
Namco-Bandai have announced "One Piece : Unlimited Cruise" for Nintendo 3DS. The game is basically a compilation of both recent Wii games.
Namco-Bandai 3DS Games
Tales of Abyss
Pac Man 3DX
Gallaga 3DS
Ace Combat 3DS
Ridge Racer
Pro Baseball Famista 2011
One Piece : Unlimited Cruise
ALl thats missing is a Soulcalibur game
It won't be long before we see that also, once the fighters do well.
is it just me, or does the sports island avatars look like the 360 avatars? I mean from the consoles personal profile avatars.
Yea they do, slightly remodelled but keeping the same average proportions.
PES & Asphalt 3DS
PES 3DS looks rather nice. Hoping EA will bring a full-featured FIFA to the table, there's absolutely no reason why they can't integrate a full Manager Mode like the one in Fifa 11. And have an extensive online mode.
( Edited 17.12.2010 15:20 by Soundworks )
Squidboy said:
The maximum size of a 3DS cartridge is 8 Gig.
holly hell that's huge. O.O I wonder if they will use that for the videos. I mean there's a lot of movies a hell lot smaller.
But 8 gig is huge
It's true.
( Edited 18.12.2010 04:43 by Wolvesgod )
Yeah, that's almost as much as a double-layer DVD. o.O Very impressive.
They said that, at launch, the max size of a 3DS cartridge will be 2GB. As with the DS, it'll gradually get bigger.
Once we get to 4GB i'm sure we will start seeing a lot of FMV (boo this) heavy games aswell as games starting to use more voice acting(this I don't mind).
Music in 3DS games shouldl benefit from the get go.
I hope to see lots of hi quality 2D sprite based graphics games aswell, super meat boy on 3DS would be awesome.
I can't wait to see what a dev like shinin can do with all that space.
( Edited 19.12.2010 17:29 by Jimmy2000 )
Looking awesome, with the new trailers/screenshots coming out regularly, the only shame is that it won't be here for Xmas
EA's Tony Marinello has piled on praise for 3DS graphics processor:
"It's a pretty powerful handheld console. Its graphics processor is really nice. You will notice while playing the game that the effects of lights, helmets or land for example, are of remarkable quality. In fact, we serve squarely development techniques developed for the HD consoles to develop the graphics version of 3DS. "
Suda 51 is making a 3DS game, and a new Golden Sun for 3DS is in the works also, according to Japanese magazine Nintendo Dream's sources. Nothing official yet.
I have been very impressed with virtually everything that I've seen for 3DS. The product itself looks like another design triumph for Nintendo. I can't wait to hear about the launch titles and pricing etc and I just hope that lots of good quality developers get on board and bring us some fantastic games.
If anyone has any doubts about the size of it, here's a video at the event that me and some of the others at C3 went to a few months back. It shows the DS next to the 3DS.
Video from T3.
( Edited 22.12.2010 14:27 by Stulaw )
Tecmo-Koei have confirmed the release of Dead or Alive: Dimensions & Samurai Warriors for 3DS's U.S launch. They also confirmed Ninja Gaiden 3DS is in the works.
Dead or Alive: Dimensions
Wow, these sports games are really looking quite good on the 3DS.
Might get my first serious football game since Fifa 06.
I actually really enjoyed Dead or Alive 3 (on Xbox). I might pick up the 3DS version, if it gets some good reviews.
Super Monkey Ball 3DS has motion sensor support, selecting the feature diminishes the 3D effect but the option is there. The game also has two player gameplay.