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Nintendo have sent out the emails for the T-Shirts, giving you a week to respond.
Sorry about the late reply, been busy! I got my ds and the games last week, looks sweet. I haven't had a chance to play it much yet though, but I hope to get some playtime on it when I've got some days off next week (:
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
OMG that OP game looks amazing !
Sadly, nothing about Monster Hunter 3DS or even anything Monter Hunter related has been shown at Capcom Captivate 2011. That doesn't mean that the game doesn't exist though. Looking at Capcom's other efforts for the 3DS and the huge (profit) potential of a possible game, it's hard to imagine that there won't be a Monster Hunter game for the 3DS anytime soon.
Hey guys a new trailer for mercenaries 3d is out
This game looks fucking awesome, Capcom are going all out with this one
LKR000 said:
Hey guys a new trailer for mercenaries 3d is out
This game looks fucking awesome, Capcom are going all out with this one
Yeah we get a free demo of Revelations when we buy this which is cool. I assume they'll be more characters because at a certain point in that trailer it shows an extra ? box at the bottom of the character select screen, which leads me to believe you can unlock them. I'm thinking maybe 12 characters with possible dlc
LKR000 said:Has it been confirmed what stages there'll be? Is it just all of the ones from 4 and 5? Or will there be some from 4, some from 5 and some new ones?
Yeah we get a free demo of Revelations when we buy this which is cool. I assume they'll be more characters because at a certain point in that trailer it shows an extra ? box at the bottom of the character select screen, which leads me to believe you can unlock them. I'm thinking maybe 12 characters with possible dlc
I really cannot wait for this, I hope we get DLC too.
( Edited 12.04.2011 23:33 by Mush123 )
Squidboy said:
Hhhhnnnnngggg WANT. The Marineford stuff looks amazing! Damn region locking!!
hell to yeah this game will be freaking awsome glad I preoder my at game.:
Marvelous have announced "Kagura" 3DS
- Action game side scrolling
- Developed by Marvelous Entertainment
- Take control of a beautiful female ninja
- Decomposition of clothing as a result of fighting
- Character designs Nan Yaegashi
- Scenario Yukinori Kitajima
Ikana said:Squidboy said:Hhhhnnnnngggg WANT. The Marineford stuff looks amazing! Damn region locking!!
the 3ds is zoned, right ?
that's ridiculous...
Anybody in the mood for some SSFIV matches? Might be a little bit rusty since I didn't even turn on my 3DS for like 5 days or something though.
I've been playing Metroid: Other M for the past days and I'm pondering over what "project" I'm going to start next since I have 2 weeks vacation. Shame that Samurai Warriors is so expensive or I'd get it.
More scans of OOT
Looks fabulous, can't wait
LKR000 said:
More scans of OOT
Looks fabulous, can't wait
Good god, I need that game.
Also, I might be having a memory relapse, but in that third scan at the top of the page with the two images of Hyrule Castle town, I don't recognise that separate tower in the right-hand shot.
I've read somewhere that the upcoming issue of the ONM is going to have a preview for Ocarina of Time 3D(and Skyward Sword, too!!). Think they'll have new stuff for both games? I'm really curious, especially about Skyward Sword. Wish I could just go in some store and buy it.
SirLink said:
I've read somewhere that the upcoming issue of the ONM is going to have a preview for Ocarina of Time 3D(and Skyward Sword, too!!). Think they'll have new stuff for both games? I'm really curious, especially about Skyward Sword. Wish I could just go in some store and buy it.
I only buy ONM when they give something good away with the Magazine which kinda defeats the purpose of a free gift.
Anybody else having a lot of problems playing SSFIV online lately? Seems like the servers are in really bad shape, I can't even connect to it anymore now.
Really not fun, I lost almost all my points because of the disconnect penalties.
Look how chubby Link looks XD He's got fat stubby hands. Some shots do look very N64-like, unfortunately. But it's portable OOT, so I'll forgive.
I went to the official site yesterday and the title screen music greeted me. So many memories came back, and I instantly wanted to just go out and buy it. I'm still unsure if I'll actually get the console and game yet. Might wait to see if there are extras in it making it worthwhile.
( Edited 15.04.2011 19:32 by Azuardo )