im totally hyped about whats about to come for the 3ds but will it really be enough to beat the ngp. from what i've seen about the ngp made me think it might be better when it's released. what does everybody else think?
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im totally hyped about whats about to come for the 3ds but will it really be enough to beat the ngp. from what i've seen about the ngp made me think it might be better when it's released. what does everybody else think?
Squeakmaster said:
im totally hyped about whats about to come for the 3ds but will it really be enough to beat the ngp. from what i've seen about the ngp made me think it might be better when it's released. what does everybody else think?
There's probably about one or two games on the PSP that interest me, but that's about it.
The DS had plenty of games that I enjoyed greatly; The World Ends With You, Mario Kart DS, Professor Layton series, Ace Attorney series, Super Mario 64 DS [1], Super Scribblenauts [2], The Legend of Zelda: Phatom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks [3], Okamiden, Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 and onwards, Nintendogs, Kingdom Hearts (both of them), the Kirby games, Metroid Prime Hunters, Rhythm Paradise, Jam With the Band and a whole lot more.
[1]Although it was an update of a Nintendo 64 game, I loved it. The additional stars and playable characters made a great game even greater. I'd still say it's one of the best looking games on the DS, too.
[2]The first game was also enjoyable, but by adding adjectives, D-Pad controls, etc. 5th Cell made this even more entertaining.
[3]Although some people didn't enjoy these as much as other Zelda games, I thought they were great additions to the series. Phantom Hourglass may of been repetitive, which became quite an annoyance. However, if you try to see past that, it's actually a pretty good game. Spirit Tracks took away the repetitive stuff and provided a much more enjoyable experience.
Some of the games I included in the list may not be "games" as such, but I thought they still deserved a mention.
Sony have little exclusives, far fewer than that of Nintendo anyways. Pretty much all of the first party exclusives from Nintendo interest me.
Well, I could type more but I think I'll leave it at that. Bare in mind that this my opinion. I don't expect any of you to take offense by it, or give me stick for anything I've included in this post.
( Edited 20.04.2011 04:17 by Mush123 )
I think naturally, due to Nintendo always having had a strong hold of the handheld market, they will probably be outright winners again in the 3DS vs NGP battle.
However, the NGP is quite a beasty little thing. It's almost a portable PS3. Now that's pretty damn appealing if you ask me. Personally, I wouldn't buy the thing at launch, especially as it'll most likely be expensive, unless they bring out some games that really interest me. Sure, Uncharted is coming out for it, but I think I would much rather play Uncharted 3 over that one. If FF7 was remade for it, then I think I'd cave in right away, but nothing's been announced (and I think I'd rather a PS3 FF7 anyway).
It depends on the games and price, I think. If it's expensive, Sony will have a hard time competing with the 3DS, but that's not to say it will get trounced by Nintendo. I'm looking forward to what the NGP has to offer as a gamer.
With me being an avid fan of Nintendo handhelds and having a strong dislike of most things Sony..
Azuardo said:
Mush, I hope you haven't disregarded all Sony consoles completely. Some of the best games are only on PlayStation consoles. Not bashing, just saying you could be missing out on some really good games
Which is why, when I decided to purchase a non-Nintendo console I got the Xbox 360. I just like the controllers much better, the D-Pad is crap, but eh I only like Nintendo D-Pads tbh.
PlayStation controllers just feel so... cheap to me, I don't know what it is about them but yeah. Also, the spring-loaded buttons on the PS3 controller (L2 and R2, I think they are) are a lot worse than any ordinary trigger. I really can't get used to the controller, no matter how much I use it.
Anyways, back to 3DS discussion now.
Been watching a few demo videos of OoT3D, I'm so hyped for it.
Apparently Miyamoto is working really hard to bring us that new Super Mario 3DS game, of which we've seen very little so far, this year. 3DS sales are going to be HUGE if it really makes it for this holiday season.
Quote: “I promise to do everything to deliver your new Mario this year.” It's from some French website but I don't understand a thing there, so here's the article about it at
Is that eShop logo new? Also, is that a demo or the full game only unfinished?
( Edited 22.04.2011 10:22 by Ifrit XXII )
It's a demo of the prototype. The game is back in development and going to be released sometime in the future.
The logo isn't new, it's been seen on other promotional material.
( Edited 22.04.2011 11:39 by Squidboy )
The 3DS is �£175 at Amazon now, maybe it'll keep getting lower by the time I get one.
Played the 3DS again, and this time with Street Fighter. So. Much. Better.
Finally got all the perfect score in Pilotwings Resort. Only downside now is that I have no 3DS game left to play :/.
Been playing a lot with the Mii maker instead XD. I never used that on my Wii just for fun, but here I get addicted to making Miis out of my friends and showing them the results. Some of them look very much like the real thing XD. I just wish they had put in more options for haircuts, especially for male ones. None of them look like mine, or my friends' ...
3DS Easter Eggs
Here's a few subtle features the 3DS instruction booklet fails to mention:
In the Sound Software menu, speak into the microphone and the parakeet helpers will mimic what you say.
Blow into the microphone on the 3DS's home screen to make the icon in the upper screen spin.
In the 3DS' music player menu, twiddle the analog stick to control the Game & Watch football match taking place in the background.
Always getting wonky photos with the 3DS camera? Hold down on the D-pad to make a line appear on the screen to help you keep the console straight and level.
In the AR Games Clock application, get right up close to the cuckoo that jumps out to chirp the number of hours passed and he will crack your screen. If he knocks it enough times, it will shatter and he will change colour from blue to black.
In the AR Games Globe app, shoot the Earth over and over again and it will explode into hundreds of pieces. A message will pop up to warn you to look after our planet!
When you play AR Games Fishing, the type of fish that appear depends on the colour of the surface that the card is sat on (Red: Cheep Cheeps; Green: Koopa Shells; Blue: Sardines; Yellow: Mr AR.
( Edited 25.04.2011 23:06 by Squidboy )
I'm on a year study abroad at CU Boulder in Colorado. Was walking out of the library today and saw this:
Strange, have never seen any sort of gaming system be promoted on campus. Neat idea though! Its finals weeks and I have to say, chilling out for ten minutes playing a few games was kind of fun! Still not sure what to make of this system. For me the games will make it, not its capabilities. I'll start paying more attention when OoT comes out.
I will say the same thing that I said on a French website where I saw the same pictures from what looks like a magazine :
The title of the game appears on the bottom picture but is cut, and it's called Pocket Monsters : Dabu/Dafu/Dapu something (in katakana) which isn't the japanese title for Colloseum, or Pokémon XD : Gale of Darkness, like I read somewhere else.
Which makes me think that it'll be a new title, but possibly in the same style as Colosseum.
That is Pokemon XD, I hope that isn't the game they're going to announce in May, because it looks exactly the same as the GC version, down to the main character and the characters in the picture talking to him.
I hope I'm wrong, I'd love a full adventure in Orre.
One of the screens in those scans shows the main character's little sister and I can't recall that scene from Pokémon XD. I'm putting my money on a new game starring the same region and main character but with a different plot, some new locations and other stuff.
Anyone going to MCM @ London in May? There's gonna be a playable demo of Ocarina of Time 3D there, maybe Resident Evil: Mercs 3D and possibly some other games. for other info on Nintendo Unleashed events.
I'll probably be going to MCM since I have a couple of friends that go. Hopefully they'll be going this year too.
Mush123 said:
Anyone going to MCM @ London in May? There's gonna be a playable demo of Ocarina of Time 3D there, maybe Resident Evil: Mercs 3D and possibly some other games. for other info on Nintendo Unleashed events.
I'll probably be going to MCM since I have a couple of friends that go. Hopefully they'll be going this year too.
Echoes221 said:Mush123 said:
Anyone going to MCM @ London in May? There's gonna be a playable demo of Ocarina of Time 3D there, maybe Resident Evil: Mercs 3D and possibly some other games. for other info on Nintendo Unleashed events.
I'll probably be going to MCM since I have a couple of friends that go. Hopefully they'll be going this year too.
I'll be going hopefullyI finish exams on the 17th
+ Imagine the streetpass hits at MCM *salivates slightly*
I might be going, as I booked that week off work a while ago. The Saturday will be the best opportunity for me, dunno how that would fit in with the rest of your plans guys.
I was thinking saturday, I'm not really planning on buying anything (end of sunday is cheaper) and it would be good to meet up with some C3ers
Well, I tried to add This to the Zelda 3DS discussion topic. But the page went funny.
Anyway, it's a good graphics comparison.
I was thinking of going Saturday too, but depends whether my mates are going this year or not. If not I could always go by myself, I guess.
Oooh, I'll be at MCM on the Saturday, can't wait to play some Zelda and meet some C3ers!