Pokémon Black & White Versions Discussion [DS]

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SuperLink said:
L said:
These are pretty good mock ups, I can't tell what the fire one is though. Looks like some sort of insect.

The amount of time some people have... create a legit magazine layout, design and draw 3 monsters, and create mock up screenshots. Good god.

And the Fire type is a god damn scorpion, but he looks more badass than Skorupi. Awesome.

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Have you ever seen the fan comic about Diamond and Pearl on VG Cats?

"Who's going to trade me for my awesome Bidoof?"


Bidoof shall always live on. I kind of have a soft spot for it now though. After hating it so long.... I can't help but...LIKE it. It's strange.

Thanks for the welcome btway!

<3 I'm hoping to liven up the place. :3 I have really started taking a liking to you guys. After reading so many of your posts I kinda almost feel...close to you. *warm-fuzzy-feeling-plz*


Ikana said:
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I wanted to know... This is legit right?

And sorry for the double posts. I forgot to add this one.

You can use the 'edit' button to add to your posts so you don't need to double post. Smilie

And yup, the shadows are legit, they were shown on Pokémon Sunday. Smilie Keep an eye on serebii.net for news and to make sure things are legit. Smilie

RahChan said:

Have you ever seen the fan comic about Diamond and Pearl on VG Cats?

"Who's going to trade me for my awesome Bidoof?"

Yep, it's funny because it's true xP

Thanks for the welcome btway!

<3 I'm hoping to liven up the place. :3 I have really started taking a liking to you guys. After reading so many of your posts I kinda almost feel...close to you. *warm-fuzzy-feeling-plz*

Hahaha, atleast someone feels welcomed Smilie I hope you stick around and talk about Pogeymans with us

And yeah use the edit button in the future please. :3

I really hope this isn't fake, because if it's real I'm incredibly happy with it! For the first time since Gen II, I genuinely like all the starters.

Also White's hair is gorgeous. Smilie

* The region appears to be called the Isshu Region (イッシュ)
* CoroCoro states that the protaganists are older than they have been so far


Bulbapedia say:

According to the scan, the first Generation V games will be set in the region known as 「イッシュ」 Isshu, which is quite a distance away from all previous regions. The magazine scan implies that the region is a foreign place that must be traveled to by boat or airplane.

If this is fake we're gonna feel so fool'd.

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White's hair > Your entire existence. Fact.

( Edited 12.05.2010 13:06 by SuperLink )

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Black looks really cool Smilie Love that design. They both do look older. Smilie

The water starter looks a bit of an odd ball but they're all quite good. Smilie

Really excited now. Smilie

YAY! Starters are up!

( Edited 12.05.2010 15:19 by RahChan )

Man I was hoping the fire starter wouldn't be a pig. I'm disappointed. I guess this is the first time I choose a starter that isn't fire. The grass one looks cool but he also looks posh.

The protagonists look much better than last gen. I guess we can expect a release Q2 2011?

RahChan said:
YAY! Starters are up!


I already posted a bunch of stuff about them Smilie

A lot of people reckon the types (for evos atleast) will be:

That could be quite interesting.
Also, there's so much fanart already! Internet response time is amazing.

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SuperLink said:
RahChan said:
YAY! Starters are up!


I already posted a bunch of stuff about them Smilie

A lot of people reckon the types (for evos atleast) will be:

That could be quite interesting.
Also, there's so much fanart already! Internet response time is amazing.

Eep. I forgot to refresh my page from last night. DX


Yeah I am looking forward to seeing the evolutions!!

I'm just worried the evo's will be ugly... like empoleon. I don't know of one single person who liked empoleon.

I am an artist on DeviantART so I have a lot of incoming fanart coming my way already! XD

I like Empoleon! XD

And quite liking the new starters. ^_^ Still not as good as the Gen III starters, but still awesome. Especially liking the grass and water ones, interested in seeing the evolutions. Smilie

The water one looks like Mime Jr.

L said:
The water one looks like Mime Jr.

LMAO It DOES! I think it's kinda cute though! Although I do like some of the fan-versions more. I think it's cute.

I swear... I WILL restart my game if I don't like the evolution. I'm really picky. I go with which pokemon I like AND their effectiveness. I always have a wide range so I hope this game will offer enough options.

AND DEAR GOD HELP ME I hope I don't have to see a NOSEPASS for a while.

WORST POKEMON EVER. Bidoof even is better than NOSEPASS. It makes me sad. D;

But you know. What can you do?

RahChan said:
I swear... I WILL restart my game if I don't like the evolution. I'm really picky. I go with which pokemon I like AND their effectiveness. I always have a wide range so I hope this game will offer enough options.

May be a good idea to look them up on the net before you choose then Smilie

And although I don't like Empoleon at all, he's surprisingly popular on /v/....

Definitely most excited to see the Grass and Water evos. I hope they're better than most of the starters from Gen IV.
And I can't wait to see the Gym Leaders, I love Gym Leaders :3

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May be a good idea to look them up on the net before you choose then Smilie

And although I don't like Empoleon at all, he's surprisingly popular on /v/....

Definitely most excited to see the Grass and Water evos. I hope they're better than most of the starters from Gen IV.
And I can't wait to see the Gym Leaders, I love Gym Leaders :3

I think Flannery was my favorite gym leader thus far.

Yeah everyone on DA is saying they like the pig the most. WHY? DX Anyway... The thing I think is most exciting is the water evo. I can't wait to see it.

How much you wanna bet they screwed up the pig by making it's evolution like...really ugly. Like a big ugly boar with huge tusks and a mammoth of a unibrow or some other ugly shit like that. XD

Sort of like piplup and empoleon.

Not that I ever really liked piplup either... But oh well. XD


The protags look awesome, the new screenshots look awesome.
I'm so god damn hyped. White is now my favourite protagonist too.

I love her hair more than can be described.
It's quite sad.
But screw you.

EDIT: Also her legs are pretty much proof that these protags aren't kids.

( Edited 12.05.2010 17:51 by SuperLink )

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SuperLink said:

The protags look awesome, the new screenshots look awesome.
I'm so god damn hyped. White is now my favourite protagonist too.

I love her hair more than can be described.
It's quite sad.
But screw you.

EDIT: Also her legs are pretty much proof that these protags aren't kids.


Bout time right?

Where did you find the pic? Photobucket?


All I've been looking up is pokemon pics today. I'm so fucking excited!

It all looks so fabulous.

I love the characters IN FULL.

They both look amazing. Everything is amazing!

RahChan said:


Hell yes! Apparently the scans say they're 16, but we'll have to wait for confirmation on that.

Where did you find the pic? Photobucket?

Nope, 4Chan's /v/. It was up there even before Serebii got it!

All I've been looking up is pokemon pics today. I'm so fucking excited!
It all looks so fabulous.
I love the characters IN FULL.
They both look amazing. Everything is amazing!

Hahaha, finally someone else as crazy excited as me xD

Oh! Here's some fanart overkill! Go internet response time!!

( Edited 12.05.2010 19:09 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
RahChan said:


Hell yes! Apparently the scans say they're 16, but we'll have to wait for confirmation on that.

Where did you find the pic? Photobucket?

Nope, 4Chan's /v/. It was up there even before Serebii got it!

All I've been looking up is pokemon pics today. I'm so fucking excited!
It all looks so fabulous.
I love the characters IN FULL.
They both look amazing. Everything is amazing!

Hahaha, finally someone else as crazy excited as me xD

Oh! Here's some fanart overkill! Go internet response time!!

OMG It all looks so good!!!!

I just can't say enough!

So when do you think we'll have evo-forms to look at? Smilie

The starters look alright, and Tsutaja looks like the best one.

( Edited 12.05.2010 19:56 by Stulaw )

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NNID: Stulaw

Stulaw said:

*cough* *points halfway up the page*


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Try not to hate the Otter too much..

Poor thing Smilie
If you can't tell I'm slowly losing my sanity in excitement. Smilie

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Bobby (guest) 13.05.2010#146

I personally think they're absolutely crap but what more do i expect after nearly 500 i suppose theyll do.

No Black fan art? Smilie

The new in-game screenshots look incredible. And I'm really happy that the main characters are older. They've even made the characters and NPCs taller in game. Smilie

( Edited 12.05.2010 20:11 by wAyNe )

Bobby (guest) said:
I personally think they're absolutely crap but what more do i expect after nearly 500 i suppose theyll do.

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wAyNe said:
No Black fan art? Smilie

There was a bit, but it might have been old stuff.
If I find any new pics I'll post them.

The new in-game screenshots look incredible. And I'm really happy that the main characters are older. They've even made the characters and NPCs taller in game. Smilie

Yeah, I really don't think the people going on about how little things have changed since D/P/P have much of an argument now Smilie this is the biggest change in the series so far.

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SuperLink said:
Try not to hate the Otter too much..

lol, I still prefer it over the pig though. The pig looks like a pirate wearing black underwear and a black bandanna.

This is where the wait for the English releases starts to become very painful. Smilie

I ruined pretty much all of Diamond and Pearl before their releases so I'm gonna try real hard not to look at every little detail released. Smilie

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