Pokémon Black & White Versions Discussion [DS]

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I always end up breeding Eevees and throwing them over at the start of new games when I possibly can anyway, only time I've not done it recently is in Soul Silver! I love the Eeveelutions, I always tend to make teams out of them.

I still want an awesome Dragon Eevee, so fingers crossed we get some awesome new Eeveelutions come Gen 5.

The next issue of CoroCoro will likely be leaked sometime soon, within the next two weeks, and Pokémon Sunday will probably be revealing another new Pokémon next week, so it seems like things are going to start happening again.

I don't care, I just want battle footage and character art T_T

I think it'll be nice to play as a teenager instead of a pubescent little kid that's 11-13 years old... At least the girl has...well...boobs.

In all likelihood they'll be "10 year old that looks more like a 14 year old" again. Poképrotags have never looked 10, nor do they act it.

More fanart:

Fanart will have to keep me going until we know what the characters actually look like.

PS. I honestly think Torterra is the best looking Starter evolution since Gen 2.

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Bobby (guest) 04.05.2010#103

SuperLink said:
I still want an awesome Dragon Eevee, so fingers crossed we get some awesome new Eeveelutions come Gen 5.

The next issue of CoroCoro will likely be leaked sometime soon, within the next two weeks, and Pokémon Sunday will probably be revealing another new Pokémon next week, so it seems like things are going to start happening again.

I don't care, I just want battle footage and character art T_T

I think it'll be nice to play as a teenager instead of a pubescent little kid that's 11-13 years old... At least the girl has...well...boobs.

In all likelihood they'll be "10 year old that looks more like a 14 year old" again. Poképrotags have never looked 10, nor do they act it.

More fanart:

Fanart will have to keep me going until we know what the characters actually look like.

PS. I honestly think Torterra is the best looking Starter evolution since Gen 2.

Yeah i agree i moved him over from diamond to HG last night with wood hammer etc. he owns. Reminds me of Venasaur with the flower/tree growing on their backs its cool. Personally i want an Eevee for every type, ghost, steel etc.

Mason said:
I love the Eeveelutions, I always tend to make teams out of them.

I have to agree with you. I breed to make teams. Smilie

I still want an awesome Dragon Eevee, so fingers crossed we get some awesome new Eeveelutions come Gen 5.

Man I didn't think I'd be getting feedback on what I said. Yeah I want a dragon eevee too.

I saw a really cool fanart of a HO-OH and Lugia set of two eevees. It was pretty cool. If I can find the link again I'll have to post it.

In all likelihood they'll be "10 year old that looks more like a 14 year old" again. Poképrotags have never looked 10, nor do they act it.

PS. I honestly think Torterra is the best looking Starter evolution since Gen 2.

That's somthing that always bothered me. They never looked their age. The only qualm I have with anime art is just that.

And Torterra was DEFINITELY a cool starter.

I always had Rock Climb, Crunch, Earthquake, and Razor Leaf on my Torterra.
I had a diamond file with almost every pokemon... then it corrupted cause it was on an R4 card. DX *facepalm*

Glad to get feedback, btway. I was afraid this thread was dead. Lol.

They always have new fossilmon, right? So what would be this time? Personally, I'm looking forward to the Amoeba.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

RahChan said:
Glad to get feedback, btway. I was afraid this thread was dead. Lol.

On the contrary, this is one of the only active threads around on C3 atm Smilie
Thanks for joining, welcome, and maybe you can help make this place feel a bit more lively Smilie

PK, The Mongonator said:
They always have new fossilmon, right? So what would be this time? Personally, I'm looking forward to the Amoeba.

Haha, that would be weird, it wouldn't really be an amoeba if it was really big.
Unless... they purposefully made it really big. That could be kinda awesome I guess >>

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SuperLink said:
RahChan said:
Glad to get feedback, btway. I was afraid this thread was dead. Lol.

On the contrary, this is one of the only active threads around on C3 atm Smilie
Thanks for joining, welcome, and maybe you can help make this place feel a bit more lively Smilie

PK, The Mongonator said:
They always have new fossilmon, right? So what would be this time? Personally, I'm looking forward to the Amoeba.

Haha, that would be weird, it wouldn't really be an amoeba if it was really big.
Unless... they purposefully made it really big. That could be kinda awesome I guess >>

Maybe they'll have a fossilised humanoid this time? Animals aren't the only things becoming fossilised ;p

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

There's a new Pokewalker course available to download over wifi.

I don't want to spoil the news games for me too much but I don't mind seeing the starters.

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( Edited 09.05.2010 00:30 by Ikana )


It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

24scooter24 (guest) 09.05.2010#111

I'm so pumped for this game to come out. I just beat Soulsilver, so now I have nothing to do again...

In b4 "They look shit Pokémon is finished etc etc"
What kind of silhouettes would naysayers find amazing I wonder?

The bottom right one does look kinda ew though D: I hope the final one looks better. Other than that I think these could well end up beating Gen IV's starters.

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I think the one on the left is fire, top grass and right water. Hmmm not sure though, it's just because the one on the left looks like it's got a flame shape at the tip of it's tail. The top one looks like it's got 2 leaves on it's head and the one on the right looks like a platypus/penguin with ears.

In dex order, it's always Grass, Fire, and Water.

I'm guessing from their silhouettes that they'll be a kiwi/toucan, a bunny, and a sea lion.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

I can see why people are saying rabbit, but it looks more like a pig to me. And the one on the right looks like a beaver/otter... No clue about the one on the left. The one on the right looks like the water type to me. Kinda hard to say which is the grass and which is the fire. If the one on the left is the fire type, then it looks like a cross between Charmander and Cyndaquil. Smilie

PK Mongoose said:
I'm guessing from their silhouettes that they'll be a kiwi/toucan

If this is true I will instantly be branding Gen V the best Pokémon game of all time, without even playing it, and it would be fact.

I hope you're right about the Pokédex order thing Smilie I'm bored of 4 legged grass starters.
Still it seems like the one on the left will be a fire starter (lol), I don't get the feeling GameFreak will want to break the mould again.

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I thinl that the left one's the grass starter with it's tail having three leaves and it having a horn on it's head with its face looking to its left (our right).

The middle one is probably a pig, maybe having fire in the same vein as cyndaquil, but sprouting out of its head.

And the third one's probably a otter with a lions mane, or a platapus.

Or maybe they'll be different types this time(doubt it though)

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So wanna see some fan possibilities? Some of these are pretty awesome really.

Another brilliant one

( Edited 09.05.2010 16:31 by SuperLink )

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.... (guest) 09.05.2010#119

i am realy happySmilie

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These are pretty good mock ups, I can't tell what the fire one is though. Looks like some sort of insect.

L said:
These are pretty good mock ups, I can't tell what the fire one is though. Looks like some sort of insect.

The amount of time some people have... create a legit magazine layout, design and draw 3 monsters, and create mock up screenshots. Good god.

And the Fire type is a god damn scorpion, but he looks more badass than Skorupi. Awesome.

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( Edited 10.05.2010 16:08 by SuperLink )

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I want Fire pig, but that Grass snail looks great too, haha!

Bobby (guest) 11.05.2010#123

I want manbearpig

grass snail?

bulbaguy (guest) 12.05.2010#125

ILOVEPOKEMON!!!!!!!!!!! but any new ones are definately goin to throw trainers off...

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