Pokémon Black & White Versions Discussion [DS]

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Discuss Pokémon Black & White (Nintendo DS), news, the latest pictures and videos!

Angus said:
I also realised that Crystal came out quite close to the finish of the GameBoy Color so maybe this could be as good. I towns look great!

Yeah also like how GS were two of the last GBC games to work on the original GB. DS games with 3DS features with the third game being 3DS exclusive. Sounds kinda familiar doesn't it? Smilie Assuming it has 3DS features anyway.

Simes said:
Yeah the towns are what gave me hype out of 10 (hype/10) can't wait to hear the music and see different seasons and weather effects in this one.

The music has been a high point in every single main entry, so I have high hopes this time too!

And above everything I can't wait to see the new PokeMon.

That's where I'm going to be out of the picture Smilie After the initial announcements I'm gone! Media blackout ftw.

And Josh you're right this looks to be the much needed DS swansong. Not saying DS actually needs one with how well it's doing, but that it deserves to go out with a bang.

Yeah, especially since it looks like the other big hitters of DS this year (Okamiden and Golden Sun) may have jumped aboard the 3DS bandwagon already. It's good to hear that the DS has one final killer game up its sleeve.

Much better quality scans here, I think more info will be revealed later today/tomorrow too.

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I'm not gonna be on a blackout, I'm gonna follow this as much as I can.

Just saw those scans, I think it was seeing the PokeCentre from that perspective that sold me on this. Once again hype.

Not to sure about the speech bubble though, I always knew who in the game I was talking to, but it's a minor issue nonetheless.

searon (guest) 10.04.2010#28

its possible that they still have partner pokemon, but they are optional(on off fucntion in the option screens) or they werent included in some beta versions.(I hope)

region locking?

searon (guest) said:
its possible that they still have partner pokemon, but they are optional(on off fucntion in the option screens) or they werent included in some beta versions.(I hope)

Yeah I was hoping for this too. Fingers crossed!

region locking?

This game may only work on DS consoles from the matching region as it, same with the 3DS.

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I absolutely love those 3D perspective shots!
I loved it when Pearl and Heart Gold both occasionally went into 3D, like when you rode the maglev train, and I think it would be cool if the whole game could be played out at that angle.

I've missed way to much game news in my 3 month absence from C3...a new console and a main series pokemon game?... D;

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I just don't want to fight geodudes and zubats in caves anymore

that's all I want

Veserius said:
I just don't want to fight geodudes and zubats in caves anymore

that's all I want

Yeah that's actually one of the most universal requests. Replace Magikarp/Goldeen/Tentacool/Geodude/Zubat with a nice mix of Pokémon from all Gens, use new Pokémon instead, or just make the cave/water Pokémon a nicer mix in general.

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This actually looks good. Haven't bought a Pokemon game since Yellow version. Its about time they decided to do something with the 3D, instead of wasting it with an overhead perspective.

B (guest) 11.04.2010#34


Region locking won't work on DSphats/lites only the DSi.

Theres a few DSi "enhanced" games that have the region encoding, like that sonic megadrive collection, it's region free with normal DS' but the DSi will recognise the region it's from unfortunately.

SuperLink said:
I'm disappointed in you C3. The Sonic forum I go on (AKA a forum full of angry pessimists) has been far more positive/bustling about Gen 5 T_T

I don't know about you, I'm still caught up in Gold/Silver to look towards the future. Maybe others are in the same boat?

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

It does look very new compared to the old gens, i bet they still have the same old fucking GB cries though, come on! I wanna hear Pikachu say pika pika!! god damn u

Hmm, looks interesting. I won't be importing this time around, largely because HG is a bitch to play in good ol' Jap, and that's a story I'm actually familiar with. Smilie

Maybe the starters won't be Fire, Grass and Water this time round?

Keven said:

I don't know about you, I'm still caught up in Gold/Silver to look towards the future. Maybe others are in the same boat?

I'm kinda bored with HG/SS right now actually... and being into that is even MORE reason to be positive about Pokémon, the pessimism is disturbing.

Un1tedFan said:
It does look very new compared to the old gens, i bet they still have the same old fucking GB cries though, come on! I wanna hear Pikachu say pika pika!! god damn u

GB cries should be updated with newer sound boards, but no anime voices. Monsters do not say their own names, and introducing that kind of sometimes incredibly terrible voice acting into the games would be insulting.
In game canon, Pokémon make animal sounds, not say their own voices.

Maybe the starters won't be Fire, Grass and Water this time round?

The only other realistic type trio I can think of is Fighting, Rock, Flying.

( Edited 11.04.2010 11:19 by SuperLink )

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What about Fighting, Psychic and Dark? Also I don't think any just Flying type Pokemon exist. They should make one.

L said:
What about Fighting, Psychic and Dark?

Psychic not being able to hurt Dark at all would make it a bit of an unfair trio xD

Also I don't think any just Flying type Pokemon exist. They should make one.

They should. Also, Dragon/Fire Type please?

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SuperLink said:

Psychic not being able to hurt Dark at all would make it a bit of an unfair trio xD

Oh yeah XP, then I don't think the starters are gonna change unless they add some new types which is unlikely.

L said:

Oh yeah XP, then I don't think the starters are gonna change unless they add some new types which is unlikely.

If they do add a new type it better not fucking be Light.
Come on, so long as GameFreak still have a shred of originality left, make it more interesting. Cosmic or Digital Type?
(Just remembered that we had this discussion in the other thread too Smilie)

( Edited 11.04.2010 11:53 by SuperLink )

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L said:
Maybe the starters won't be Fire, Grass and Water this time round?

Now that would be pushing the boat out!
How about Rock/Water/Electric?

Ikana said:
Think we'll finally get diagonal movement?! Smilie

I bloody hope so! I can only imagine how frustrating it would be to have a 3D game and only be able to move in 4 directions!

I am actually getting excited about these pokemon games now, the 1st time I've really waned a pokemon game since that weird stadium game came out on Gamceube.

( Edited 11.04.2010 12:08 by Cheesing it up )

Cheesing it up said:

Now that would be pushing the boat out!
How about Rock/Water/Electric?

Rock isn't super effective against Electric, so no go.

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Could do Ground instead of Rock, though.

( Edited 11.04.2010 13:42 by Mason )

Mason said:
Could do Ground instead of Rock, though.

Then we have the same problem as Fight/Dark/Psychic, in that Electric literally cannot harm Ground types at all, making it an unfair trio ^-^;

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Fire/Grass/Ground is slightly different, then, and compensates slightly for the obscene amount of Water types there are these days.

Not that I'm too fussed about whether the trio is changed or not really anyway, I'm just playing Devil's Advocate.

Mason said:
Fire/Grass/Ground is slightly different, then, and compensates slightly for the obscene amount of Water types there are these days.

Not that I'm too fussed about whether the trio is changed or not really anyway, I'm just playing Devil's Advocate.

You're right though, there is an obscene about of Water types. However there's also a ridiculous amount of Ground Types Smilie
More Fire Types and Dark Types plz.... and I'd like them to make Grass more capable. Loads of cool looking Grass types have awful stats and movesets.

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