Pokémon Black & White Versions Discussion [DS]

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Discuss Pokémon Black & White (Nintendo DS), news, the latest pictures and videos!
pokedude (guest) 14.05.2010#176

i wont be getting it, heart gold and soul silver just came out, ane the starter pokemon for black and white look really wierd, especially the water one

pokedude (guest) said:
i wont be getting it, heart gold and soul silver just came out, ane the starter pokemon for black and white look really wierd, especially the water one

What're you talking about man, HG/SS came out ten years ago ;D
This is a real new Pokémon game.
(Also weird = awesome Smilie)

OMG GUYZ (Serebii updated)

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Zoroark's using Illusion to become Entei.
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Amazing battle look confirmed.

( Edited 14.05.2010 12:46 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Looking good. Would still like some kind of bonus 3DS extra, but overall I'm happy with how these two are shaping up. Smilie

Someone on another forum made this after I posted the screens there, it's very helpful.

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First screen = standing normally
Second screen = crouching and leaning
Third screen = Standing tall and attacking

Definitely seems like they're working harder on the animations this time.

Something else to take note of, "Entei" moves while being attacked, like he's bracing himself or something:

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( Edited 14.05.2010 14:09 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Missingno (guest) 14.05.2010#180

I was hoping there'd be more going on the background of battles like trees if you're in a forest or buidlings if you're in a town etc. and not just different colours.

Anyways, looking awesome. Smilie The animations will probably be basic but the fact that they will at least react to attacks now is great. Smilie

Here's hoping there'll be:

- Random weather: No more routes with constant rain or snow. Where's the tactical side when you know where the rains at?

- Trees that sway in the breeze rather than being permanantly frozen.

- Less people out at night and more indoors at night. Add a bit of realism to the game.

-A proper night time. Gen 4's night time was quite shit and hardly dark. I don't want to be blind but I want to feel like it's 12am dammit. Smilie

Missingno (guest) said:
I was hoping there'd be more going on the background of battles like trees if you're in a forest or buidlings if you're in a town etc. and not just different colours.

You can see buildings in the earlier screenshots, so we'll probably be seeing a variety.

Even higher quality shots. Look at my previous screenshot-fest post to see that many of them have been updated to be clearer, better res.
And here's one new one of Raikou Vs Zoroark (presumably after he's changed back, giving you a chance to catch him, from his health being about empty):

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( Edited 14.05.2010 16:32 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Looks awesome, playing through HG at the moment and have gotten rather addicted, can't wait for a truly unique Pokemon!

Guest 15.05.2010#183

Wait a minute. I have seen that guy before! Smilie

lol, been a while!

Guest 15.05.2010#185

Of all the threads I thought to see you back on, I didnt expect the pokemon one. BUt hey what do I know. I don't. You. at all!

Welcum back tho! Let's celebrate mon.

ha, cheers. A few of my friends got Pokemon recently and it gave me some mad cravings so I got it and have gotten a bit addicted, not so good during my exams but an awesome game.

Off topic: Have I missed much?

Guest 15.05.2010#187

Missed much? Ehm...it's been very dead here, everyone was ehm...awaiting your return?

No. I got a Wii though, so that's news! Smilie'

oh and Superlink has been keeping the forum alive almost singlehandedly. PBUH

( Edited 15.05.2010 01:07 by .Bart. )

SuperLink said:

Basically Black & White might be set in an entirely different country, not just another part of Japan.

Meaning as well as that region having its own regional dex as always, it would have its own National Dex due to being in a different country, and the only way to include Pokémon from the original country (Japan) would be with an International Dex.

Just something you can pick up from the screens/scans we've seen so far. It might be kinda hard to explain, but...

In this screenshot, Zoroark is closer to the middle of the screen, and his sprite looks like it's been enlarged, you can see his full backsprite. On the other hand, Zorua's sprite looks like it's been made smaller.
Now look at the screens I posted just a few posts back, the Pokémon are in slightly different positions, the sprites have been stretched or squished in different ways, etc etc, and their backsprites are partly obscured.

Basically I think the sprites are going to move around in the battle. It might even have some kind of "camera"

Good thing I decided to wait for new info; can't say I'm not excited about Pokemon actually moving when they attack! What exactly is the 'Monster wolf" thing's illusion ability? If I have it down right, it's just Ditto's ability, just temporary? And it seems like it can imitate whatever it wants [Unless the player showed it an Entei]. Wow this guy sounds cheap already.

And starters.. Let's just say they don't feel unigue anymore = How can they give all of them the exact same ability?

( Edited 15.05.2010 01:24 by blinx-182 )

Man, we should get that shiny dog event...sometime soon maybe...

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

'Sup Joe~

.Bart. said:
oh and Superlink has been keeping the forum alive almost singlehandedly. PBUH

Aw shucks. :3

blinx-182 said:
What exactly is the 'Monster wolf" thing's illusion ability? If I have it down right, it's just Ditto's ability, just temporary? And it seems like it can imitate whatever it wants [Unless the player showed it an Entei]. Wow this guy sounds cheap already.

I'm not completely sure, but it might be that Zoroark changes into some strong Pokémon at times, but he keeps all of his moves and his type. The catch method sounds very weird indeed.

And starters.. Let's just say they don't feel unigue anymore = How can they give all of them the exact same ability?

To be fair, starters are the only Pokémon with these abilities. In Black and White, unless you can get the other starters (which I doubt), you won't be able to use these abilities any other way.
Also the abilities are quite good, consider it a nice handicap from GameFreak giving you something like that at the beginning of the game ;P

Man, we should get that shiny dog event...sometime soon maybe...

It's not even happened in Japan yet, it won't be happening in the west for a whiiile~

( Edited 15.05.2010 11:30 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It will be interesting to see how the controls move when you got to different angles in the game, like going around that circular city. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Guys. Drop everything you're doing and fucking behold.

My mind is officially blown. That animation is fucking amazing. Anyone with doubts on the battle system's visuals, I hope you've been satisfied, because if this doesn't satisfy you, WHAT.

(And go to heaven)

If you couldn't tell I'm pretty damn hyper about this. Can you blame me?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
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Fucking awesome! Much much better!

But, Why does the third pokemon starter (far right) look like he has a cock and balls drawn on his stomach?

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What has been seen....

Echoes221 said:
But, Why does the third pokemon starter (far right) look like he has a cock and balls drawn on his stomach?

I dont see it. Smilie

Echoes221 said:
But, Why does the third pokemon starter (far right) look like he has a cock and balls drawn on his stomach?

/v/'s been saying that since the moment it was revealed. I just ignore it, poor Wotter. Smilie

By the way, I'm totally not overreacting about this, you guys just aren't excited enough.
PS. I got the amazing hair as my avatar before anyone else could.

PPS. They've been fan-named.

GrassSnake = Smugleaf
FirePig = Pignite (Or sometimes Piglit, Pignite and Pignition for the evo chain)
WaterOtter = Wotter

( Edited 16.05.2010 01:35 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Battle animations look sick.

Echoes221 said:
But, Why does the third pokemon starter (far right) look like he has a cock and balls drawn on his stomach?

Shit, now I see it. XD

Nice, but a damaged animation and/or a fainting animation would also be nice. Hopefully they won't be moving around while they're asleep, at least.

And even I could come up with better fan names than that.

Other than that, makes me filled with glee.

( Edited 16.05.2010 03:29 by PK Mongoose )

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Holy shit do I feel sorry for Game Freak right now, those animations must take a hell of a lot of Sprite work to pull off, especially given that there'll be more than 500 critters this time around. Smilie

( Edited 16.05.2010 09:42 by Phoenixus )

PK Mongoose said:
Nice, but a damaged animation and/or a fainting animation would also be nice. Hopefully they won't be moving around while they're asleep, at least.

Agree with ya there. Smilie If they're gonna go full on with the animations then don't stop half way and ignore half the actions in the game.

Other than that, the game is looking amazing. Smilie The people walking in the street move a little too fast but that's still a big improvement. Smilie

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