Final Fantasy

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I've had this issue sometimes too. It happens while I'm in the center of the screen occasionally on long green notes & flickss sometimes. I'll clean it & see if that helps....of course it's kinda rough in that area os I might've damaged the screen in one of my rare (ok RARER) rage quit sessions.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:11 by Guest )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Thought I'd post my unofficial list of upcoming Europe DLC for Theatrhythm. I've worked out the past few weeks based on the JP list already and have had them correct before SE announced them, so hopefully this stays true for the following weeks. Seems like SE has stopped revealing EU DLC lists until they arrive at the moment, so can't make any news stories until we get the info from them, or they come out on the shop - whichever comes first.

So while this list should be accurate, SE could do their own thing and mess it up completely by throwing in the Type-0 or Versus tunes.

Starting with my guess for tomorrow, then each week after:

FF3 - into the crystal cave
FF12 - royal city of Rabanastre
FF10 - Challenge
FF11 - ragnarok

FF3 - the crystal tower
FF8 - the castle
FF3 - the last battle
FF9 - battle 2

FF10 - otherworld
FF11 - the sanctuary of zi'tah
FF5 - the decisive battle
FF8 - force your way

FF10 - a contest of aeons
FF9 - sleepless city Treno
FF8 - the extreme
FF9 - the final battle

FF12 - the battle for freedom
FF11 - Gustaberg
FF10 - the decisive battle
FF12 - boss battle

FF13 - desperate struggle
FF11 - sarutabaruta

We're left with two on their own for the final week, assuming it all stays the same throughout. This is due to us not getting the Type-0 and Versus songs. So, either SE throw them in randomly and mess up my estimated schedule, or they'll both come at the very end. I'm wondering if they may be holding them off until an official Europe announcement of both games comes at the end of this month. Purely speculative.

Hope this helps fellow Europeans interested in the DLC. And if SE do change things up, I'll see what the new pattern will be and edit.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:11 by Guest )

Still waiting for more songs from 6, 8 & 9...those've got the BEST overall soundtrack hands down. Boss music from FF7 will probably be the ONLY FF7 song I download unless they offer, Nibelheim, SOME Crisis Core music or Tifa's theme. More FFVS13 love would be great too though!! XD

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:11 by Guest )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
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Lightning Returns -Final Fantasy XIII-

For PS3 and 360 in 2013.

No trailer for public; only behind closed doors.

- Lightning only
- Hundreds of years after XIII-2
- New world called Novus Partus; 4 islands joined by monorail
- Expansive, free-roaming world
- Game world connects to real world through Facebook in some fashion
- Art direction is "gothic, mechanical and fantasy."
- The world will end in 13 days - Majora's Mask style countdown
- Certain areas, missions only open during certain times
- All actions affect the speed of the clock
- Heavily modified XIII battle system with real time action; full movement of Lightning and blocking
- Customise Lightning's costume and weapons
- Final part of Lightning's Saga
- Entered full production in August

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On a personal level, this is a combination of some of my favourite things in games - Lightning, Majora's Mask style countdown, gothic/mechanical/fantasy art style. And with a more action real time format and much more expansive involving world, this is wonderful for me.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:11 by Guest )

That sounds like all kinds of awesome. I would have been more than happy with a FFXIII-3 as well but these tidbits sound very promising. I'm really curious how they're going to handle the countdown though. I think it worked so well in Majora's Mask because you had the ability to rewind time, not losing any major progress because you keep major items/masks and because it had cleverly placed checkpoints in the game like the owl statues or songs to enter dungeons right away. If it produces permanent missables then I'm not sure how I'll feel about it. That's one thing I really don't like in any game.

I loved the battle system of the previous two games but a more real-time approach makes for a nice change and would make more sense if you only control Lightning. If the next-to-last screen is any indication of how the whole game will look, I'll be in love with the graphical style.

Considering that I'm almost certainly going to buy it, I'll probably try to avoid most additional information like I did for FFXIII-2, except for one trailer to see the battle system.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:11 by Guest )

Famitsu provided a brief summary of the event continuation, which included a trailer and a gameplay demo.

The trailer touched on Novus Partus and the time progression system. The sequence 00/02:54:23 was shown in particular. A second scene showed off Lightning sporting a new outfit, chasing a criminal accused of murder. Lightning can make use of cover mechanics, including crouching, sneaking and hiding by walls - think Metal Gear Solid.

The demo segment was shown running on a PlayStation 3. It was based off an alpha build, which could explain why Square Enix didn't feel it appropriate to show to the rest of the world. As such, textures and voice acting was still in a placeholder state.

In battle, Lightning's weapon, shield, costume and abilities can be altered. Customizations can be switched and stored to be interchanged before battle, with commands mapped to separate face buttons. Similar to FFX-2 there seems to be some sort of transformation sequence for each change, and include names such as Blast Witch and Holy Liberator.

The battle system in Lightning Returns is a modified ATB system with a gauge that fills up over time. In addition to assigning moves to the face buttons, you'll also be able to input various normal actions such as evasion.

Much as in XIII, the enemies in the game have some sort of Break system attached to them. The earliest stage of Break for the larger enemies is called Knockdown and allows Lightning to steal once its down. The final Break stage is called Overclock - not to dissimilar from the original FFXIII E3 2006 trailer - it allows her to freeze time. In the demo, Lightning used Overclock to freeze a behemoth in min-launch and then strike it repeatedly.

It doesn't seem like we'll have to wait long until the next update. Famitsu promises an exclusive interview with the developers in its September 6th issue, which typically leaks on Tuesdays.

Credits to NovaCrystallis.

The time freeze is something that was in the first gameplay trailer for XIII many years ago. Sounds like they are finally realising their original ideas. Anyone that's played X-2 will know it has quite probably the best ATB system in the series coupled with costume/job changing. This is definitely a good thing. While I enjoyed the battle system in XIII/-2, a third time would have been too much - tedious. Now it's something quite different, which we can learn from scratch, keeping it fresh.

I love Metal Gear, too, so all this is sounding great. Just really wish they could show a trailer.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:11 by Guest )

Oh good GOD 13 NEEDS TO BE DONE WITH NOW!! Lightning isn't even that deep or INTERESTING of a character anyway. It's like Square is trying to create another poster boy (err GIRL) character like Cloud....the only problem is they're pushing a poorly developed character into our faces. Overly tough sudo emo personalities get old REAL FAST, Squall, Terra & Zidane all have more depth & growth than Cloud or Lighting has had thus far....I really hope Mist Walker continues Last Story as a series so I can experience GOOD JRPGs that Square USED TO produce.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:11 by Guest )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422


Dunno but I get the feeling I'll enjoy this XIII the most.

Gothic mechanical scenery sounds cool.

~Also, reading lightning hate is lulz. Smilie

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:12 by Guest )

It's common sence & quality of taste more than simple non sensical hate. If you like sudo Gothic & Mechanical design then play Final Fantasy VI...a FAR better FF & the BEST in the series thus far. FF Versus 13 looks really good though.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:12 by Guest )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
If you like sudo Gothic & Mechanical design then play Final Fantasy VI...a FAR better FF & the BEST in the series thus far.

Oh right. Played Lightning Returns, have ya?

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:12 by Guest )

If FF13 & 13-2 are any indication then failure is to be expected....was anyone REALLY TRUELY impressed with FF10-2? Now FFVersus 13 looks promising....but Reg13 just needs to die & will never be the "new 7" & FF7 will NEVER be a Final Fantasy 6.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:12 by Guest )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
If FF13 & 13-2 are any indication then failure is to be expected....was anyone REALLY TRUELY impressed with FF10-2? Now FFVersus 13 looks promising....but Reg13 just needs to die & will never be the "new 7" & FF7 will NEVER be a Final Fantasy 6.

If you mean FF13-2 in your second sentence, yes I was truly impressed by FF13-2. Believe it or not, there are actually more people out there that enjoyed or even *gasp* loved both FF13 and FF13-2 than you think. As with all things, it's always the vocal minority that makes their opinions heard on the internet saying it's the downfall of the series, killed the series and whatever other insults they manage to come up with.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:12 by Guest )

Because we were the ones playing video games back when it WAS a minority. More doesn't always equal right or the stronger, more reasonable view. 13's lack of freedom of exploration & 13-2' fake exploration with "dimentions" (lazy ways to reuse fhe same models & areas but offer different quests on occasion) doesn't cut it....not to mention the melodramatic voice acting, ridiculous character design & COMPLETELY OUT OF PLACE QTE SYSTEM THAT WAS HORRIBLY ABUSED!! Unless it's a limit break do NOT ask me to press buttons like an idiot to continue finishing blow or start up a set piece WITHIN a pre existing fight no matter how you try to justify it with story. The new character looks like a rejected design of Kain from FF4 & the main male protagonist is as "forgettably anime" as you can I REALLY need to drill some sense into you guys AGAIN?

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:12 by Guest )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Yes, please enlighten me. Teach me how my opinions about both games were wrong all along and how far I strayed from the right, more reasonable view.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:12 by Guest )

Lightning Returns looks good, and the worlds look cool. I've never been a big fan of Lightning as a character, but FF has never been particularly strong with characters or plot. Many are memorable, and I'm sure Lightning is memorable to many.

I didn't think FFXIII was a good game. However I would gladly call FFXIII-2 a good game if all this content which should have been in the game to begin with wasn't paid dlc and not even at a good price.
It really turned me off the game in general, I think the only way I'd be happy to pay for all that dlc is if I had bought the game for £6. I still wouldn't have been happy to pay for the dlc, I would have tolerated it more.
Now I'm just talking with my wallet and refusing to buy more of the dlc, and as a result I feel like I'm missing out on content that I shouldn't have to pay for, and thus I don't really feel like playing the game anymore.

Such a shame Square had to ruin a genuinely great game for many people by being moneygrabbing douchebags.

If they pull the same move with Lightning Returns (or heck any future Square games) I'll find it very very hard to enjoy.

EDIT: Oh and XIII-2's VA wasn't bad, but I'll admit the outfits were, I hated Serah's (and I hated having to get dlc to change it, go figure)
Also agreed on Noel, he comes across as a bit of a creep to me actually and he's definitely very generic (still at least he's not emo)

I liked the QTEs in XIII-2 though, they're some of the better QTEs I've played in recent gaming.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:12 by Guest )

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Vorash Kadan said:
It's common sence & quality of taste more than simple non sensical hate. If you like sudo Gothic & Mechanical design then play Final Fantasy VI...a FAR better FF & the BEST in the series thus far. FF Versus 13 looks really good though.

Oh please. Everyone knows Theatrhythm is the best in the series so far.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:12 by Guest )

I would SirLink, but your wall of sarcastic defence is impregnable...once you learn to grow up & put bias favoritism aside (& no this doesn't apply to me in this regard) I'll gladly explain all the ways 13 could've been a master piece. And yeah I didn't mean ALL the voice acting was bad SuperLink, just some of the new characters & Lightning's usual brooding self though I did like the new blonde guy....his name escapes me at the moment but he's the more muscular of the new heroes, he was a decent character.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:12 by Guest )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I agree on much of your opinion of the XIII games, Vorash. Could have been plenty better in different areas, and I despised some of the things they did with XIII-2 -- obvious trolling Lightning as the main character, paid DLC story content, etc. I have plenty to say about why I did like them, but those that want to know already know.

The problem I had with your post was just this, that's all:

If you like sudo Gothic & Mechanical design then play Final Fantasy VI...a FAR better FF & the BEST in the series thus far.

I know it's still the XIII series, but even you should know you can't judge a game that we haven't even seen footage of, let alone been released.

Ironically, you say Versus is looking good, but the last footage of that was years ago and the current format of it could be vastly different. I get that LR:FFXIII is the XIII series, so you're gonna hate it whatever the case, but to say VI is automatically gonna be better is silly. VI might not top any other game again for you, but there's no point just forcing it onto someone who is looking forward to a particular type of game. It's like me saying there's no point in looking forward to New Super Mario Bros U -- they might as well go play Super Mario World. Or what's the point of new Zeldas because Ocarina of Time is the best? It just doesn't happen.

I get the hate with Square, though. God, they are frustrating. After FFVII released, within four years we had had VIII, IX and X, plus other RPGs in between (Vagrant Story etc). In the same time frame after XIII we'll have had three XIII games and a failed and revamped online XIV. Fans have had Lightning and co shoved down their throats for a long time, and it's incredibly frustrating for them. I can't blame them. If they didn't like XIII then you would have expected them to look forward to the next one. But they haven't been able to.

I'm okay with it, but I get it. XIII could have ended at XIII-1. But I did think there was a lot that could be done in another game. It's my belief, though, that Toriyama may have been asked to force a third game (which thankfully is sounding like a potentially great game, different from XIII/-2) for two reasons: 1. Because Square now want to get into the habit of releasing new entries into FF almost every year, and 2. Because they knew Versus was not going to make 2013. I feel like a third game proves even more that these games are acting as filler for the wait to Versus. The only problem is that it's frustrating for those FF fans that aren't fans of XIII and want to experience new stories every couple of years like the old days.

Further frustrated by the fact Type-0 still hasn't been localised and FFX HD still hasn't been shown. It doesn't take this long to do an HD remaster. For the wait they're giving us, I am expecting far more than a lick of paint.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:12 by Guest )

@Azuardo: The part about the sequels of XIII made me wonder something. We all know that Square-Enix put a lot of time and money in the Crystal Tools engine, so obviously they wanted to make it worth the effort and release multiple games using it.

The part I'm wondering about is if it would have been feasible for them to make say FFXV using the same engine, but making it feel different enough with a different battle system etc. all without spending much more resources on it to make much of the previous work go to waste. I don't know enough about engines to make any good guesses, though it definitely felt like XIII-2 was more about making up for the insane development costs of the engine and XIII than expanding on the universe of Lightning and co. I still loved it anyway but it's something that would really be interesting to know.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:12 by Guest )

They're using it for Versus XIII and used it for XIV Online and Dragon Quest X, so they absolutely could have used it for another FF, say a potential XV. XIII sold well enough to warrant a sequel, but Toriyama loves his XIII so much, too, so it could be a number of factors why they made XIII-2, including trying to make profit.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:12 by Guest )

Hm, when looking at the sales of XIII they probably thought that making a sequel would bring more potential sales than a completely new game. Of course, they'd also profit from being able to re-use certain things. It's definitely a shame that we won't get two new mainline FF's this gen, again one down from only two last gen and three for every gen before that(not counting XI and XIV obviously).

It's nothing abnormal though, particularly this gen this sort of thing is happening a lot with rising development costs and times. Wouldn't surprise me if we end up seeing only FFXV next gen and nothing beyond that.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:12 by Guest )

Well yes to be fair you're right about me jumping the gun in regards of compairing FF13-3 to FF6. You are right it's not even out yet so I appologise for what I said.

Instead I guess I should've put it as "If you like Sudo Gothic style games taking place in a Mechanically themed world then you should play Final Fantasy VI AS WELL". Sorry fi how I put that before but defiantly play that gem if you people haven't yet.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:13 by Guest )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422


( Edited 13.07.2017 19:13 by Guest )

New to the thread so I'll start with my top FF games.

1. Final Fantasy Tactics
2. Final Fantasy VI
3. Final Fantasy VII
4. Final Fantasy IX
5. Final Fantasy IV

And with that said, I am not too happy with how the FF series is going as of late. Ever since X it seems things have gone down hill for me with this series. Although I did enjoy XII a bit. I like the world. And now all they do is sequels. Ugh... i am so tired of Lightning.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:13 by Guest )

All hail the Chain Chomp at GS FORUMS!

I guess since the last posts in here we've had a few FF games. LRFF13, FF14, FFX/X-2 HD, two Theatrhythms.

Anyone played much FF lately or looking forward to anything?

Will likely get Type-0 when it comes out, but really not keen on the pricing for what was once a portable game.

( Edited 13.07.2017 19:13 by Guest )

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