Just from my tough decision on calling VII my fave for personal reasons, you've overreacted big time there. I respect your opinion, Vorash, but there wasn't any need at all for it. You're making an argument for no reason. It seems to me that just because you don't like FFVII, you have to go nuts at everyone who has the opposite opinion. I'm not sure why you feel the need to list reasons for you disliking the game every time someone says they like VII. We get it: you don't like it. Bear in mind that I have this horrible time choosing my fave FF, and it's pretty crazy how you flip out at me ranking VII just a pipsqueak of a mark higher than the rest. It's not even as if I'm out and out shouting at the top of my lungs that VII is the best game ever and way better than any other FF. Just because I picked VII, you flipped. If I picked VIII, would I have had the same response? No way.
Well THAT'S the problem with most fans of 7, it was their first FF experience & therefore they've got a biased favor of it.
How is that a problem? This is the case for many gamers. Their first experiences with any series often ends up with it being their fave. But of course it goes both ways. This is obvious. More to the point: who cares? Let people like what they wanna like.
It's reasons like that is why veteran FF players HATE 7 & cannot take it's fanbase seriously...
Ignoring the bollocks of 'veteran gamers,' that's pretty sad if people actually end up disliking a game because of the die hard fans it produces. Every game/series has fanboys, but you're only thinking about the ones you want to hear, and ignoring those that have played other FFs and respect others' opinions. You're speaking to one right now, yet you seem to stereotype and generalise regardless.
Here are just a FEW problems with 7 that cause it to fall from being #1 with ANY respectable gamer.
No. Those are
your reasons. No one elses. If people happen to agree with you, they can. I don't agree, so am I now not a 'respectable gamer?' :[
Look, I like some of your points you make on VII. Hojo and Zack in particular - two excellent characters and personalities. Not so much on the Wall Market side of things - that adult humour meant VII never made out it was taking itself seriously. FFV in particular had the kind of silly humour VII did. Was a personal highlight for me, but hey, I love adult humour.
But really, Vorash, you're going nuts over nothing here. I'm not one of those nutty stereotypical VII fanboys you're thinking of, even if I am a fanboy of the game itself, yet you still can't seem to respect my opinion. And yet, I respect yours.