Final Fantasy

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I can't believe how soon FFXIV is coming out, September 30th on the PC, anyone thinking of getting that version

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If it's online, PC version will be better Smilie

However I am getting Halo: Reach earlier that month Smilie
It's a good thing I have a job or I'd never afford them both plus the New Xbox and Kinect O.o

Seriously, don't mess with the Monkeys...

I'm actually considering the PC version, but I'm just thinking about whether I'd get to play it alot since my Uni term starts the week after, and yes it is online.

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NNID: Stulaw

kunekune said:
I love Final Fantasy games, but for some reason I can't finish them.

Part of me says it's because the final stretch of bosses are tough, but in reality it might just be the fact that I don't want to end the game (and therefore make the feeling of happiness last forever).

Haha, I know this feeling. Back when I was a kid I used to feel really sad after beating an FF game because it was over. Hours and hours of getting to know these awesome characters in an awesome fantasy world, and once you'd beaten it, that was it.

It's one of the reasons I'm happy Square turned FF7 into a franchise of its own, so I could play new games with my fave characters in.

I doubt I'll pick up FFXIV unless it ends up firstly getting good reviews, and secondly getting a price drop on PS3. I'm not a PC gamer, but if it's good and eventually has a good price on PS3, I might pick it up. I'm not into MMOs unfortunately.

( Edited 18.08.2010 07:50 by Azuardo )

I know exactly how you feel when I was younger I would never finish the games!
When you typed you meant to type "I doubt I'll pick up FFXIV" right?

( Edited 18.08.2010 00:16 by partyslug )

Ultima said:
You can play FFVII on the PS2, I don't know how the PS3 works, it may use an emulator like the 360.
Can I play FFVII on the later versions of the PS2, like the PS2 slim? I remember being told I couldn't for some reason.

Looking for something funny or compelling to put here.

partyslug said:
I know exactly how you feel when I was younger I would never finish the games!
When you typed you meant to type "I doubt I'll pick up FFXIV" right?

Yeah, I meant FFXIV Smilie

Cereal Killer said:
Ultima said:
You can play FFVII on the PS2, I don't know how the PS3 works, it may use an emulator like the 360.
Can I play FFVII on the later versions of the PS2, like the PS2 slim? I remember being told I couldn't for some reason.

Yes. Like I said before, you can play PS1 games on any model of PS3. It's PS2 games that you cannot play on later models.

O.K. I am going to give this a shot. I don't know if I'll bother to rank the games or anything, but here goes.

I loved this game, still do. It was perhaps the first game I played to deliver a somewhat compelling story. It also had a interesting and diverse cast of playable characters.
Now, that I'm older, though, I realize the story is actually somewhat cheesy, particuallary in regards to certain plot twists that are too ham-fistedly Star Wars-esque.
I must say I liked the music in this game, especially the four fiends track. I guess I'd say this is my second favorite game in the series.

I loved the job change system and the challenge level of this game. Also it had a great soundtrack. Now the story is a little weak compared to FIV's, but I think thats a side effect of the job change system which makes the playable characters somewhat interechangable.

FFVI: My favorite game in the series. It had a really broad range of unique and creative character classes.

I mean it even featured a monk whos moves you performed by inputting street fighter-esque controller motions. How cool was that?
The story was also pretty good, without any of the cheese from IV.

This game is awesome.


Well, like a lot of your old school final fantasy fans, I don't like this one as much as VI. The characters feel a bit too bland and interchangable in battle, but as far the storyline is concerned, they are alright. Also, I find Sepithroth to be a really interesting villian with a damn cool theme song.

FVIII: I kinda hated a lot of what this game tried to do. The draw system was sort of lame and the some of the plot twists bordered on preposterous. But in hindsight I think the game is better than I gave it credit for. Finding rare components for weapons and unlocking summons was kind of fun too.

FIX: This game almost feels like an apology for FFVIII. Back to a 4 character party. Midevil-esque setting. I enjoyed it.

Now I'm getting a bit worn out so I'm going to be more brief now..

FFX: I think it has the best story of the whole series, even though it started the whole belt and zippers fetish thing.

FFXI: This game sucked about 200 days from my life lol. I am actually permamently burned out on MMOs now; I just can't get into them anymore.

FFXII: ZOMG no story. But I still liked the mmo-like battle system.

FXIII: pretty pretty graphics. Sazh looks like the pools closed guy lol. The story and characters start off interesting, but the ball gets dropped half way through the story. Great battle system; this is probably the hardest game battlewise, even though it doesn't feel that way due to the fact you pick up exactly from where you were if your party gets wiped out.

Well there's my 2 cents. Hopefully no one was crushed underneath my text lol.

I know I said I was done with MMOs, but my brother wants to play FFXIV it with me so I might get it...and either hang out with my old linkshell who is getting into the game, or with someone I used to play ffxi with a lot, I'm not sure.

Even I'm getting FFXIV! *dramatic gasp*
Kinda found out about it from being bored and looking around the net for crap stuff to do. Seemed interesting enough to me. Never been a big fan of the FF series. I have VII, XII and err... some other, but never bothered much. Always trying to get others to play them for me so it wont feel like waste of moneeeh. D:

Can someone tell me when final fantasy 14 is coming out and for what console?Smilie

partyslug said:
Can someone tell me when final fantasy 14 is coming out and for what console?Smilie

September 30th 2010 on PC worldwide, and March 2011 for PS3.

Well, i grew up to be a FFVII fan, as the first RPG i could fully understand ( in the aspect of language, i was too young to cope with english before 1995 actually ). The time the year 1997 ended, i had completed FFVII propably around 3 times already and i could never really get over the game, i enjoyed it more and more on every playthrough.

Some years later, i decided to dig deepper into FF series, and found myself playing FFIV, FFV and FFVI, which i also liked alot. By that time, i had naturally played through FFVIII also, which i later loathed for its simply stupid idea.

Nowadays i love and hate FF series, i love the older FFs, IX being the last one i ever devoted my time to fully play through the game multiple times. I think nowadays, FFs are only a series of stupid graphic show games, with no magic to them, XIII, X and X-2 being a good example of how you can *bleep* up a game title, and turn it into an abomination.

My personal favourites are ( in order top-bottom ):


onnenonkija, I know we all have our own opinions, but I'm curious - what didn't you like about VIII and X?

The junction system was unique and original.
The game had more than 3 characters you could like.
The GFs in VIII have more detail, summon sequences, moves. Odin and Ifrit, for the win.
FFVIII had more interactivity than VII, take Limit Breaks for example; button combinations, spamming buttions, button timing, etc.
And lastly, Shuffle or Boogey -

I like both games, but if I had to pick, I'd rather play VIII a second time.

( Edited 20.08.2010 00:24 by Ultima )

Despite me loving VIII to bits, I can see why some don't like it. The battles normally end up with you spamming GFs as the 'attacks' for all the characters are sooooo weak. Until you get Lionheart and the rest of the best weapons, using attack just adds a lot of time to the battles. Limit breaks are cool though. Smilie

Regarding weapons, each character only having about 5 or 6 weapons made for a limited experience. The other games have lots of different weapons you can use.

I liked the draw command but some people (for some reason) thought it took too long to draw a lot, though that's mainly because some thought it was required to draw 99 of each magic.

Junctioning magic also confused a lot of people even though I think it's such a simple feature and easy to get used to.

I'd say that FF8 is the best 'starter' Final Fantasy (to those new to RPGs) as it doesn't throw too much at you compared to some of the other games, and I'd say it's easier than 7 and 9.

Also, Triple Triad >>>>> Tetra Master. Smilie

( Edited 20.08.2010 00:40 by Ifrit XXII )

I see most of you have played FFTA(I'm assuming final fantasy tactics advance?), but has anyone else here played final fantasy tactics for PS1???? Possibly one of my favorite games by squaresoft.

It'd be nice if XV returned to a classic feel, perhaps with a new gameplay style. Playing FFIX I was reminded of why I even loved FF in the first place. FFIX is like a defining game for the series imo, games like that are the starting point, so it would be nice to see it return there once in a while.

Classes, large characters casts, medieval setting, item/weapon shops, inns, strange races. Yeah.

YES! FFIX was an amazing game. The love i have for that game rivals my love for FF7, FF8, and even FF2. I do hope the next final fantasy release after FFXIV will be the classic turn based awesomeness that was FF.

Also, i too would like to see a FF with the looks of FF6 and FF7. That was one of the reasons why i liked FF7 in the first place.

Dissidia: Final Fantasy Sequel Announced!


Currently planned for a 2011 release (most likely Japan first), the game's title is Dissidia Duodecim: Final Fantasy and will include new characters. Only two confirmed so far though - those being Lightning from FFXIII and Kain Highwind from FFIV.

For me, I'm extremely happy about this news. We knew it would be happening anyway, but to hear an official announcement bringing it to reality is great. I played about 50 hours on the JP version, then about 100 on the US one, and I still never fully mastered the hardest levels of the game. But I absolutely loved it and occassionally have a random quick battle now and then.

Cannot wait to play as Lightning Smilie

( Edited 08.09.2010 11:50 by Azuardo )

Huh. Wow.

So I wonder if each game will have secondary characters? I'm kinda annoyed they chose Kain instead of say, Rydia, but I'm also not very surprised.

I hope this game has Vaan and Balthier.
I hope this game has Luneth
I hope that IF Lenna or Faris appear, they're not blonde.

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The hardest levels in the fist game were solid, took me like 20 minutes to beat Chaos.

I would have preferred if they had announced the Dissidia sequel on a console that has a proper online system. This announcement is great non the less.

Surely an FFXII hero is a given. I originally thought maybe one extra hero per game, but whether they'd give us that many characters is another matter.

My excitement for gaming has picked up a lot over the last year or so, and looks like 2011 will be another good year Smilie

Still got DKC4, Sonic Colours, Goldeneye, Zelda all to come. Now Dissidia 2 for next year. Gets better and better.

Image for

This makes me think the art for the other characters won't be changed.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Would be nice to see some new art tbh.

A PS3 sequel could have been epic but I'm very content with the PSP. It's easily accessible for starters, and the graphics of the system are very good anyway. But can't deny an HD PS3 graphical version would be amazing.

Maybe if it was on a proper console or 3DS, the stages would look less bland, and the character animation wouldn't look so tacky and soulless.

Infact, number 1 thing on wishlist, make the story and cutscenes actually enjoyable. I expected SSBB levels of fangasm, instead I crawled through near pointless melodramatic sob-fests.

I very rarely feel like skipping cutscenes I've never seen before. Dissidia made me incredibly tempted though.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

For sure, the story needs work this time around, and you're right that the levels looked shit.

From what I'm reading elsewhere though, it seems Square pushed the UMD to its max with the last game, so it makes you wonder if certain characters will get dropped in order to allow for others.

Some speculate Duodecim is a prequel; the 012 meaning the 12th war (Dissidia being the 13th). But who knows at this point?

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