i miss the johto region...... does anyone else miss it? cuz if im not the only one then i'll stop crying myself to sleep every night......
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i miss the johto region...... does anyone else miss it? cuz if im not the only one then i'll stop crying myself to sleep every night......
yup! Especially the Puzzles!
i like jhoto just cuz the pokemon they were so cooland the puzzles too cant forget those
yeah, i like how they brought in some of the stuff they had in the johto region into diamond and pearl
cuz they are cloning, and they ask for an impossible offer so no one can take their deposited pokemon while they're cloning
two things
1. how do they clone
2. i have a mew level 2 but i cant trade it why not
sorry it's because it wouldn't go through the first time so i did it again and cameout twice ....... it's probably because i'm using my wii
thats proboly it
1.You cant trade your mew to anyone cuze they are proboly cloning thier pokemon cuze its happen to me.
2.I have no clue how to clone
can someone answer my questions that i wrote earlier?
sorry it did it again
Mod Edit: Please do not double post. Instead, edit it.
( Edited on 04.08.2007 12:21 by Jacob4000 )
ummm theres a certain ribbon and it lets you not trade them so ya my palkia has the same problem
( Edited on 04.08.2007 06:09 by digimaniac )
i migrated my mew
how do use mystery gift on wifi?
Mod Edit: Again, no double posting.
( Edited on 04.08.2007 12:22 by Jacob4000 )
digimaniac said:If you ask me, anyone who has an Arceus or Shaymin already is a n00b.
hey im no noob i have arceus drapion arcanine darkrai giratina and more so HA
Also, it's pretty unlikely for there to be so many legit Darkrai's already.
& Benco City sounds like the hugest pile of BS I've ever heard of. It doesn't exist, full stop.
EDIT: OMG, it doesn't even have a Bulbapedia or Pok
digikid12 said:
ive seen and have every pokemon in d/p
ipodfreak93gh said:
two things 1. how do they clone
And people want level 9 and under Mews because they're easy to train to their BEST STATS.
( Edited on 04.08.2007 16:22 by pso12lover )
yeah, but i cant get any trades cuz everyone wants mews!!!
Why did there have to be a cloning cheat in this game
its not a cheat, its a glitch