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VGA you cah use on some LCD TV's and all computer monitors here's a list of cable from worse to best

RCA (just like your TV aerial)
Composite (Standard Red, Yellow and White)
RGB SCART (21 Pin connector)
S-Video (the best SD cable available)
Component (5 pin YcPbBr)
VGA (For PC monitors, carries picture only)
DVI (See Above)
HDMI (Full HD output)

Drop Dead Thread

Okay it's safe to double post. For those looking forward to Halo Reach here you go chums

et voila enjoy

Where the fuck is Perfect Dark? I'm absolutely jonesin' for that game.

Image for

1080p, 60fps.

It's on N64, but seriously is this download only because I don't want XBL?

You only need a silver account to be able to buy it...

I'm trying to cancel my sister's automatic renewal to Gold. According to Microsoft, you have to click the "ON" part in the accounts > membership level section of Xbox.Com.

However, it won't highlight "ON" and so won't let me cancel it.

Does anyone know why this bitch of a system won't let me change it to OFF? Her subscription doesn't renew till June.


You go into your Gamertag profile on and turn off automatic renewal. Worked fine for me. Maybe your browser's cookies are fucking you over? Clear your cookies and check again.

Simez said:
It's on N64, but seriously is this download only because I don't want XBL?

You only need Silver. You don't have to pay to then be allowed to pay for PD, haha. I only have Silver, now. Also some further amazing news for PD XBLA - it's only going to be 800 MS points! Everyone thought for sure it'd be 1200 MS points, like the other big XBL games (including the other N64 ones).

It's out tomorrow for 800 MS Points (a fucking steal), who else is getting it? I'm going to have such a huge boner going around checking out the little visual upgrades and getting the Achievements and so-on. I say this a lot (especially with N64 stuff), but I really did ride this game hard like a cowboy for a couple of years, got all the cheats and stuff.

I genuinely think this is one game where I may actually be able to get high up on the leaderboards. I know tons of little glitches (will be checking them all tomorrow to see if they're still there), know all the levels back to front, etc etc. I wonder if the door glitch remains? You could complete the first level (on Agent) in around two seconds with it. Ha.

HERE is a good Eurogamer text-review for the re-release (not the original). In short, they say it's amazing value for money (huge amounts of content in the original PD, even without the extras this is getting), and give it a nice high score.

Tomorrow morning can't come fast enough. Feels like Christmas! SmilieSmilie

800 space currency is cheap. Only way I can get internet on my 360 is wireless, and the way to get that ain't cheap :sadface:

Have you tried to share the connection from your PC?

Yeah if you've got a wireless Laptop it can serve as the wireless adapter for the 360.

You could take your 360 round someone else's house who has an ethernet connection. Alternatively, plug your modem directly into your 360 for this one thing, then reset it back through the router afterwards (if that is your setup). If you do this, remember to do the MAC address reset thing.

It's a bit long, but whenever you switch devices for your modem, you need to leave the modem off for a minute, on for a minute with the new device plugged in (but with no power on said device), then plug in said device and leave for another minute. Now all should be golden, turn your 360 on and your modem will recognise it. That's technically three minutes, but you'll probably take five.

Don't rush it, because if you don't give it enough time at any step of the procedure, you have to start all over again. Obviously, you have to do this all again to reconnect it with your router (where the router takes the place of the 360). So all this, along with the time to find it and download it on the Marketplace, will probably take around fifteen-to-twenty minutes.

The game itself will probably only be around 100MB or so (the original N64 version only came on a 32MB cart), and will download quickly. If you are genuinely interested in playing Perfect Dark, it's definitely worth the small hassle.

siMes. Bison said:
It's on N64, but seriously is this download only because I don't want XBL?

There is information on the marketplace with traiers, so it will be coming to the Arcade system. Thank God. Now all Rare need to do is get Golden Eye up and everything will be good.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

I shall be bumming Perfect Dark by tomorrow evening.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

GoldenEye won't ever be up, and this release of Perfect Dark is a result of the continuation of the scrapped port of GoldenEye XBLA (which was in development, videos and screens were leaked a couple years back), which they apparently used as a base to start from. Personally I'm glad about this, for as much as I bum GoldenEye and would have it's children, Perfect Dark was the better game from just about every conceivable objective standpoint.

·Had bigger levels with more complex objectives.
·More levels.
·More advanced weaponry, and much more of it.
·Better graphics.
·Better AI (though still shit by today's standards).
·Hidden pieces of cheese on each level (can you find them all without looking at a guide?).

By my reckoning, Perfect Dark is one of the best console FPS games ever. It was built on the enviable base that was GoldenEye, and then they did things that the James Bond licence-holders would never have allowed (gotta love that 18 certificate on the cartridge!).

( Edited 16.03.2010 23:11 by Martin_ )

Hmmm so I can use my lappy as a wireless network. I could take it to my Xbot friends' house like Martin said but that's a trek. The laptop is next to my fingers... Hmm laptop or friend, laptop or friend.

Tosses coin Smilie

*Best out of 5*

Got it, and it's 239MB. That's a pretty massive increase over 32MB! Smilie

Anyway, it shows. I'm in gaming nirvana, right now. For any fan of the original version, this is a real thing of beauty to behold. I read somewhere that the extent of the upgrades was "so it looks like you remember, not how it actually did look", and I'd say they achieved that. I mean, I know it looks a whole lot better, but my mind is still in N64-land when I play it.

The controls are very nice for the most part, and I took to them instantly (the default 'Classic' setting, haven't tried the others). My one niggle is that by default, I found the sensitivity on the manual aim to be way too high. Thankfully, this is adjustable in the settings (for both X and Y axis). I have it set how I like it now, and overall love the way it controls. Even on 'Classic', ducking is mapped to clicking the left stick, so it's a lot more practical to use than the truncated way you had to do it on the N64 original.

The new models look fabulous. Even a bit 'too good' at times (bare with me). Moments in cut-scenes where any character is talking look extra-odd in this version. They never had any facial animation in the original either, but due to the much higher resolution models (where faces are fully-modelled with a fair amount of polygons), the lack thereof looks especially-strange.

You know how in the original MGS1, the characters spoke a lot but had no facial animation? It was fine, because they were so basic-looking anyway. Then in MGS2 they upped the polys and gave them animation. Imagine if they hadn't done the latter - that's what Perfect Dark 360 looks like whenever anyone talks in a cut-scene (less noticeable during the game, due to all the mayhem). The quality of the models makes it look like there should be facial animation.

That's pretty much my only gripe with the visuals, and it's a minor. The game itself looks bright as a button 100% of the time. It's marvellous to be able to play Perfect Dark at a constant and reliable (thus far) 60fps. The colours look vivid, and the 1080p presentation really caps it off.

As of this moment, 4j Studios are one of my favourite developers out there. They have no original IPs, but the respect and care which they've shown in porting and 'preserving' Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, and now Perfect Dark is something I find really commendable. Top jobs on all three, and if you have an Xbox 360, those are three XBLA games you should definitely consider. All three of them are massive, massive games.

4j were also responsible for the PS3 version of Oblivion, which had the honour of being the first ever PS3 game that looked better than the 360 version.

I'll almost certainly be buying Gold to play some PD online. Been getting in the top one hundred on my level clear times on my first play! So if you've got it too, seeya online Smilie

I want them to do this shit with Resident Evil 4, they seem to be the go-to guys.

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First play of that level. Bitches better be scared when I actually start going for best times. I'm just playing through the game, at the moment! Love it! Smilie

I've got two pieces of coursework to hand in before the end of term this week. For some reason I booked train tickets to go home for monday - so I will be spending the weekend with Perfect Dark.

Never played the original...

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

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Some good times, there. Still though - these were only first playthroughs. I've beaten all the main missions now on Perfect Agent. I've gotta go back through on lower settings to pick up the odd missing cheat and so-forth. Oh, and the door glitch still works. Thus the first level is doable on Agent in around six seconds.

TheStratMan said:
Never played the original...

Eck, well.. give it a chance. Shooters have come a long way in the time since, and Perfect Dark is very difficult at times. There will be moments where you won't even know where to go or what to do to complete an objective. Games now lead you by the hand a lot, whereas they were pretty hardcore back then. You just had to figure it out.

Protip: Learn to strafe-run. You go much faster, thus making the cheats easier to get. Some are probably impossible without strafe-running.

Protip: Learn the guards' animation routines, for when they start one they have to finish it. You can still feel GoldenEye's beginnings as a lightgun game in Perfect Dark. If there's a few goons, pop out of cover to initiate their firing sequences, then dart back in cover. As they're finishing, pop back out and kill them.

Protip: If confronted by several goons with nowhere to run, spray bullets at all of them rather than trying to kill them one by one. Again with the animation, if you trigger a 'hurt' animation (any bullet hit will do this on unarmoured foes), the goon must finish that animation before he/she can continue.

If you manage to hit them all at least once (or most of them), this buys you time and thinking space. If you missed some, use cover to block out those goons, while you finish off the ones going through their wounded animations.

Protip: Another tactic you can use against a few goons bearing down on you is to disarm the lot of them. This takes some balls, and can go wrong, but goes right more often than you'd think. Don't linger after you've disarmed one trying to knock him out - move straight to the next guy. Once they're all disarmed, they'll either get pistols out or try and melee you. Needless to say, at this point you spin around the room with your machine gun killing them all.

Protip: Enable the on-screen mission timer in the settings. It's very tiny and sits in the bottom-left of the screen, doesn't get in the way. It obviously very handy when going for cheats/speedruns. Otherwise on the longer levels, it becomes difficult to tell how well you're doing, time-wise.

Protip: Ducking works much better in this version, and has actually saved me a couple times. If there's a crate in front of you and you're about to get shot - duck! If playing the N64 version this is less-applicable - ducking's just too fucking difficult on the original.

Protip: The game is not realistic at all, and you should use this to your advantage. For example, distance is your greatest friend. You can snipe with the lowest pistol by virtue of the incredibly-powerful auto-aim. Ironically, foes are bound by the laws of reality in that they are much less-likely to hit you at a distance. Win-win.

That's enough Protips Smilie

( Edited 18.03.2010 10:14 by Martin_ )

So, I've just about rinsed the Solo mode of Perfect Dark dry (once more!), caved and re-suscribed to Gold, and am now gunning for the co-op and counter-op stars and such, with some good old normal multiplayer as well. I'd like to play with you peeps! One word - I do have my XBL and PSN addys in my status bar, but if you add me.. please send me a message telling me who you are and where I know you from.

I've gotten loads of adds on both consoles lately, and a lot of them are probably from people who post on the same forums as me. However, the vast majority of those names have no similarity to any forum handles that people use, and so confusion sets in. Do add me, by all means, just make sure to send me a little message so I know who I'm adding!

Any body I have forgotten to send an XBL invite to? If not add me, have a guess at my gamertag Smilie

What games you playing then? I'll have to get online this week and get some games going.

Jim (guest) 06.04.2010#275

You can use your USB memory sticks as memory cards now with the recent update.

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