Some good times, there. Still though - these were only first playthroughs. I've beaten all the main missions now on Perfect Agent. I've gotta go back through on lower settings to pick up the odd missing cheat and so-forth. Oh, and the door glitch still works. Thus the first level is doable on Agent in around six seconds.
TheStratMan said:
Never played the original...
Eck, well.. give it a chance. Shooters have come a long way in the time since, and Perfect Dark is very difficult at times. There will be moments where you won't even know where to go or what to do to complete an objective. Games now lead you by the hand a lot, whereas they were pretty hardcore back then. You just had to figure it out.
Protip: Learn to strafe-run. You go much faster, thus making the cheats easier to get. Some are probably impossible without strafe-running.
Protip: Learn the guards' animation routines, for when they start one they have to finish it. You can still feel GoldenEye's beginnings as a lightgun game in Perfect Dark. If there's a few goons, pop out of cover to initiate their firing sequences, then dart back in cover. As they're finishing, pop back out and kill them.
Protip: If confronted by several goons with nowhere to run, spray bullets at all of them rather than trying to kill them one by one. Again with the animation, if you trigger a 'hurt' animation (any bullet hit will do this on unarmoured foes), the goon must finish that animation before he/she can continue.
If you manage to hit them all at least once (or most of them), this buys you time and thinking space. If you missed some, use cover to block out those goons, while you finish off the ones going through their wounded animations.
Protip: Another tactic you can use against a few goons bearing down on you is to disarm the lot of them. This takes some balls, and can go wrong, but goes right more often than you'd think. Don't linger after you've disarmed one trying to knock him out - move straight to the next guy. Once they're all disarmed, they'll either get pistols out or try and melee you. Needless to say, at this point you spin around the room with your machine gun killing them all.
Protip: Enable the on-screen mission timer in the settings. It's very tiny and sits in the bottom-left of the screen, doesn't get in the way. It obviously very handy when going for cheats/speedruns. Otherwise on the longer levels, it becomes difficult to tell how well you're doing, time-wise.
Protip: Ducking works much better in this version, and has actually saved me a couple times. If there's a crate in front of you and you're about to get shot - duck! If playing the N64 version this is less-applicable - ducking's just too fucking difficult on the original.
Protip: The game is not realistic at all, and you should use this to your advantage. For example, distance is your greatest friend. You can snipe with the lowest pistol by virtue of the incredibly-powerful auto-aim. Ironically, foes are bound by the laws of reality in that they are much less-likely to hit you at a distance. Win-win.
That's enough Protips 
( Edited 18.03.2010 10:14 by Martin_ )