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Just found the receipt. It's faded to buggery but you can still make it all out. Sept '07. If I exchange it then I'll lose all my game saves, etc. I'm happy enough to send it away. Weirdly I'm extremely relaxed about it all. Maybe because I've been expecting it. And also Banjo puts me in a cracking mood.

Less posty, more gamey.

They won't take your hard drive. Just phone them up, the turn around is quite fast or try returning to the store.


( Edited 03.12.2008 19:26 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

I have Halo3, Perfect Dark Zero, Top Spin 2. I might be running out of membership but if anyone wants to have a game on these games then just PM me and I will play.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

I just thought I'd like to try out 1080p, and turns out HDMI cables are more expensive than I thought they'd be...

Would it make a worthwhile difference on a 20"?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

A 1900x1080 20-incher? What have you got?

Less posty, more gamey.

I've got a Sony Bravia. I didn't think 1080p would matter much for a smaller TV but someone told me it would. >:

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm pretty sure they don't make full HD TVs that small. I haven't checked it out, but I don't think you can get a true HD TV under 28", maybe even 32. If I'm right then it'd be massive overkill because your screen couldn't display all the pixel info. But you could still whack it through at a lower res and it'll look sex-y.

Less posty, more gamey.

Ah right. That's what I thought then. 720p is fine with me then. ;P

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
I just thought I'd like to try out 1080p, and turns out HDMI cables are more expensive than I thought they'd be...

Would it make a worthwhile difference on a 20"?

There ya go. Don't be conned into buying expensive ones, from my understanding it's all a bit off a sham.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Thought this would be as good a place as any to post as its X Box Live related...

Banjo Kazooie, was released on the 26th if I'm correct? When I look on the marketplace for for it though all that comes up for Banjo Kazooie is a trailer and some picture packs, so annoying. Where's it hiding?

It was delayed until today (3rd of December) to extend the period of exclusivity to Nuts & Bolts owners because of the pre-order code balls-up. Although there's a conspiracy theory that it was actually to iron out bugs before mass-release.

Also another tip, play the game at 720 only. Any higher and it suffers slowdown of varying degrees because of upscaling. Playing at 1080p it started chugging whenever I went near water, and much more besides. Which sucks, and it's crap that you've got to go into system settings and change it manually, but seeing as it's Banjo I'll let it off because it sexes me up. At 720 it gets rid of all N64 slowdown (around Gobi's Valley entrance, etc), as it should do.

Starred for Banjo-love.

Less posty, more gamey.

So is it finally out now? *checks XBOX site*

Not yet... Smilie

God dammit hurry. >.<

EDIT: YAY! \'Tis finally up now!

( Edited 03.12.2008 14:31 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Ah right. That's what I thought then. 720p is fine with me then. ;P

As I understand it, few (if any at all) 360/PS3 games are actually rendered at anything higher than 720p, anyway (some even lower than that). When you set your console to 1080p, it merely upscales the 720p image. It might fool the eyes, but you're not truly getting any extra resolution out of your 360/PS3 games with a 1080p TV over a 720p one. I know some 1080p TV-owners who set their consoles to 720p purely to avoid this upscaling.

dartmonkey said:
It was delayed until today (3rd of December) to extend the period of exclusivity to Nuts & Bolts owners because of the pre-order code balls-up. Although there's a conspiracy theory that it was actually to iron out bugs before mass-release.

Also another tip, play the game at 720 only. Any higher and it suffers slowdown of varying degrees because of upscaling. Playing at 1080p it started chugging whenever I went near water, and much more besides. Which sucks, and it's crap that you've got to go into system settings and change it manually, but seeing as it's Banjo I'll let it off because it sexes me up. At 720 it gets rid of all N64 slowdown (around Gobi's Valley entrance, etc), as it should do.

Starred for Banjo-love.

Ah, that's a relief. Seeing as I got Banjo a week earlier cause of the glitch, I figured that I was stuck with a bugged version. Will modify those settings next time when I get on my X360.

New to the X-box family would be me =]
I got annoyed with the constant "User name already taken! User name must start with a letter!" and the fact I cant actually connect to live at uni so I called myself "Player"
Original, I know.

Can you change your GT and still keep your achievements and shit? If not I refuse to change it and lose my fanatical progress of killing zombies on L4D

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." Deviantart Profile-||-Myspace

You can change it, but it costs MS points. You got 'Player'? Not 'Player872' or 'plAy3r43' or 'pLAYerSmilie'? Impressive.

Less posty, more gamey.

Lol yea a few people have said that...
I guess it's my own fault as I signed up to the Xbox live site with the name I wanted before actually creating it on my 360...silly really when I think about it.

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." Deviantart Profile-||-Myspace

I think if enough people complain about your username you will be forced to change it.
Get a few friends to act offended or somthing.

( Edited 11.12.2008 17:57 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

I've got all 1000 gamerpoints on Tomb Raider Legend but because there's DLC available for it, it now says I've got 1000/1250 points even though I haven't bought the DLC.

Is there anyway to get rid of the excess points as it now looks like I haven't got them all?

The same applies to Oblivion. Not interested in the DLC but got 1250 stuck on my profile now.

Image for

Woah, nerd alert!

;-Smilie Seriously though. Really?

Less posty, more gamey.

I\'m finally on Live again. I\'ve bought a bunch of XBLA games, but am having trouble finding anyone to play them with. It seems no-one plays them online, since it never finds any results via Quick Match on any of them. Anyway, it\'d be cool if I could have a game with some of you folks. Here\'s what games I have-

Retail 360 games:

Fable II
Fallout 3
Grand Theft Auto IV
Half Life 2: The Orange Box
Oblivion: GOTY Edition
Perfect Dark Zero
Virtua Fighter 5

XBLA games:

Bomberman Live
Duke Nukem 3D
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved
Hexic HD
Rez HD
Streets of Rage 2

My Gamertag: Mart7n

So, please do add me, especially if you have any of the above (online) games. Note, I do not yet have Banjo 3 or GTAIV. Mumsykins bought me Banjo for Xmas, so I have to wait until Thursday to play that, and Play haven\'t delivered GTA yet.

XBLA is way more incredible than I thought. Quite decent prices (unlike VC), and an awesome, awesome selection of games! Even some Dreamcast games! I\'d particularly like to do some DN3D co-op, and maybe some Streets of Rage 2 with someone. I did play a bit of Team Fortress 2, but couldn\'t see what all the fuss was about. I didn\'t think much of it at all. Maybe I just need to play it some more.

Banjo-Kazooie (the arcade conversion of the original N64 one) looks really nice and even runs better than it originally did. They\'ve sort of enhanced it just about enough. The HUD and the items (notes, etc) dotted about the worlds have been given a HD lick of paint (as has the text and so forth), but they\'ve left everything else be, which is really nice. So it\'s sort of like one of those touched-up \'Digitally Remastered\' DVDs of old films, rather than being completely remade. Which is nice.

I\'m looking forward to finally finding out what all this Stop N\' Swap business is after all these years.

Edit: How do I add my Gamercard to my sig? I followed what MS\'s website says, but it went tits-up.

Edit 2: Nevermind, sussed it.

( Edited 22.12.2008 14:32 by Mart7n )

Smilie I've only got 100 points on Oblivion as I'm at the beginning. Is there anyway to force myself back into the game as I just can't get into it anymore?

I think games are losing their appeal to me which is probably why I look towards achievements to help give me a reason to play.Smilie

Mart7n, what are the online features for Bioshock & Rez? I've got both but haven't tried them online yet, though I'd be happy to try their features with you. Smilie

I think Ikaruga on XBLA has online co-op, outside of that though I'd definitely suggest you get it, it's a brilliant game, and nails hard too. Smilie

I'd add your gamertag when I'm online again, mine's Phoenixtus by the way. Smilie

wAyNe - sTaRT said:
Smilie I\'ve only got 100 points on Oblivion as I\'m at the beginning. Is there anyway to force myself back into the game as I just can\'t get into it anymore?

Just worry less about the storyline, I guess. The main storyline in Elder Scrolls is always really crap. The genius of the series (well, the two that I\'ve played) is that you can really just ignore the main quest and go about your business, doing whatever you want. Oblivion is especially good for this. I go about by day, doing good deeds for people (side quests and such), and then by night I burgle their houses. It\'s excellent sneaking about in the night picking the locks on people\'s back doors and so forth.

I suggest ignoring the waypoint arrow entirely and just going \'where the wind takes you\', as it were. I\'d also suggest giving much less of a toss about achievements. You\'ll ruin all your games if all you do is go round ticking all the achievements off the list. Just play the game as you damn well feel like it, and if in the process you complete some achievements- so be it.

iPhoen said:
Mart7n, what are the online features for Bioshock & Rez? I\'ve got both but haven\'t tried them online yet, though I\'d be happy to try their features with you. Smilie

Not much, really. Rez is just leaderboards, and BioShock has some downloadable plasmids. Nothing multiplayer.

iPhoen said:
I think Ikaruga on XBLA has online co-op, outside of that though I\'d definitely suggest you get it, it\'s a brilliant game, and nails hard too. Smilie

Yeah, I\'ll probably get that at some point. I already had it on my Dreamcast though. I\'ve already got a bunch of games that I\'ve previously owned. I\'m trying to buy ones I\'ve not played before.

( Edited 22.12.2008 22:46 by Martin_ )

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