I\'m surprised there isn\'t already an official Live topic this late in the game....
Anyway, since I should be up and running by the end of the week, I thought it might be a good idea to round up all my Live subscribing C3 buds.
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I\'m surprised there isn\'t already an official Live topic this late in the game....
Anyway, since I should be up and running by the end of the week, I thought it might be a good idea to round up all my Live subscribing C3 buds.
Hey there i'm on Xbox Live (not 360)
I've got Halo2, Splinter cell 3, conker and SW battlefront 2. I'm not on there as much as DS, but if ne ones up for a game at some point, gimme a shout.
Er, I've sort of got to post my gamertag seeing as it's in my sig.
Anyway - I own both of the Xboxes (or is that Xboxi?). The games I play most are:
Pro Evo 5
Call of Duty 2
Dead or Alive 4
Burnout Revenge (360)
Well I have tons of xbox games.....don't feel like listing.
Online I play:
Halo 2 ('natch)
Thats pretty much it tbh
Gamertag is ZeraKnight
360, I play Fight Night Round3 and sometimes PGR3, I'm interested to see a lil' more on FinalFantasy Online, but a friend o' mine is having real trouble setting it up, it's been two days now and he's still not played it, I think the problem lies with the fact that its done through the Square Enix server, I think doing everything through a 3rd party is slowing the process down dramatically.
My Gamertag is SHYGUY01
I'm rarely online, but if anybody out there can race, I love to race, you'll be pitching yourself against a Mclaren F1, (thats right, I can handle it) no time wasters please, it makes me laff my ass off to see folks in a car way to powerful for them!
I play:
- if u think i like u enuff to give u my gamertag then uve most probably already got it, if not drop me a PM.
-Halo 2
-PGR 2
-Outrun 2
-Rainbow Six: Lockdown
I'm not on yet but will probably be by tomorrow. PM me then for my gamertag
( Edited on 25.04.2006 17:25 by Brenda )
X Box games i own :
Halo 2
Ninja Gaiden
Project Gotham 2
Jade Empire
Shenmue II
Tenchue Return From Darkenss
Prince Of Persia Warrior Within
Fifa 2004
Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance
i only really play Halo 2 online though.
sometimes Ninja Gaiden, but its too hard
they recently added a new playlist to Halo.
free of charge of course.
They did? Is that what this new fangled update is for? I thought it was down all day.....me and my bro can't get on yet.
I was on Halo 2 last night and there was nothing new....unless you mean team snipers which is teh old'd
my games are:
halo 2
rainbow six3
call of duty 2
perfect dark zero
blazing angels
MY gamer tag is: Dead kingKong
They did? Is that what this new fangled update is for? I thought it was down all day.....me and my bro can't get on yet.I was on Halo 2 last night and there was nothing new....unless you mean team snipers which is teh old'd
nope. Rumble Hardcore. even though its not hardcore, becuase motion sensor is still on. you just start with BR, and its first to 50. basically MLG but ranked.
its pretty hard at the minute though, becuase everyone is level 1, as its only been released. i had at least three level 40 + in the few games i played.
live will be back on at 11 pm. pm your gamertag. what level are you in slayer?
I REALLY REALLY REALLY should be on tommorrow. Can't wait, I'll probably be on from about 2pm - 2am, thats what i'm like with crazy new stuff.
I'll PM y'all my 'tag once it's registered.
PM me aswell, hopefully me u n tom can get a nice halo 2 game going, u best be good .
u best be good
hes got n00b written all over him.
whoa, guys, I cant get a news link for this, it was my bro who found it (and he's in bed), but the update will include some KICKASS features ready for E3. Trailer + Articles + Demos downloadable during E3! *dies* This should be fun
and Buddah, I'm level 10 or something....I don't play competitvely much anymore. I used to, a lot. I was ace in team slayer regularly racking up 20 kills (and I'm level 24 or something), but then I stopped playing for ages and all I really play anymore is non-competitive fun games like Zombies, Dawn of the Dead and Cat and Mouse.
Sounds like a plan Joe. I just finished the campaign so I'm a bit better with the ol' dual analogue now, but I'd own you all at Unreal Tournament. I'm shit at driving the vehicles though as the controls are so shite.
but the update will include some KICKASS features ready for E3. Trailer + Articles + Demos downloadable during E3! *dies*
PMs sent. I look forward to being owned by you lot soon.
Live is all screwed up for me, disconnects every few minutes. Is everyone getting this?
thats never happened to me.
are you sre you've typed in all your details properly?
It's a lot better today, but I still can't seem to join parties. 'We're having network problems'.
get2sammyb is my gamertag.
I hardly go online though to be honest.
[/b]]Is anyone else having trouble joining parties in Halo 2? I can't seem to do it at all now.
( Edited on 31.07.2007 13:49 by Grumbler )
I cant join ur parties grumbler, but works fine for others. Do u have a firewall or something?