Miyamoto: Monolith Soft Working on Several Projects | 03.07.2014, 21:49 | 3 | 6397 |
Brand New and Uncut Gameplay Footage of Monolith Soft's X on Wii U | 14.02.2014, 01:25 | 4 | 5599 |
Xenoblade Developers Monolith are Recruiting | 07.01.2014, 23:34 | 0 | 2003 |
Reggie: Approach Monolith Soft Mention with Caution | 06.12.2013, 00:40 | 12 | 8037 |
Monolith Helped Develop Zelda: A Link Between Worlds | 19.11.2013, 00:16 | 1 | 5317 |
Monolith Recruiting, Teases Artwork for New 3DS Project | 04.02.2013, 19:08 | 12 | 23488 |
Monolith's New Nintendo Wii U Game Revealed | 23.01.2013, 14:45 | 25 | 25756 |
Monolith Soft To Expand To Kyoto | 19.07.2011, 09:22 | 1 | 24160 |
Monolith Soft Working on Wii U | 29.06.2011, 10:56 | 10 | 27307 |
New Wii Trailer for Monolith RPG Xenoblade | 31.03.2010, 18:10 | 16 | 51413 |
Monolith Soft Back with New Nintendo DS RPG | 23.03.2009, 18:49 | 11 | 55478 |
Interview | Monolith & Nintendo Talk Disaster: Day of Crisis Wii | 27.11.2008, 03:16 | 13 | 63976 |
Monolith Talks Disaster Wii Disappointment, Baten Kaitos & Possible Sequels | 25.11.2008, 19:21 | 15 | 63868 |
New Trailer for Monolith DS RPG, Soma Bringer | 14.02.2008, 09:20 | 8 | 50991 |
Nintendo News | DS Exclusive RPG: Monolith x Banpresto | 09.01.2008, 08:42 | 4 | 47144 |
C3 Exclusive Interview | Monolith Soft on Nintendo Wii Support, Baten Kaitos II & More | 03.08.2006, 23:08 | 11 | 77057 |
Nintendo Interview | Beth Llewelyn Talks Wii, Metroid Dread, Monolith & More | 18.05.2006, 15:33 | 7 | 48589 |