Just like Perrin Kaplan and Reginald Fils-Aime, the PR trooper that is Beth Llewelyn always remains tight-lipped when being interviewed, as the folks over at GoNintendo found out recently. However, a few choice snippets can be lifted from what she said:
GN: I also have to ask, does Metroid Dread actually exist...in any form?BL: (Beth smirks)
GN: (Laughs) Tons of people have been asking about it, and we just want to know if it exists in some way, shape, or form.
BL: Well we just launched Metroid Prime Hunters, and we have Metroid Prime 3: Corruption on the show floor for the Wii system so...(pauses) there are two big Metroid titles out there.
GN: Disaster: Day of Crisis and Project H.A.M.M.E.R., are those developed solely by Nintendo?BL: We are working with second party developers on those titles.
So it seems that the reason for Metroid Dread not being shown at the moment is probably the same reason why it missed last year's show. 2005 had Metroid Prime Pinball and Metroid Prime Hunters on show, whilst now Hunters has just been released and focus was on Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for the Nintendo Wii. It will have its day, no doubt. The other thing of interest, although it could be a mistake in wording, is that she implies that Third Party Monolith Soft, which normally works under the watchful eye of Namco on games like Baten Kaitos and Xenosaga, is working as a Second Party company for Nintendo with the development of Disaster: Day of Crisis!
Check out the full interview by heading over to GoNintendo
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