Brand New and Uncut Gameplay Footage of Monolith Soft's X on Wii U

By Az Elias 14.02.2014 4

Brand New and Uncut Gameplay Footage of Monolith Soft

Fans have been patiently waiting so long for more news on the mysterious Monolith Soft RPG temporarily titled 'X' for Wii U. Nintendo tonight showed off some brand new and uncut gameplay footage from the game, which gave a small insight into the battle system.

Satoru Iwata noted that the battle system is based on the one in the Wii's Xenoblade Chronicles, but it is "even more polished."

Curiously, the Japanese Nintendo Direct gave a 2014 time frame, but despite Nintendo's release schedule earlier in the year listing X for a same-year release in the West, Iwata simply said to "stay tuned for more updates" in the North American and European presentations. It is possible that Nintendo cannot guarantee a 2014 release for a Western version, but given the amount of localisation that would need to go into such a game, it would be understandable if it does indeed end up coming out in 2015.

Cubed3 will share the facts as they come in the future. For now, check out the below gameplay footage and some new screens in the image gallery.

Image for Brand New and Uncut Gameplay Footage of Monolith Soft
Image for Brand New and Uncut Gameplay Footage of Monolith Soft
Image for Brand New and Uncut Gameplay Footage of Monolith Soft
Box art for Xenoblade Chronicles X





Real Time RPG



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Beautiful. Have to have it @_@

I can't wait. Xenoblade was incredible.

If X turns out to be a direct sequel with the same characters, I hope they get the same voice actors.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Darkflame (guest) 14.02.2014#3

Huge Succeeded!

Just a guess obviously, but the screens and video suggest four-player online co-op.

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