Monolith Talks Disaster Wii Disappointment, Baten Kaitos & Possible Sequels

By Adam Riley 25.11.2008 15

Monolith Talks Disaster Wii Disappointment, Baten Kaitos & Possible Sequels on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In an exclusive interview with Cubed3 that will be published in the next day or so, Nintendo-owned Monolith Soft talks about Disaster on Wii, the game's performance and the future of Baten Kaitos.

First up some bad news: Given how Reginald Fils-Aime does not seem to be Disaster's biggest fan, waiting on sales of the game to come in before green-lighting a US release, the obvious question had to be about how the game has performed so far. Sadly Hitoshi Yamagami, Producer at Nintendo, confirmed many people's worst fears. Unfortunately it seems that the game is "performing lower than expected". He did go on to state that "Regardless of the region, "'DISASTER' can be enjoyed by any consumer that loves 'disaster' style movies." So perhaps Reggie should take that into consideration and appease those in the US grieving over the possibility of not getting their hands on such a highly entertaining game.

There is some hope for the future of Disaster, with fans potentially set to see Raymond Bryce make a return. Whilst discussing the Day of Crisis' various gameplay approaches, Keiichi Ono, Director at Monolith Soft, let the following slip, "...there were so many wonderful options [ in the game ]. We would like to see the possibility for them, if we have chance to develop the sequel..." Interestingly enough, Ono-san also mulled over the idea of a DS version when asked, responding by saying the team "can consider [ a DS version ] if we have many requests." He did say, however, that the game is obviously more suited to a home console because of the grand nature of its premise, but at least the suggestion was not completely dismissed. Do you feel there is potential for the game to be scaled back and put on DS to appeal to a wider market or should it remain on Wii with future sequels?

Yamagami-san later went on to confirm that a concept for the sequel is already in place (Disaster: World at Crisis anyone?), yet it will go no further than that early stage unless fans raise their voices and gamers rush out and buy more copies of the original. So you know what to do…

Finally, it was hinted at that Monolith has more than one Wii project underway, plus the team is "willing to start developing Baten Kaitos" when given the go-ahead. More details will be revealed when the full interview goes live in the couple of days. In the meantime, do not forget to read Cubed3's glowing review of the game and pick up a copy today!

Box art for Disaster: Day of Crisis








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Bit of a shame, can't wait for the full interview.

Our member of the week

I bought this game and truly enjoyed it despite a few flaws (like the general visual presentation not always at top, and a weird motion capture for raymond bryce).

Like said above, anyone who like the likes of "The day after", and so on should consider picking this one up.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I hope they bring the game to the States. Its rare that Nintendo actually creates a new IP, and this one looks pretty decent too. Shame about the low sales..

Looking forward to the interview.

Oh a sequel! That\'ll be cool!

Btw, even if Nintendo does bring this to the US it will still do horribly because they\'re already reluctant to release it. They won\'t even market it to be honest.

( Edited 25.11.2008 20:11 by tiamat1990 )

"Disaster" should become a new IP Smilie
And they should definitely continue the baten kaitos series!

I <3 Monolith...shame all their games fail Smilie
Well at least I'll be picking up all their games Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

To be honest though. They didnt Promote it at all over here, no adverts no nothing, just a 1 page spead in ONM was all i saw. If they want to sell well they need to advertise to the market segment that they have aimed the game at 'disaster movie people'
I want the game and it looks good, ive read reviews ect so naturally i know all about it. However many other people wont know a thing about it, and they will end up being told to buy carnival games by staff in game shops.
No promoting=No sales.
Come on,its a new style of game that hasnt been seen before, it wont sell without a helping hand.
Whats regie thinking? It will sell like mario or kart? Most people already know that those games are good because its MARIO! Nintendo have spent decades an millions (or billions) on making him the forefront of nintendo games.
It dosent happen over night. you want to sell a game? Give it a chance and put the backing into it to make it happen. Godsake regie.

I've convinced four people to buy the game so far (maybe more if anyone on C3 went off my recommendation!), but none of them had even heard of the game until I started telling them...There was some coverage on the Nintendo Channel, but it's reach is obviously very limited.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
none of them had even heard of the game until I started telling them...

Exactly ! Nintendo doesnt seem to understand that they need to FREEKIN ADVERTISE THEIR FREEKIN GAMES ! Smilie

"Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
Brawl FC : 2191 - 6919 - 2772

I hope it comes over here some day. It seems like a good game, and we need new "hardcore" Nintendo IPs.

At least Nintendo's Australian branch lists Disaster as one of its big games for Christmas, so hopefully it'll get some decent coverage there. And then all we can do is keep plugging it as much as possible and hope for the best!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Disaster is marketed here in Germany only on Nintendo's official channels like Website and Nintendo-Channel. That's great, but it won't rise sales. Microsoft had to push Halo into the market, too, so no pain no gain!
Shame, really. And yes, you convinced me to buy Disaster. I will soon!

oh: and Baten Kaitos Origins wasn't even released in Europe so far, so we won't get this version, as US won't get Disaster it seems...
Baten Kaitos is a great game. It even comes kind of close to a type of Final Fantasy, so shame, that it doesn't seem to sell well... I want Origins as a Wii-Remake from Nintendo!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I'm actually thinking that the reason we've not heard much about Baten Kaitos yet is because Nintendo plans to re-release both BK and BKO as part of the 'Play on Wii' series, complete with new controls...Then perhaps we'd see a European release this time round!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Disaster indeed needed better advertising.

Especialy with so many people moaning about the lack of core games, and completely missing it off any lists they use.
Disaster\'s kinda like Giest...good, not great, but shows potenial.

( Edited 26.11.2008 16:38 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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well I tried to buy it but as far as I could tell it isn't even available in Norway.

Seems to me like they didn't even really give it a chance. A game like this would certainly need TV exposure.

Grspilman (guest) 01.03.2014#15

I played Baten Kaitos 1 and Baten Kaitos 2, I love the storyline due to because they were great. I love the artwork in Baten Kaitos, it is fantastic I must say. I prefer to have a Baten Kaitos 3 instead, please!

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