Pokémon X/Y Safari Friend Code Exchange, Pokémon Trades and Information

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Share Pokémon X and Y (Nintendo 3DS) friend codes, online trades and chat live.

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If anyone gets the chance to check my safari let me know what I got

Umbreown and xallion added my fc1349-5169-3568

Name is Alex and friend code is 1375-8491-0109. I'll work on adding everyone from the thread and the list. Also not sure what my safari type or Pokemon are.

thundercraker said:
Added back 

Angel Reyes



FC: 1864-9214-6920 

Anyone telling me what type at least my Safari is?

Nickname in game is "Yuma"

You have Flying Types, the two current ones I have seen are Hoothoot and Dudou

Everyone on this page add me because I'm adding you know Smilie . I'm a grass type. 2981-


JohnJohn said:
Hi my FC4484-9013-5922 John please register my. FC. I already did yours thanx
rookie said:
  my friend code is 461375266913 my name is rookizpro add me im rock type and pupitar is in my safari

added you guys , here's mine Jazz - 1306 - 5672 - 3216
would anyone be kind enough to tell me the type and pokemons in my safari? thanks! Smilie

Jazz - 1306 - 5672 - 3216
Friend Safari: Psychic Type: Gothorita, Grumpig, and Wobbuffet
PM me if you added me  

Angel Reyes said:
If anyone gets the chance to check my safari let me know what I got

You're grass and you have petillil, maractus and sunkern.
Can you please check my 3rd poke? I already beat the elite four so it should be available.
Also, added everyone on this page.
2234-7166-4434 ingame name is M

( Edited 23.10.2013 19:17 by Umbreown )

i added you add me my friend code is 461375266913 my name is rookizpro add me im rock type and pupitar is in my safari

thundercraker said:
Added back 

Angel Reyes



FC: 1864-9214-6920 

Anyone telling me what type at least my Safari is?

Nickname in game is "Yuma"

I'll leave my 3DS on for a while for 3rd pokeymans

Added 1779 - 0768 - 1324

Emj 1091-8861-0303

Anyone see what I have yet?

rookie said:
i added you add me my friend code is 461375266913 my name is rookizpro add me im rock type and pupitar is in my safari
added 1779 - 0768 - 1324

allourbase said:
Name is Alex and friend code is 1375-8491-0109. I'll work on adding everyone from the thread and the list. Also not sure what my safari type or Pokemon are.

Added, my FC is 5198 3053 3481

Emj said:
Emj 1091-8861-0303

Added, my FC is 5198 3053 3481

Please add me 3282-3056-0620 chance

Ellie 1005-9801-1104

I have no idea what my safari type is - if anyone could let me know it'd be wonderful Smilie.

Starting to add everyone starting from the most recent comment Smilie.

Ellie 1005-9801-1104   |   Ground safari

Angel Reyes said:

You have Flying Types, the two current ones I have seen are Hoothoot and Dudou

Thanks. If your in game nick is Nate you have Earth Sandshrew, Diggersby and Camerupt.

KT -- 3497 - 0591 - 6364

Add me! Smilie 

Added kurosawa, shahul, jee, john, rookizpro, alex, yuma and emj, add me back:
FC: 2234-7166-4434 ingame name: M

Xalleon said:
Anyone see what I have yet?

You have Bug types, the current two I can see are Beautifly and Butterfree

allourbase said:
Name is Alex and friend code is 1375-8491-0109. I'll work on adding everyone from the thread and the list. Also not sure what my safari type or Pokemon are.

added - 1779-0768-1324

Added fc is 3239 3626 0096

hungryzombies said:
KT -- 3497 - 0591 - 6364

Add me! Smilie 

added - 1779-0768-1324

Umbreown add me 1993-8017-3730

Ellie ot AUS said:
Ellie 1005-9801-1104

I have no idea what my safari type is - if anyone could let me know it'd be wonderful Smilie.

Starting to add everyone starting from the most recent comment Smilie.

cyber 26 said:
Please add me 3282-3056-0620 chance
Emj said:
Emj 1091-8861-0303

added all my FC 1349-5169-3568

Comment on Pokémon X and Y (Nintendo 3DS)

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