Hey guys! Add me and PM or quote me if you do, then i'll add you
Mat :: 0001-3929-4009
Ice :: Snover/Sneasel/Dewgong
I'm looking for pokemon safari in spoiler, but I'm adding everyone:
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Hey guys! Add me and PM or quote me if you do, then i'll add you
Mat :: 0001-3929-4009
Ice :: Snover/Sneasel/Dewgong
I'm looking for pokemon safari in spoiler, but I'm adding everyone:
1005-9310- 2302
Add me guys. I have water type.
Add me guys. I have water type.
added 4854-6454-0594
Add me and I add u back FC 0103 9791 1451
safari type: fighting
Add me 0447-5447-4537 sorry don't know what my friend safari is
LCD said:
Hey guys! Add me and PM or quote me if you do, then i'll add youMat :: 0001-3929-4009
Ice :: Snover/Sneasel/DewgongI'm looking for pokemon safari in spoiler, but I'm adding everyone:
3110 - 5160 - 0854 add me
Send me your FC through private message
Looking for a fairy friend safari with mawile. Anyone hAve one. Pm if you do and I'll add u back
Add me and add back FC 0301 9791 1451
Looking for Charizardite Y and more friends PM me once you add
FC 1950-8518-0153
Anybody have chansey? 4012-4645-7983
Hi. I'm Red: 0903 2762 9697
Ghost Safari: 1. Lampent 2. Phantump 3. Dusclops
Will trade shiny pupitar for shiny dratini, 'case your interested
just beat my game looking for friend codes mine is 0576-5442-8970
I added odracir13
I have a Multi Scale Dragonair Safari! Please add me and private message me your friend code, I will add you all back!
My Code Is 2079-7551-7301
Add me 027590770088
hi there i figured this out yeah
Anybody has normal safari with chansey? 4012-4645-7983 plz add will add anyone else as well
3110 - 5160 - 0854 add me
Send me your FC through private message
Looking for Fairy Type Friend Safari... Specifically with Clefairy. Please let me know if you have one.
my FC is : 4141-3276-7189
hey guys!!1 I need some favors!! an any one please trade me some mega stones??? I have some legend pokemon and regular pokemon for trade!!! my FC is: 4570 8010 94 88, PM when added.
by the way i have a normal safari , but i don't know which pkmn i have!!
Dems_88 I added u
0061-0988-4792 add me please
odracir13 said:
just beat my game looking for friend codes mine is 0576-5442-8970
Blasian said:
Anybody has normal safari with chansey? 4012-4645-7983 plz add will add anyone else as well
I've added the above. Please add me, my FC is 1521-3903-9937. I'll add anyone. You just need to pm me.
9/10 (42 Votes)