Hey jenieman, just letting you know, gastly/haunter are not safari pokemon.
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Hey jenieman, just letting you know, gastly/haunter are not safari pokemon.
Also, I'm looking for ditto personnel. If you can pm me when you add me, that'd be great.
Add me and PM me your code so I can add you back
Hey my FC is 5284 2338 4169
ill add all I'm on every day
Text me if you wanna chat pokemon
267 567 0054
( Edited 01.03.2014 22:02 by DjJavNasty )
Add me, I have a fighting safari with riolu, mankey, and pancham
FC: 3239-3447-9845
PM me if you added and ill add back.
Anyone have a ditto with two perfect IVs ?
I'll trade anything
3110 - 5160 - 0854 send me your FC private message
Names bes add me please needing friend codes and new pokemon , i have a bug safari friend code is 4012,5245-2855
My Fc is 3067-6328-9207 pm me with your fc please
looking for a dragon safari pls add reply so i can add back FC:3196-3652-5124
Hey guys, I am looking for treecko with unburden, shelgon with overcoate, and male condelkurr with iron fist and elemental punches (fire, thunder and ice). I have few IV-bred pokemon so just name your offers. Thanks.
FC 0404 7456 4449
Add me please I'll add you as well 5257 9970 1746
fate_oner said:
Add me please I'll add you as well 5257 9970 1746
Fc 1590-4917-4071 peaks35
Still looking for amaura?
I'm looking for mega stones for tyranitar and blazekin. I have a gengar and scizor for trade. My fc 3024-6855-8616. PM me if you add me.
Add me fc 3196-4857-4945
added Kane, Cpeaks.
FC 39097521 3572
3110 - 5160 -0854 add me
Send your FC through private message
And if any anybody has some extra dittos
With 2 perfect IVs I'll trade anything
0061-0988-4792 add me please let me know if you do
Don't know my safari type, looking for anyone
@Maihowl i added you pls add back FC:3196-3652-5124
Hi guys I'm looking for Safaris with Rufflet Or Magmar
i Dont mind adding others too
Heres my FC: 2766-8699-6119
PM me your FC if you have added me Thanks!
( Edited 02.03.2014 13:00 by Jordan Chia )
I have zekrom and want to trade for another legend or decent shiny, also add my FC:5000-3684-4046
Add me! I will add everyone back <3
FC: 4785-5226-5779
Also, can someone help me evolve my haunter?
( Edited 02.03.2014 11:10 by Elysionista )
Elysionista said:
Add me! I will add everyone back <3
FC: 4785-5226-5227Also, can someone help me evolve my haunter?
Well, I tried adding you, to help you out. But it says your fc is invalid.
9/10 (42 Votes)