Having looked over most of Nintendo's first party stuff at E3 again - what concerns me about the touchscreen interface and how its integrated is simply that it's always used in such a 'bare' way. These mini-games (Nintendo land and the Wario game) have such simple dynamics - they're not a reason to buy the console. I feel like the Wii only really justified its use of motion controls toward the end with games such as Skyward Sword - the same goes for the U. Nintendo balks on about innovation and being different - but whats on show are just basic demo's of capabilities in a somewhat polished (HD) form. I've calmed down since my last posta-rant, but I still feel genuinely concerned this console is just going to bomb in its first year. It's not about any aspect of the hardware, it's about the software promises. If we only get what we saw at E3 - things are going to be really tough.
Because if these higher quality Zeldas, Metroids and whatever were being lined up for year one (and I'm assuming they're all in some phase of development now) - why the hell would you not announce them, even if its just a logo or a minute long trailer? If the Wii U tanks its introduction, growth of innovative and in-depth games could be stunted.
I definitely don't think this worry is imaginary. The 3DS and Vita have found it tough, I think the gaming market in general has changed since the Wii more than Nintendo would like to think. The Wii U isn't a sure thing, they should have come out all guns blazing. No matter whether the U goes on to be a success or not - this show was a huge disappointment to consumers and those within the industry alike.
( Edited 08.06.2012 20:16 by The Strat Man )