3DS Discussion Thread

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SuperLink said:
Ah yes, I should have mentioned that unless you particularly want a handheld version of those games (as I did with BlazBlue and Tekken.. begrudgingly with Tekken, it's an extremely barebones package) it's best to stick with the console versions. However I was unsure if you had a PS3 or 360, and if you don't then BlazBlue especially is a good idea imo.

As for Sonic Generations, it really is a different game to the HD version. It's nowhere near as good because it's so small, but that's exactly why I suggested getting it as cheap as possible b/c imo it's not worth normal game RRP.

And yep, I was about to mention Mario 3D Land but I noticed you had it already. It's not bad, not amazing, but definitely not bad.

As for Kingdom Hearts it's a great game and there's a demo you can try, but it's possibly hard to get into if you're not willing to get into the rest of the series. If you love the gameplay a lot, then yeah go for it. Also if you want a rhythm game, Theatrhythm is a nice choice.

Finally, will echo the "don't get Rayman on 3DS" sentiment. Any console version is a better idea Smilie (unless you really want it on handheld)

Thanks Superlink, you should know me by now! I have a PS3, Wii, Wii U. I picked up Generations on the PS3 on release and loved it! But with that said i doubt i'll get it on 3DS. I am not a massive fan of the 'Beat'em up /Fighting genre, i don't mind a few games of Street Fighter, DOA, Tekken, Soul Calibur, but i never end up actually playing them when i get them. I've barely played Tekken Tag on the Wii U so i feel like i can't get really buy and more beat-em-ups...unless its Smash Bros.

I might take your advice on Ace Attorney though!

Capcom Has Announced Gaist Crusher for 3DS


Super HangOn 3DS eShop

Version 5.0.0-11U available via wireless Internet connection includes the following improvements:
    • Nintendo eShop improvements*
    • Users will no longer need to close the Nintendo eShop application to ensure the "Download Later" feature works while the Nintendo 3DS is in Sleep Mode.
    • Other improvements to usability have been made, including the ability to download software update data in the background.
    Improvements to system stability and usability
    • Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
    • *System menu versions 5.0.0-0U through 5.0.0-10U do not include these improvements.
    • The following, which were included within previous system updates, are not included with system menu versions 5.0.0-0U through 5.0.0-4U:
    • New features for the Nintendo 3DS Camera
    • New content for StreetPass Mii Plaza
    • System Transfer between two Nintendo 3DS systems
    • The following, which were included within previous system updates, are not included with system menu versions 5.0.0-0U through 5.0.0-1U:
    • Addition of Internet Browser
    • Addition of Nintendo eShop
    • System Transfer from a Nintendo DSi or Nintendo DSi XL system

    ( Edited 02.04.2013 10:58 by Linkyshinks )

    Our member of the week

    *sigh* I'd like 3D Space Harrier and 3D Super hang On in Europe :/... And 3D Outrun should also be made, one of my all-time favourites.

    Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

    3D Space Harrier is supposedly being localised from what I've heard, it's just taking its damn sweet time for some reason. SEGA West and SEGA Japan's relations are as good as ever I see (rimshot).

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
    Our member of the week

    Damn, I bet there isn't a speck of Japanese text even in the Japanese version of the game. What's there to localise, aside perhaps from the digital user's manual that comes with every eShop release? Shouldn't take more than an afternoon to translate for a professional :/...

    Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

    Yeah it really shouldn't take long at all. In reality I highly doubt there's any reason for the long wait besides bad company management and laziness.

    Unless it's Sonic, don't expect SEGA to ever consistently or reliably localise stuff. Infact scratch that, even including Sonic, AllStars Racing Transformed still has no sign of a Japanese release despite how heavily loaded with fanservice it is.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Advance Wars

    Inteligent Systems Higuchi:

    "Well, whether it's Fire Emblem or the Advance Wars, we never want to put an end to any series we're involved with. We always want to make games that provide a lot of fun to gamers, so if we have the chance, we'd certainly like to make another [Advance Wars] title."


    Square Enix still hasn't announced Bravely Default: Flying Fairy for North America or Europe, but don't worry—the nostalgic turn-based role playing game will be released overseas.

    During the Game Developers Conference, Siliconera was able to confirm with multiple trusted sources that Bravely Default: Flying Fairy will be localized for English-speaking audiences.


    Oh and Etrian Odyssey 4 coming to Europe & Australia in summer now:

    ( Edited 04.04.2013 12:20 by Azuardo )

    Not sure if this interests anyone but I just got an email from GAME about an exclusive art book for Fire Emblem Awakening. I am not sure if this is the same as the American Gamestop artbook, although the cover is difference.

    Might be crap...might be not, i'll let you decide. Those who have already pre-ordered get it included as well.


    It looked decently chunky from the art on the GAME website, so I pre-ordered the heck out of it and cancelled my ShopTo pre-order.

    I may be awful at the game and not enjoy it once it arrives, but I know I'll enjoy the artbook. The art from the game is already fantastic.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    SuperLink said:
    It looked decently chunky from the art on the GAME website, so I pre-ordered the heck out of it and cancelled my ShopTo pre-order.

    I may be awful at the game and not enjoy it once it arrives, but I know I'll enjoy the artbook. The art from the game is already fantastic.

    I am tempted to get it on release, not that i need any more games but I know after release it'll be pretty hard to find the game. Fire Emblem games really just don't sell in great numbers in the west. 

    Still i absolutely love them, I am gutted to have not got Shadow Dragon and now regretting it as i cannot find it anywhere and the prices on eBay are to high for me to worth thinking about.

    So i may too get a pre-order...oooohhh what to do????

    If you absolutely love them I'd say get this one, because it's been the best-received FE of all time and has gotten amazing reviews across the board. To the point where I, someone who is typically terrible at strategy games and has gotten hopelessly stuck at the beginning of the game in every other FE game he's played is actually pretty hyped for.

    And, this one has actually done pretty well in the west apparently, I'm looking forward to seeing how it performs in Europe too.

    ( Edited 05.04.2013 22:45 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
    Our member of the week

    SuperLink said:
    If you absolutely love them I'd say get this one, because it's been the best-received FE of all time and has gotten amazing reviews across the board. To the point where I, someone who is typically terrible at strategy games and has gotten hopelessly stuck at the beginning of the game in every other FE game he's played is actually pretty hyped for.

    Get ready to play the game in the easiest difficulty setting then. The hard mode (second level from the easiest) is said to be for players who are used to Fire emblem, and yet even I have problems with it. I'm making very slow progress through the whole game, and the meager progress I'm making is only thanks to every possible bonus the game throws my way and harvesting every random battles appearing on the map à la Sacred Stones to farm experience points.

    Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

    I haven't really ever had a problem with the difficulty, granted i've always played on Normal (i don't like playing games on easy as it defies the point of a challenge). 

    I spent a bit of time with Fire Emblem games because i really hate seeing my characters die, but i don't want to turn perma-death off, thats the whole challenge!

    Based on what you said SuperLink I have just put my pre-order down, to be fair after seeing the reviews for this game it was what inspired me to get my 3DS in the first place! Happy to spend £30 on it as if i do ever decide to sell it i know i can get double that in years to come!

    I'm so mixed on the idea of challenge in Fire Emblem, used to be I would agree with you Flynnie, challenge is important and part of what makes a game so rewarding Smilie

    But in Sacred Stones (thanks for my first FE game 3DS Ambassador system!) I'm stuck on like the 5th chapter (it's this stage with fog) and every time a character dies I get so frustrated that I just want to reload! I'm hopeless at it Smilie
    So maybe in order to enjoy Awakening and allow myself to improve (if it's possible) at strategy games, choosing casual mode isn't such a bad idea.

    ( Edited 06.04.2013 02:14 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    SuperLink, play on easy, sure, but with perma-death enabled. Or I'll lose all respect for you. Smilie

    Hard more is indeed punishing but very, very satisfying. I don't like that enemies on Hard can spawn and attack in the same turn (such BS -- enemy snipers spawning and then shooting down my pegasus before I can even react), but oither than that the increased enemy AI and strength makes for a really solid challenge.

    I'll try to play on Lunatic for my next play through. I hear it's pretty brutal, so we'll see if I follow through!

    Jacob4000 said:
    SuperLink, play on easy, sure, but with perma-death enabled. Or I'll lose all respect for you. Smilie

    I'll try, but keep in mind I'm someone who's been stuck on the 5th chapter of Sacred Stones and the first chapter of Radiant Dawn for months. Smilie
    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    SuperLink said:
    Jacob4000 said:
    SuperLink, play on easy, sure, but with perma-death enabled. Or I'll lose all respect for you. Smilie

    I'll try, but keep in mind I'm someone who's been stuck on the 5th chapter of Sacred Stones and the first chapter of Radiant Dawn for months. Smilie

    Haha, sometimes its all about trial and error, some levels take longer than others (if you are going to keep restarting) , in a way once you have a few members of your team that have a bit more experience it gets a little easier because you get used to who is good at what. Remember that swords beats axes, axes beats lances and lances beats swords.

    As for having peagus knights i tend to use them to pick up players and then retreat them further in the party. Unfortunately i think that they are usually too weak. 

    Our member of the week

    You haven't experienced a hard Fire Emblem if you haven't tried Seisen no Keifu (Genealogy of the Holy War) or Thracia 776 on Super Famicom Smilie. The GBA games were easy compared to anything that was released prior to that (or at least Fire Emblem 6 still had a nice challenge)

    ( Edited 07.04.2013 00:10 by RudyC3 )

    Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

    Damn, I find Sacred Stones extremely hard so my hopes for Awakening success are not high. Smilie

    However I finally had a good go at the demo yesterday, I gotta say it plays a lot nicer and smoother than most FE games I've played before, information is nicely streamlined to make all the confusing numbers and stats less confusing. Plus the plot has me pretty interested. (though I didn't realise Marth just gave his name away, I thought it was meant to be a surprise-Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery


    , that's all I know about the plot anyhoos.

    Will probably play on Normal with Permadeath on, I was pretty good at the demo. Smilie

    I could never get into any of the fire emblem games but I've tried the demo of Awakening and I love it. Really tempted to buy it when it's out in the uk Smilie

    Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
    3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

    LKR000 said:
    I could never get into any of the fire emblem games but I've tried the demo of Awakening and I love it. Really tempted to buy it when it's out in the uk Smilie

    Honestly its a great series, love the story telling, although i much more prefer the handhelds as its a game i feel like i can play quite easily while doing something else, so its nice to have as a second screen while something else is on the tele (e.g Football)

    Tracking down the older games will be a pain though, they go for a pretty penny on eBay. I can't seem to find Shadow Dragon for cheaper than £35-40 preowned, but i have the other western releases although i guess you can download them from the eShop when they put them up.

    You'll be amazed at how hooked you get to the characters, you'll find yourself re-doing levels to make sure characters don't die...it extends the life of the game ten-fold!

    ( Edited 09.04.2013 01:09 by Flynnie )

    So for the first time, handhelds are getting a taste of the Batman: Arkham series. I'm guessing it's being built for 3DS since that's by far the more popular of the two, but Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate​ is coming to 3DS (and Vita) this year as a spinoff of the new home-console entry.

    What's most interesting is that it's a Metroidvania being developed by ex-Retro Studios staff. Given the developers and "genre", I'm excited for this game and I don't know a single thing about Batman.

    If it gets good reception, I'll most likely buy it.

    ( Edited 09.04.2013 19:18 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Flynnie said:
    LKR000 said:
    I could never get into any of the fire emblem games but I've tried the demo of Awakening and I love it. Really tempted to buy it when it's out in the uk Smilie

    Honestly its a great series, love the story telling, although i much more prefer the handhelds as its a game i feel like i can play quite easily while doing something else, so its nice to have as a second screen while something else is on the tele (e.g Football)

    Tracking down the older games will be a pain though, they go for a pretty penny on eBay. I can't seem to find Shadow Dragon for cheaper than £35-40 preowned, but i have the other western releases although i guess you can download them from the eShop when they put them up.

    You'll be amazed at how hooked you get to the characters, you'll find yourself re-doing levels to make sure characters don't die...it extends the life of the game ten-fold!

    Sounds like it's got  a ton of replay value, just ordered it from game with the artbook so I'll be playing that a good while when its out.

    Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
    3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

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