3DS Discussion Thread

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Didn't Nintendo say a new 3DS Zelda would be released before any potential MM Remake? Not that I wouldn't mind seeing it of course since the OoT 3DS game is easily the definitive version, but I would prefer a new title first.

Wouldn't say no to the possibility of it being the third game in the Hero of Time continuity though. Smilie

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A port of Majora, made by Grezzo and using the same engine as OoT 3D could be out much faster than a completely new Zelda though.

I can see them wanting to enlarge the catalogue of the console a little, by having that game out ASAP... I know it's not a complete desert in terms of games on 3DS, but one must admit that, given how much longer it takes to develop a 3DS game compared to a DS game, and how much more expensive it is also, the 3DS library isn't expending as fast as the DS one.

So even if it's just one more game, and it's easy to port and could be done fast, they have all the reasons in the world to do it (especially since the audience is there to receive it, fans have been asking for it for a long time after all).

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I missed some parts of the Nintendo Direct and started watching during that Girls Game or whatever. Animal Crossing and Paper Mario look brilliant (loved Iwata's intro for Paper Mario) but the highlight was whatever game was showed last that had Iwata's Mii in it. SO hilarious! SmilieSmilieSmilie

Oh yeah, there was also a Rhythm game that seemed to be from Gamefreak using Pokémon music. Looked pretty cool.

( Edited 29.08.2012 12:56 by SirLink )

I would LOVE a Pokémon rhythm game, but maybe it'll just be a Donkey Konga affair with mostly pop music and /some/ game music.

(honestly though I want a big Pokémon rhythm game yes)

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Wow, I completely missed that Iwata teased a new weapon type for Monster Hunter 4 at the end because I had no idea what he was saying.

Image for

It looks like he has a sword/shield in his right hand, a double-headed lance on the back and a gun on his waist? Multiple weapons equip? The lance looks like you could wield it similar to Kilik from SCII. I also saw speculation that it might be a Switch-bow, much like Pit has. That would be freaking awesome and have an entirely different playstyle with both ranged and melee movesets.

Whatever it is, colour me excited. Heck, I still haven't been able to play with a bow, gunlance, dual swords and hunting horn.

( Edited 29.08.2012 18:21 by SirLink )

EX Troopers Screens (PS3 on top)


Picross E is out on 3DS eShop today (£4.50)

( Edited 06.09.2012 18:48 by Linkyshinks )

EX Troopers looks really impressive, hope they localise that. Smilie

Just come back from my usual Saturday schedule of pandering around the city and generally not doing much, and popped into Toys r Us on a whim. Quickly had a go on a regular 3DS demo of Mario Tennis, and whilst the game felt like a prettier version of MT on N64, I was amazed how small the unit felt compared to the XL that I'm now used to. Definitely don't regret the update in any way, but I do kinda miss the smaller form factor.

Quite honestly, I'm strongly considering importing a Japanese 3DS Lite, not only for the stuff that's never likely to leave Japan (Project X Zone and the like), but to give my learning a good shot in the arm. Will have to have a think about this.

Phoenom said:
EX Troopers looks really impressive, hope they localise that. Smilie

Just come back from my usual Saturday schedule of pandering around the city and generally not doing much, and popped into Toys r Us on a whim. Quickly had a go on a regular 3DS demo of Mario Tennis, and whilst the game felt like a prettier version of MT on N64, I was amazed how small the unit felt compared to the XL that I'm now used to. Definitely don't regret the update in any way, but I do kinda miss the smaller form factor.

Quite honestly, I'm strongly considering importing a Japanese 3DS Lite, not only for the stuff that's never likely to leave Japan (Project X Zone and the like), but to give my learning a good shot in the arm. Will have to have a think about this.

Project x Zone Localization Rumour


New Pokémon Mystery Dungeon for the 3DS revealed!

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Image for

The first image sof CoroCoro has been revealed, showing a new game for the 3DS coming this winter called Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon: Magnagate and the Infinite Labyrinth. It's coming to Japan this year. In this game, you start off as a character who turns into a Pokémon as you fall into a dream. Possible Pokémon are Pikachu, Oshawott, Axew, Snivy & Tepig. This game is in full 3D. Unlike past games, this game appears to be standalone, rather than having two versions
It features a variety of Pokémon including Pokémon from Unova such as Gurdurr, Hydreigon and Virizion. You receive Quest Requests from Dunsparce, Cofagrigus runs a store, to which we don't know the details. Rampardos runs the Treasure Store. Kecleon returns, having the usual Goods store, with many items around it.
Finally, it has an Augmented Reality feature. If you scan things, they become Magnagates, which open up paths to new dungeons for you.


I'm personally really looking forward to this as I really like the Mystery Dungeon spin-off series. It's been 4 years since the last real instalment, so it's good to see that they are still making them.

It's actually 3D? Hmm that's interesting.

I really hope Gen6 Pokémon isn't 3D, I'd love some beautiful HD spritework over models.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I don't know which I would prefer, I'd have to see first. If the sprites were on a level of quality like BlazBlue and the attack animations look amazing then I'd be fine with it.

I wonder if they would dare to mix the two, have the same style of overworld as previous games but 3D battles like Colosseum, XD and Battle Revolution or even vice versa?

Then again, they already have full 3D models of every Pokémon on the 3DS with that Pokédex app. It would be surprising to see those just go to waste. Honestly, they can really do anything, as long as they keep the 8-bit like Pokémon sounds. Smilie

Tbh with Pokémon many people have different views, it'd be very hard to please all of them..

I've personally always found the 3D Pokémon models very dull, plastic, lacking any character that the sprites have always had. It makes every single one look like an anime mascot rather than a monster, and maybe that's the idea but
If they made a 3D Pokémon game, I hope they're able to give the Pokémon more dynamic and characterful poses rather than 'stand there and smile Smilie'

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yeah, that is the main concern. On the DS it wasn't a very viable option but now with the 3DS that's a different story. Generally 3D is seen as the logical evolution from 2D so it's going to be hard for them this time with so many different expectations.

I actually agree with you on the 3D models, even though I still like them mostly because at least in Colosseum/XD/PBR you could actually see your Pokémon from other angles than just behind. Some backsprites don't look even near as cool as the normal ones.

For me the ideal solution would be the direction that the B/W engine took, have high-quality sprites but with great, constant animation. If it's like that on the 3DS and not all pixellated, it would look amazing.

( Edited 13.09.2012 12:41 by SirLink )

SirLink said:
I actually agree with you on the 3D models, even though I still like them. For me the ideal solution would be the direction that the B/W engine took, have high-quality sprites but with great, constant animation. If it's like that on the 3DS and not all pixellated, it would look amazing.

Yeah that'd ideal for me too, I'd really love if they did that.

I know the animation quality in BW was a long time coming, but I found they were amazing, even better than I was expecting from a Pokémon game. As of bw2 I think almost every trainer has sprite animations too..

Either way I'm interested to see what they do, I do hope they keep sprites, or if not then completely redo their 3D models.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I haven't played Pokémon White since it launched but I just watched some videos and the animation is good but could be vastly improved. The fact that the Pokémon were animated at all and not just when they came out made it feel a lot more fresh to me. All this talk is making me want my copy of Black 2 right now...I think I'll stop right here before I derail this even further. Smilie

I wouldn't be surprised if they came out with something developing from the Pokedex 3D style models. I wouldn't say no to a Stadium-esq game on the 3DS mind you, keeping the original sprite-based games seperate. Best of both worlds!



First trailer for the new Pokémon Mystery Dungeon game. Looks great, although I hope that there'll be more than just 5 Pokémon to play as. Maybe that means that they fleshed out their characters a lot more, who knows. I saw an Espeon possibly as part of the main cast of characters, so I'm sold. Smilie

The visuals are nice, much nicer than most 3D Pokémon games.

However, the Pokémon still look too soulless to me, Pikachu's static stance, movements and stare will never be cute to me.

Make 'em look more like animals or more full of character, less plastic if they want a mainseries games to look like this.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

PXZ (16mins)




Mind=Blown. The new weapon type looks so acrobatic, I really want to try that now.

Online play for MH4 was also confirmed. Japan doesn't really care about this, so it's a good guess that they had a localisation in mind when adding that. Let's hope MH3U sells well over here when it comes out in March.


There's also a new trailer for Ace Attorney 5. I haven't played any of the games yet but the music and tension in this trailer really made me want to get into the series.

The gameplay looks a lot more swift too.

New MH4 Trailer off-screen

( Edited 21.09.2012 14:07 by Linkyshinks )


I'm wanting to get New Super Mario Bros 2 as a download. I ain't paying Nintendo's ridiculous price and I haven't seen a single card at retail. They said we'd be able to buy download codes at online retailers too but none are selling them, just the physical copies.

Is this how it'll be in the UK?

I thought it costs more as a download..

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