3DS Discussion Thread

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I thought it was okay, not too keen on the hack and slash elements but the visuals and production values were pretty good.

I will say though for anyone on the fence about it, get Nightsky. Absolutely worth the money.A brilliant brilliant game. Smilie



( Edited 27.02.2013 08:53 by Linkyshinks )

4.5 Castlevania.

I thought the demo was crap, like a poor mans GoW in 2D.

Our member of the week

Linkyshinks said:
4.5 Castlevania.

I thought the demo was crap, like a poor mans GoW in 2D.

Seems like it's mostly IGN's biased opinion on what a handheld CV should be.

The game still holds roughly a 70% average score on Metacritic. Most other reviewers gave it some decent scores.


( Edited 06.03.2013 10:14 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Didn't like it at all. God-awful frame-rate, far too hack 'n slash. Doesn't come anywhere close to the brilliant GBA/DS Castlevanias.

Keep Mercury well away from Metroid, thank you very much.

I'll be spending my money on Luigi's Mansion 2 instead.

I too didn't like the demo much. Granted I've never played a Castlevania game before, but this one certainly didn't sell it to me. Very slow, clunky, too much emphasis on slow combat. However, Az may well have sold me on the DS Castlevanias, am considering picking one up sometime.

On the note of Luigi's Mansion, it looks A+. Honestly I had always worried the supposed "mission-based" gameplay would ruin it completely, but from the trailers it looks surprisingly faithful and intuitive even for modern Nintendo and their frustrating urge to simplify the Mario series as much as possible.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Downloaded Nano Assault EX today.

Holy crap it's awesome. Does just about everything right in my book, definitely worth the wait.

Also very much looking forward to Luigi's Mansion 2. Never played the first one, but always was interested in it. Hope this'll be a good second entry into the series Smilie.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Flipnote Studio 3D


Linkyshinks said:
Flipnote Studio 3D

About f**king time they released Flipnote for the 3DS, they mentioned it AGES ago and it's only just coming out? Really excited for this, more colours and 3D animation = Awesome. Smilie


Fantasy Life has been TM'd in Europe by Level-5 Inc Smilie


RK FPS will use CPP - Unveiling @PAX east

Our 3DS FPS has been an especially challenging task that we thrust upon ourselves. Not only have we needed to get the playable 'Atmosphere Demo' in shape to show off, but there's the fact that this is the reveal of the game to the world. No pressure there, right? This has forced us to finalize the name of the game, the game logo, and the key imagery that hopefully embodies the game theme at a glance.

I know that the world will quickly judge and decide whether we have successfully presented an appealing game or not in just few days, but personally I am feeling really good about the game.


( Edited 20.03.2013 22:32 by RudyC3 )

Our member of the week

If it's good I'll buy it. The first Dementium was impressive for a DS title, but too repetitive for its own good, and the map system sucked big balls. I heard the second fixed some of the issues, but wasn't quite perfect either; If they keep on this path, the 3DS game might be perfect at last! At least their past experience shows that they care about making technically impressive titles, so that warrants that they have my full attention at least.

EDIT: Edited your previous post Linkyshinks, the italic tag was incorrectly closed, forcing the rest of the page to display in italic Smilie.

( Edited 20.03.2013 22:33 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Might Switch Force 2 officially confirmed! Smilie


Sorry Linkyshinks, it wasn't Shantae. Smilie

CrystalMushroom said:
Might Switch Force 2 officially confirmed! Smilie


Sorry Linkyshinks, it wasn't Shantae. Smilie

MSF2 was already confirmed before WayForward released this screenshot, no "knew" for certain that this screenshot was from MSF2, but I definitely thought it was due to the backgrounds. Looks like I was right. Smilie



( Edited 22.03.2013 08:57 by Linkyshinks )

So i just recently purchased a 3DS XL with Super Mario 3D land and New Super Mario Bros 2.

So having missed everything '3DS' in the last years i am very green on what is available bar the big hitters.

So my wish list is looking somewhat like this;

Starfox 64
Kid Icarus Uprising
Mario Kart 7
Luigi's Mansion 2
Fire Emblem

Maybe's on Mario Tennis, PilotWings, Kingdom Hearts, Paper mario, Rayman Origins, Resident Evil Revelations...

As i have a fair few games to play through i am probably looking at being at being a bit cheap. I am getting annoyed at missing games during their intial launch window then the games being sold second hand for higher than what they were released at. I can imagine Fire Emblem would be one of those games in the long run so i might aim to get that early on.

Anyway, any reccomendations!?

I would pass on Resident Evil and get the WiiU version in a couple months instead.

But gosh, where to begin? I guess I'll start with a little bias. If you've ever been interested in visual novels or games like Ace Attorney and Ghost Trick, I honestly couldn't recommend Virtue's Last Reward more; and if you're going to play Virtua's Last Reward, you seriously need to play 999 first. Those are two amazing visuals novels you're not gonna forget anytime soon.

If you want a fighting game, BlazBlue is probably the best thing you can get on 3DS atm. It's not the best port, so if you have a particular love for Street Fighter, Tekken, or Dead or Alive, you might wanna pick up their 3DS attempts but for the most part SF and Tekken are just handheld versions of SF4/Tekken6 watered down. DoA is a decent package though. (But yeah BlazBlue is an even better package.)

Sonic Generations is a neat little game if you like Sonic, it's probably not bad at all if you buy it super cheap (because it's very small), it suffers from some weird stage design choices here n there but it's otherwise solid enough.

I can't really recommend Paper Mario, granted I'm not that far in it but it's not what you'd expect from a Paper Mario game.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

You have to ask yourself a few sensible questions to narrow your list down, unless you have enough money to splash out. Otherwise, what's the rush? You don't want to bog yourself down in too many games for the sake of it.

So, have you played Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 64 before? If so, put them at the bottom of your list or don't bother. Would you rather have the console/superior versions of Rayman Origins and Resi Revelations? If so, cross them off or don't bother. Are you a big Kingdom Hearts fan and are pretty clued up on the series? If not, don't bother.

You may be right about Fire Emblem, and it's a guaranteed hit, so why not save your pennies and go for it when it comes out? Get Kid Icarus and, if you can afford it, Luigi's Mansion 2. Mario Kart 7 will be fun if you haven't played a MK game in a while, but it's not a personal fave of mine. The others I wouldn't say are anything too special (Pilotwings, Mario Tennis, Paper Mario).

I would make these your priorities: Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion 2, Mario Kart 7.

The others should depend on the prices you can get them for and whether you desperately want them or not. The above four games I would rank above all the others, however.

Re: what SuperLink said:
I would counter the 3DS suggestions he makes and say that, wherever possible, you should be opting for the console versions at all times if the game is also on 3DS.

BlazBlue PS3 > BlazBlue 3DS
Sonic Gen PS3/360 > Sonic Gen 3DS (3DS has exclusive stages, however)
Tekken Tag 2/Tekken 6 > Tekken 3D
SSF4 Arcade Edition > SSF4 3D

Really, in my opinion, wherever a 3DS game is also on PS3/360, you should be getting the console version, like I mentioned with Rayman and Resident Evil.

But I highly recommend DOA5 and BlazBlue on PS3/360 while we're on that. And Rayman - get the HD version, for god's sake.

( Edited 25.03.2013 23:48 by Azuardo )

Our member of the week

Tales of the Abyss is also a good pick if you love RPGs, and can be found for cheap frequently (see Az's deals, it pops up there on a regular basis) Already put over 200 hours in that one.

Let's not forget eShop exclusives either if you want to get yourself some digital goodness. Crimson Shroud is an excellent mix of digital novel and virtual tabletop RPG (and the best RPG story you're going to get on 3DS period). Pullblox and Fallblox are also two excellent puzzle games.

( Edited 25.03.2013 23:26 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Sorry to re-post this in a different thread but just to let you know what i already have, i just bought this off eBay. 
I did something a little silly today...a bit of an impulse purchase but bought a 3DS off eBay.

Image for
A blue and black 3DS XL with the following;3DS

  • Super Mario Land 3D (Pre Installed on the 3ds)
  • New Super Mario Bros 2 (Plus Classic Pack DLC)

  • Aliens: Infestation
Virtual Console:Gameboy Advance

  • Metroid Fusion
  • The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
  • Wario Land 4
  • WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$
  • Mario vs. Donkey Kong,
  • Mario Kart: Super Circuit
  • Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3
  • Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
  • F-Zero: Maximum Velocity
  • Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Nintendo Entertainment System

  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Donkey Kong Jr
  • Balloon Fight
  • Ice Climber
  • The Legend Of Zelda
  • Wrecking Crew
  • NES Open Tournament Golf
  • Yoshi
  • Metroid
  • Zelda II: The Adventure Of Link

  • Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins
Gameboy Color

  • The Legend of Zelda: Link´s Awakening DX
3D Classics

  • Excite Bike
  • Kid Icarus

  • Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition
Now given i already have 6 of the GBA classics i do wonder if i got a good deal or not, i paid £218 with P&P. Deal or No Deal?

SuperLink said:
I would pass on Resident Evil and get the WiiU version in a couple months instead.

But gosh, where to begin? I guess I'll start with a little bias. If you've ever been interested in visual novels or games like Ace Attorney and Ghost Trick, I honestly couldn't recommend Virtue's Last Reward more; and if you're going to play Virtua's Last Reward, you seriously need to play 999 first. Those are two amazing visuals novels you're not gonna forget anytime soon.

If you want a fighting game, BlazBlue is probably the best thing you can get on 3DS atm. It's not the best port, so if you have a particular love for Street Fighter, Tekken, or Dead or Alive, you might wanna pick up their 3DS attempts but for the most part SF and Tekken are just handheld versions of SF4/Tekken6 watered down. DoA is a decent package though. (But yeah BlazBlue is an even better package.)

Sonic Generations is a neat little game if you like Sonic, it's probably not bad at all if you buy it super cheap (because it's very small), it suffers from some weird stage design choices here n there but it's otherwise solid enough.

I can't really recommend Paper Mario, granted I'm not that far in it but it's not what you'd expect from a Paper Mario game.

Just watched the IGN review on Paper Mario and looks cool, but also looks frustrating to play. Given i have Bowsers Inside Story to play through i might just stick with that.

I haven't actually tried Ace Attorney actually, i keep meaning too but never get around to it. Like wise with the Professor Layton games as well.


Azuardo said:
You have to ask yourself a few sensible questions to narrow your list down, unless you have enough money to splash out. Otherwise, what's the rush? You don't want to bog yourself down in too many games for the sake of it.

So, have you played Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 64 before? If so, put them at the bottom of your list or don't bother. Would you rather have the console/superior versions of Rayman Origins and Resi Revelations? If so, cross them off or don't bother. Are you a big Kingdom Hearts fan and are pretty clued up on the series? If not, don't bother.

You may be right about Fire Emblem, and it's a guaranteed hit, so why not save your pennies and go for it when it comes out? Get Kid Icarus and, if you can afford it, Luigi's Mansion 2. Mario Kart 7 will be fun if you haven't played a MK game in a while, but it's not a personal fave of mine. The others I wouldn't say are anything too special (Pilotwings, Mario Tennis, Paper Mario).

I would make these your priorities: Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion 2, Mario Kart 7.

The others should depend on the prices you can get them for and whether you desperately want them of not. The above four games I would rank above all the others, however.

Re: what SuperLink said:
I would counter the 3DS suggestions he makes and say that, wherever possible, you should be opting for the console versions at all times if the game is also on 3DS.

BlazBlue PS3 > BlazBlue 3DS
Sonic Gen PS3/360 > Sonic Gen 3DS (3DS has exclusive stages, however)
Tekken Tag 2/Tekken 6 > Tekken 3D
SSF4 Arcade Edition > SSF4 3D

Really, in my opinion, wherever a 3DS game is also on PS3/360, you should be getting the console version, like I mentioned with Rayman and Resident Evil.

But I highly recommend DOA5 and BlazBlue on PS3/360 while we're on that. And Rayman - get the HD version, for god's sake.

Az i have to admit you have put that in to a very nice perspective, i own Ocarina of Time in so many different ways, i guess paying £20 for it again is a little silly. If i could get Starfox 64 on a handheld that would be pretty awesome, although i still have LylatWars knocking around on my N64 under my bed! So i think you are right on both of these.

Looking at Kingdom Hearts i am definitely not clued up on the story so i guess i will give that a miss and i guess console versions of Rayman and Resi makes more sense as well considering the costs of these anyway.

I am glad you said to prioritise these; Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion 2, Mario Kart 7.

As this is a good solid list.

Interesting to see that no one reccomended NEW Super Mario Bros 2 or Super Mario 3D Land....EDIT: THATS BECAUSE I ALREADY TOLD Y'ALL I ALREADY HAVE IT! WHOOOPS!

RudyC3 said:
Tales of the Abyss is also a good pick if you love RPGs, and can be found for cheap frequently (see Az's deals, it pops up there on a regular basis) Already put over 200 hours in that one.

Let's not forget eShop exclusives either if you want to get yourself some digital goodness. Crimson Shroud is an excellent mix of digital novel and virtual tabletop RPG (and the best RPG story you're going to get on 3DS period). Pullblox and Fallblox are also two excellent puzzle games.

I would be definitely interested in getting Tales, so i would probably add that to 5th on my list.thanks people! Stars for all!

( Edited 25.03.2013 23:46 by Flynnie )

Well, I saw you own NSMB2 and SM3DL already... SL saw that, too, and I imagine Rudy did.

You're welcome, anyway. If you want help looking for deals on particular games, you know where to ask
: )

( Edited 25.03.2013 23:47 by Azuardo )

Azuardo said:
Well, I saw you own NSMB2 and SM3DL already... SL saw that, too, and I imagine Rudy did.

You're welcome, anyway. If you want help looking for deals on particular games, you know where to ask
: )

LOL, i know i re-read and edited, just beat you too it! I just forgot i had posted it...long day!

After reading and watching reviews of Fire Emblem and Luigi's Mansion i am genuinely excited for those games, money isn't really an issue but i don't like over paying for games when i know they drop quite quickly.

Ah yes, I should have mentioned that unless you particularly want a handheld version of those games (as I did with BlazBlue and Tekken.. begrudgingly with Tekken, it's an extremely barebones package) it's best to stick with the console versions. However I was unsure if you had a PS3 or 360, and if you don't then BlazBlue especially is a good idea imo.

As for Sonic Generations, it really is a different game to the HD version. It's nowhere near as good because it's so small, but that's exactly why I suggested getting it as cheap as possible b/c imo it's not worth normal game RRP.

And yep, I was about to mention Mario 3D Land but I noticed you had it already. It's not bad, not amazing, but definitely not bad.

As for Kingdom Hearts it's a great game and there's a demo you can try, but it's possibly hard to get into if you're not willing to get into the rest of the series. If you love the gameplay a lot, then yeah go for it. Also if you want a rhythm game, Theatrhythm is a nice choice.

Finally, will echo the "don't get Rayman on 3DS" sentiment. Any console version is a better idea Smilie (unless you really want it on handheld)

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