3DS Discussion Thread

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4.5M Nintendo 3DS's sold in North America in it's first year. Nintendo DS sold 2.5 in it's first.

17M Nintendo 3DS's sold worldwide.


david_ellitts said:
i think its me or dose anyone else feel the same way cause i don't rely much like the 3ds thumb stick, i just find it too flat i would much prefer something like on the nunchuk but obviously it would not fit onto a protable console unless they made a flat version cause all i like is actually making the thing tilt rather than move in a circular motion Smilie

Honestly I kind of forget I am using a circle pad and it just feels like a stick after a while.

Though sometimes my thumb tends to drift( for instance I am aiming it slightly down left in stead of left) and I don't notice because it's such a smooth circle (possibly because it's flat too?), maybe it would have been better to keep the octagon shape Nintendo usally uses around there sticks.

It dosn't happen much now that I have used it a while, but I remember in mario kart when I first got it sometimes turning left or right seemed very unresponsive but it's because I wasn't moving the stick all the way to the left or right and ending up in a slight down-left or down-right position.

( Edited 07.03.2012 13:16 by Mr James2t3 )

I actually love the Circle Pad, definitely better than the PSP's thumbstick. I can't say Vita just yet as I've only used the thumbsticks on the Vita once, but yeah. There's nothing wrong with the Circle Pad for me, it works flawlessly. Sure, it feels weird at first, but you get used to it. I'm also getting used to the small and slightly stiff D-Pad.

The 3DS is slowly becoming one of my favourite handhelds, because of the VC, Ambassador Programme, awesome games such as Resident Evil, DoA, Mario Kart 7, SM3DL, etc. and great upcoming games. Not to mention the new IPs released on the eShop; Freakyforms, Pushmo/Pullblox, Dillon. If we get the Zelda Oracles games plus a few other portable classics... it will definitely be my favourite handheld.

( Edited 07.03.2012 14:03 by Mush123 )

I don't really like the dpad position, but I suppose there not much you can do about that, it's kind of in a horrible position if your trying to use the L button at the same time, but it's ok as an auxillary set of 4 buttons or a Dpad for Gameboy VC games which don't need the L or R buttons.

( Edited 07.03.2012 15:12 by Mr James2t3 )

With a good amount of time spent on the PS Vita, I can definitely say the circle pad is better than the Vita's analogues. That said, they're still probably a lot better than the PSP nub.

I really like the 3DS for pretty much everything, in terms of button layout and feel, I just don't like the awful d-pad that's stiff and creaks. It has to be one of the worst d-pads I've ever used.

Our member of the week

Marzy said:
I just don't like the awful d-pad that's stiff and creaks. It has to be one of the worst d-pads I've ever used.

I second that.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Great find Marzy! Smilie Smilie

Kid Icarus: Uprising received a 40/40 from Famitsu! It also got a 91% from ONM and a 8/10 from Edge so far.

Can't wait for the game to come out! Smilie Only 12 days to go, for me at least.

( Edited 14.03.2012 05:26 by SirLink )

SirLink said:
Kid Icarus: Uprising received a 40/40 from Famitsu! It also got a 91% from ONM and a 8/10 from Edge so far.

Can't wait for the game to come out! Smilie Only 12 days to go, for me at least.

Sounds good. Smilie 8 or 9 days for me... maybe even 7!

My interest in the game has instantly shot up after hearing this. I had no idea the game would feature an orchestrated soundtrack.

Marzy said:

My interest in the game has instantly shot up after hearing this. I had no idea the game would feature an orchestrated soundtrack.

Yep, orchestrated! It's becoming a habit for Nintendo. Smilie I LOVE this track.

Composers for Kid Icarus: Uprising
- Motoi Sakuraba: Tales of, Star Ocean, Valkyrie Profile, Baten Kaitos, Dark Souls, Golden Sun
- Yuzo Koshiro: Shenmue, Streets of Rage, ActRaiser, Shinobi, Etrian Odyssey
- Masafumi Takada: Killer7, No More Heroes, God Hand
- Noriyuki Iwadare: Lunar, Grandia, Radiata Stories
- Yasunori Mitsuda: Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Xenoblade, Xenogears, Shadow Hearts

Mate, you might as well have bold all of those games tbf!

Yeah they all have great soundtracks but I just highlighted the ones most people will recognise.

Our member of the week

Considering the previous project Sora Ltd. developed was Super Smash Bros Brawl, and that one had a wealth of composers already (namely all those mentioned above), it comes as no surprise that this new Sora game has quite a lot of great composers for such a smaller project (compared to Brawl I mean... because the soundtrack for Uprising can't be as big)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I was planning to only listen to a tiny bit of that track but it was over before I realized it...it's just too good. Smilie I kinda got the feeling that it could be Sakuraba since some parts sounded a lot like him, especially around 2:10-2:45.

I'm even more excited to play the game now! Headphones or using my new speakers with the 3DS is definitely a must with such a soundtrack. Smilie

IGN's 3DS Redesign Feature


pletchergjz (guest) 17.03.2012#1669

Knowledge comes from experience alone.

Linkyshinks said:
IGN's 3DS Redesign Feature


Some surprisingly good suggestions there, from a site that has gone down the pan in recent years. I'd be content with all those additions, though the Circle Pad (and the second if its added) really need to go below the D-Pad and buttons, not above. Oh, and a better D-Pad too.

Looks like a nice re-design. Not sure how easy those A,B,X,Y buttons would be able to press down there during gameplay though.

EDGE Kid Icarus: Uprising Review

EDGE review score - 8 out of 10

- On-rails segments are lustrous
- Weapon upgrades are described as a mix between Zelda and Star Fox
- Game would look great on any platform
- Soundtrack, rich color palette, inventive third-person combat, and detailed character models are praised
- Dungeons are complex
- Combat is punishing
- Depth/accessibility, not much is compromised
- Reviewer likes how the loadouts encourage experimentation
- Although the controls are initially “lopsided”, they work very well for on-rails segments
- Blends influences easily

( Edited 19.03.2012 09:17 by Linkyshinks )

Kid Icarus is apparently fairly mediocre: http://www.destructoid.com/review-kid-icarus-uprising-224073.phtml#ext

According to Jim Sterling :/...

Kingdom Heart's DreamDropDistance (3DS) Famitsu Review: 10/9/10/9

Echoes221 said:
Kid Icarus is apparently fairly mediocre: http://www.destructoid.com/review-kid-icarus-uprising-224073.phtml#ext

This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about with Destructoid. The game is getting an average of about an 8.5 from everyone else, and they come along and slap a 5 on it? Kind of hard to take seriously.

That isn't to say they're wrong. Maybe they're the only ones who are right. Judging from this and other reviews though (Mario Kart 7), I find this a bit hard to trust.

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