3DS Discussion Thread

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Faust D. Strooijer said:
No, the 3D-box is a pre-order bonus. The one in the bundle was a regular box, and then I got the 3D one EXTRA. So I have 2 boxes. And a poster, I believe.

All pre-order bonuses. Fuck yeah.

EDIT: Yup, poster.

And I got all o' this for €28,95 / £24,26 / $38,05. Awwwyeah.

Man... no preorder bonuses here in the UK. Well, I'm not aware of them being any. Lucky you again! Smilie

£24.26... HOLY SHIT. I thought £30 was good for the bundle, but you got the bundle and preorder bonuses for less? I'mjellybro.

( Edited 27.01.2012 01:17 by Mush123 )

200 games + 2D Mario in development.

Phoenixus said:
SirLink said:


I dare anyone to count how many times Lee says "Excellent!" in this video. Really cracks me up every time. Smilie

Image for

I just played the video on your post, and the "OOhhh excellent" was in sync Smilie

( Edited 28.01.2012 18:31 by Stulaw )

c3bot said:
I find the 3DS console very sexy. It makes my oil wet!

Crap, C3 Bot is becoming self aware!

...On another note, how is everyone doing with Puzzle swap?

[:: Lee Sanders :: Cubed-3 :: News Reporter :: Writer :: Head Of Secret Operations:: Resisdentual Slacker ::] On Twitter = LeeTSanders I have a Cubed3 limited Edition mug!
DO YOU! So Cute - bit.ly/yIEgXv

Still haven't completed it, I don't walk around with my 3DS on sleep mode, so I don't collect enough coins.

I am doing well. Got all pictures, just working my way through them. This is between me and 4 others

Completed 2 of the new ones (Zelda and DK)

its those bastard Pink pieces though!

[:: Lee Sanders :: Cubed-3 :: News Reporter :: Writer :: Head Of Secret Operations:: Resisdentual Slacker ::] On Twitter = LeeTSanders I have a Cubed3 limited Edition mug!
DO YOU! So Cute - bit.ly/yIEgXv

Nowhere near the end, loads of pieces left to get! Have unlocked all the grids though I think.

Related note, you added us all to your 3DS friend list Lee? Your profile never came up on mine. :/

Balloon Kid (GB) Review


Japanese eShop Updates

3DS Downloadable Titles

Kyokugen Dasshutsu Adv: Zennin Shibō Desu Demo (999 Sequel) �" FREE
Theatrythm Final Fantasy Demo 2 �" FREE
Denpai Ningen no RPG Demo �" FREE
One Piece Unlimited Cruise Special Demo �" FREE

Virtual Console

Punch-Out!! (Famicom) �" 500 yen

Video Content

Tekken 3D: Prime Edition
Kiki Trick

( Edited 02.02.2012 09:47 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Squidboy said:
Kyokugen Dasshutsu Adv: Zennin Shibō Desu Demo (999 Sequel) ��" FREE
Theatrythm Final Fantasy Demo 2 ��" FREE
Denpai Ningen no RPG Demo ��" FREE
One Piece Unlimited Cruise Special Demo ��" FREE

fuuUUUUCK ;__; I need this to breathe..

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Two GameGear games rated for release:

Shinobi and Sonic Triple Trouble


( Edited 02.02.2012 17:19 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Phoenixus said:
Nowhere near the end, loads of pieces left to get! Have unlocked all the grids though I think.

Related note, you added us all to your 3DS friend list Lee? Your profile never came up on mine. :/

Might of missed it, Post it here again and save me going through all 64 pages Smilie

That goes to all people wanting to add me x

( Edited 02.02.2012 21:55 by LeeTSanders )

[:: Lee Sanders :: Cubed-3 :: News Reporter :: Writer :: Head Of Secret Operations:: Resisdentual Slacker ::] On Twitter = LeeTSanders I have a Cubed3 limited Edition mug!
DO YOU! So Cute - bit.ly/yIEgXv

Sakura Samurai has severe issues currently:


3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

LeeTSanders said:

Might of missed it, Post it here again and save me going through all 64 pages Smilie

That goes to all people wanting to add me x

Okie dokie. 0087-2286-4673

Went past a girl at Uni called Emily with her street pass on, she's been playing pullblocks and said "Hey Sweet Cheeks" when I said "what's up?". Now if only I actually saw her irl... she'd be perfect.

( Edited 03.02.2012 10:09 by Stulaw )

Stulaw said:
Went past a girl at Uni called Emily with her street pass on, she's been playing pullblocks and said "Hey Sweet Cheeks" when I said what's up. Now if only I actually saw her irl... she'd be perfect.
You should send back "Meet me @..." I dunno where, but yeah. xD Meeting a girl through StreetPass? WIN! Smilie


Rare Weapons - Raid Mode

( Edited 03.02.2012 06:43 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Hey guys dunno if you know this but if you change your Wifi SSID to "attwifi" set it to channel 1 with no security you will be able to access Nintendo Zone.

Usally these are accessable at shops, airports, mcdonalds, etc.


I think if your 3DS is a US version it may be Nintendo Zone you set your SSID to.

Dosn't seem to be much there at the moment but i think there will be demos and such there (and knowing nintendo they will most liky make some demos aviliable there instead of the eShop for certain amount of time).

Stulaw said:
Went past a girl at Uni called Emily with her street pass on, she's been playing pullblocks and said "Hey Sweet Cheeks" when I said "what's up?". Now if only I actually saw her irl... she'd be perfect.

I was going to say I streetpassed a Emily. Turns out it was Eve.... she has a tiny mii and plays Nintendogs.

I then remember I am nearing 30.

[:: Lee Sanders :: Cubed-3 :: News Reporter :: Writer :: Head Of Secret Operations:: Resisdentual Slacker ::] On Twitter = LeeTSanders I have a Cubed3 limited Edition mug!
DO YOU! So Cute - bit.ly/yIEgXv

On another not, check this out http://www.cubed3.com/journal/LeeTSanders/2579

I could buy loads of DLC Smilie

p.s. Add me on the 3DS guys! 2621 - 2727 - 1060

[:: Lee Sanders :: Cubed-3 :: News Reporter :: Writer :: Head Of Secret Operations:: Resisdentual Slacker ::] On Twitter = LeeTSanders I have a Cubed3 limited Edition mug!
DO YOU! So Cute - bit.ly/yIEgXv

Damn, thats a lot of points flushed down the toilet Smilie . May aswell give em a ring and see if you can wangle anything from them.

Btw iadded ya, my code is 5455 9863 4945

I may....nay, I will spam swapnotes.

( Edited 04.02.2012 03:53 by Mr James2t3 )



There's are better than the one's we are getting.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Kirby's Dreamland 2 - Coming Soon

Image for

Kid Icarus: Uprising

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Just got One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP. Not even started playing and I'm majorly disappointed, the EU version has half the game cut out? I thought this was supposed to include episode 1 AND 2 of the Wii games, that's why I bought it. I don't own episode 2 on Wii, just episode 1. That's why I bought the 3DS version? But apparently episode 2 was cut due to space constraints when translating. �_�

At least it has the Marineford arc... but seriously. Massive fail on Namco's part.

Not to mention the 'Unlimlited' spelling mistake on the box spine...

Jesus christ.

( Edited 08.02.2012 14:27 by Ikana )

You sure that you don't unlock episode 2 after completing episode 1 Glenn?

Stulaw said:
You sure that you don't unlock episode 2 after completing episode 1 Glenn?

That's what I thought at first, but a quick google suggested otherwise. Smilie

A shocking omission.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

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