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I really want to take back of what I said about these starters. I really cannot wait for them to evolve. I have been waiting for a legitimate snake starter for a long time and i finally got it with the grass type losing his limbs in his 3rd evolution. The water one also made me a bit excited. His other forms aren't great but this 3rd form is awesome. As for fire, Im not as impressed but at least it's better than Chimchar. (miles ahead)
Might consider getting this version now if it is compatible with my DSlite.
I like them,but something tells me the final evo on mijumaru is fake..i mean,its cool and i would acept it if its real(it isnt 100% confermed) but its just odd.
i mean, starters usaly have this pattern: Simple-changng point-final simple being your starter,changing point being the first evo,and final being the final evo..i know someones gonna say"what about blazekin"but blazekin still focused on the fighting-bird look
You know what i mean?it just dosnt compute to me
The evolutions asides from Miju's mid-evo and Tsutarja's mid-evo are still very possibly fake, even though some sources say they're "confirmed", their own sources are vague.
SuperShyGuy62 said:
Might consider getting this version now if it is compatible with my DSlite.
EndOfMe said:
But the villain he has got to be zora or zoroark in disguise!
Just pre-ordered my Japanese copy of Pokémon Black. ^_^ Can't waaaiiiit.
This game got a perfect score from Famitsu: 40/40
Games need to stop getting perfect scores on Famitsu. Er... I guess I should say Famitsu should stop giving out perfect scores.
They've given out to many and now they're losing their respect and the once-great, unattainable "40" doesn't really mean that much anymore.
All that being said... I'm that these games will be amazing and I can't wait to get my hands on them!
The new strarter evolutions are shit. I was betting on the fire because it's cute but the evolutions are gay!your text here:-x
Hey i was reading around,and a article about one of the desiners and talked about mijumarus evo.he said he wanted to make it look like mijumaru had a sword or katana,and based all the starters on westen,chinise,and japanise im assuming that mijumaru is gonna be standing up and look worrior like.
update on seribii
Those are the best designs I've witnessed in gamefreak's game-making history of pokemon since the original silver and gold (it all went downhill after), yeah they resemble gen 1 pokemon, but keep in mind that this is exactly what nintendo wanted to do this time, to re-create the effect of playing pokemon red and blue.
They've repeated their mistake of too many legendaries, but ah well, they can't stop now.
What should be everyone's main concern at this stage, is what the storyline involves, hopefully not the same old beat up 8 gyms, save world and become league champ, shtick, cuz I sure as hell know I'm not the only one who's sick of that.your text here
horray the games are out in japan!this means we can look forword to offical pokemon and news!i cant waitto see the sprites ad animations!cant wait for it to come out in canada (ima get Pokemon Black)
I hear that sales are through the roof, as expected.
In fact, you could say that they've blasted off again
Over 2 million in it's opening weekend, apparently.
Pokemon Black sold slightly more according to Media Create.
I assumed Pokemon Black would sell more,in my personal opinon,Resiram is more popular,since its every Gracefull-looking,magestic and pretty(Reiram reminds me of Lugia,a little)8)
Serebii have had to remove all images of Pokemon Black/White due to intellectual property rights according to Nintendo.
Stulaw said:
Serebii have had to remove all images of Pokemon Black/White due to intellectual property rights according to Nintendo.
I just made this random little jingle for Pokemon Black and White:
"Its Pokemon Black and White!"
"Don't forget,and get it right!"
"these two apples have a different core..."
"Play it once,you'll wana play more!"
Just a cute little jingle XD im sooo exited!
- The battles look completely mindblowing
- The Pokémon are great, they mostly look like Pokémon, the inspiration is simples.
Just. Wow.
Didn't know you could read Japanese, I need to learn. I'm missing out. =(
L said:
Didn't know you could read Japanese, I need to learn. I'm missing out. =(
I'm just playan it for the prettiness and the gameplay.
I haven't been following black/white tooo closely (after all, I want some surprises when I play the game ), but it does sound awesome.
Can't wait until it's out in Europe!
I highly doubt all the ingame text is translated yet.
I also highly doubt the final English logo will look anywhere that cool.
(54 Votes)