Pokémon Black & White Versions Discussion [DS]

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Discuss Pokémon Black & White (Nintendo DS), news, the latest pictures and videos!

Jump_button said:
3 vs 3 is a joke what next 4 vs 4

Why is it a joke? If it's anything like 2 vs 2 battles, there will hardly be many of them anyway.

It's just one of many small additions/changes that I'd say are very much welcome considering how little Diamond and Pearl differed to Ruby and Sapphire.

Black and White are so far turning out to be, not so much a reboot, but an actual progression. Probably the biggest leap between any of the generations. Instead of simply feeling like more of the same, these games will actually feel like proper sequels.

Looks great, in my opinion.

Jump_button said:
3 vs 3 is a joke what next 4 vs 4

I'm sure there will be more new features other than 3 vs 3 battles. I would also like to see some more major changes, but considering this is on DS, I think they are doing the best job they can.

All I have to say is...



~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~
xAidenx (guest) 02.07.2010#279

hihidaruma is too much i agree faust d. strooijer. The others are fine. I like chiramii mijumaru and shimama Smilie

allum fresco main (guest) 04.07.2010#280

I think the starter pokemon where good in the kanto,johto was okSmilie,hoann starters where ok but the 2 new regans starters a soooooooooo crapy�_�

Lisa (guest) 04.07.2010#281

I love Pokemon Black and Withe!!!SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

dawn (guest) 05.07.2010#282

how do you get the new courseSmilie

guest (guest) 05.07.2010#283

does anyone know the starter pokemon for black and white i hope they are not rubbish

yeah i gotta say i like the look of this i was skeptical with the huge change but hopefully it freshens up the whole gameplay battles being more animated etc sounds promising

So, a mantis thing, 2 moles, a sarcophagus, a tarantula, and 3 other guys have appeared. Any thoughts?

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Yeah, I hope that Bat-thing replaces Zubat in the caves. Every single gen we've had that bastard and bloomin Geodude too to contend with in every cave; give them a break please Game Freak. Smilie

up urz academy (guest) 11.07.2010#287

eat my butt Smilie

I suggest all you guys take a quick peek at serebii.net ... Smilie

( Edited 11.07.2010 17:48 by Faust D. Strooijer )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~
xAidenx (guest) 12.07.2010#289

i am dieing cause these new games Smilie Smilie

Video Calls? Woah. :0

The video chat seemed pretty cool, it will be interesting to see the video quality, though I have to wonder why someone would bother with LAN video chat :/

Yeah, LAN chat seems pointless. Kinda like Pictochat built into the DS being local only. What a waste that was. Smilie

( Edited 12.07.2010 18:12 by Ifrit XXII )

I've tried so hard to stay away from info about the new games, but without knowing it I've watched loads of pics of new pokemon on Deviantart.com, thinking they were fakemons. Reading comments should be a rule, since I could've avoided it all if I did. D:

Ofcourse, looking forward to the games, but I wanna savor the curiosity for actual gameplay. Who knows when there will be another batch of new weird looking creatures!

719d (guest) 14.07.2010#294

what is the total amount of pokemon after pokemon black and white is released? Smilie What are all of the evolved forms of the new starter pokemon?

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( Edited 18.07.2010 11:02 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
Pokemonhacker (guest) 22.07.2010#296

Sofar weve found out...
the types of the 2 legendary pokemon
3 battles
severil people that could be rivals
someguy named N
a batch of new pkemon
new areas
some characters
and other stuff..questions i want awnserd,hopefully soon is:
what options are there?is it realy gonna be mutiplayer?whom are the gymleaders?who are the villans?
what can we do in the post-game?(sorta in ss/hg,you can go to kanto,a post-game)
so many questions so little time! i am very exited!Smilie

This looks amazing!!
Kind of annoyed they've made a pokemon number 0, and it doesn't look that amazing, surely something like Arceus creator of the universe should be number 0....

2v2 wild battles sounds awesome - I always thought 2v2 was too underused.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I think the #000 pokemon is just in the Isshu dex and not the National maybe?

The games are looking amazing. Smilie

Pokemonhacker (guest) 31.07.2010#299

It clarifys things to me with the 3-way battleing..maybe its true...Pokemon Co-op?
Poemon Musical?looks fun!

Also in the video is a deer pokemon. A baby Stantler maybe? Smilie

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