Ifrit XXII said:
Also in the video is a deer pokemon. A baby Stantler maybe?
Most likely
SON OF A....
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Ifrit XXII said:
Also in the video is a deer pokemon. A baby Stantler maybe?
these are my theries....they tryed to make these versions 3D but stoped half way in that for some tecnical reasons and has any one noticed how some of the pokemon look like mixes of others from other versions? think of the otter....i think its kinda like bidoof and piplup put in a blender...and a few more to (like my blender image? xD)
I'm kind of sad because don't get me wrong the graphics are great. But the new Pokemon look more digimonish to me. I mean the other generations are great. Now im starting to think now there just scamming kids who don't know about the 1st-4th generation �_�
Aparantly the new Deer Pokemon is NOT related to stantler,as strange as it is o.O its supposaly a whole new pokemon.as for Daniel.They dont look Digimonsih,in my opionon,Pokemon is drawn/desined in a different way of Digimon,and you cant exactly see Pokemon(Other then Mew-Two,Meouth,lugia,Jirachi)talking exactly
It's going to be awesome,right?:-x
I saw the Sawn Pokemon and in my opionion,it may be an evo of WIngull/Peliper.but that is just my Opionon,based on colour.
also recently i saw a pattern.I think Black and White may have a third game! think of it:
Red and blue had yellow,Gold and Silver had Crystal,
then came Ruby and Shappire which had emerald,then Lefy Green and Fire Red with no third,then Pearl and Diamond had Platnum! all games with no redone have a third,all redone only have 2. who wants to bet after black and white have a third,there will be a redo of Ruby and shappire?
You came to that conclusion all by yourself? Your a genius. Itll be called pokemon Grey or something crap like that.
Some guy said today that all the pokemon featured in Pokemon Black/White will be entirely new ones. So atleast every cave/sea wont be filled with shitty Zubat's and Tentacool's. Probably something just as crap though. I'm not sure if there will be any Evo's Or Pre Evo's though, i suppose there could be as they're still strictly speaking new pokemon. I'm interested to see if theres anymore new types about.
By the looks of it youre right, there making new pokemon.ive only seen one leakd pokemon thats a high possible evo;and that was an evo of luvdisk.ither that
ive seen nothing but new pokemon
which is great.
No more Zubat and Geodude occupiing half of the caves!
look on serebii
seems to be a new caterpie/weedle pokemon
hmm indeed there is,i wonder if there gonna have mutible evos like Weedle did with Butify and Dustox?
i also saw the "Swan"pokemon and that mole looking one..not bad!im looking forward to seeing if the Swan has a Preevo or an evo and what it looks like.
seems to be a lot of guests here!
Only a few more weeks or so untill the games come out in Japan!im abit exited for more news!
Games look good imho, I'm betting they'll be better than Diamond/Pearl. Which is different for me, since I've always thought the pokemon have gotten progressively worse from generation to generation.
( Edited 21.08.2010 05:52 by Cereal Killer )
I just looked at Serebii today.a new pokemon reveild!
...Its a grass monkey!It looks cute but meh sofar for me..just imagine Chimchar with a small tree on its head and thats basicaly wha you got...
you cant walk with your pokemon in the game like in heartgold or soulsilver
that guy (guest) said:
you cant walk with your pokemon in the game like in heartgold or soulsilver
Actually you can have Pokémon following you, you have the option to turn it off and on which is why most screenshots show the trainer by themself.
-and then he was gone with the wind-
You can have pokemn following you?awsome!i cant wait to have Reshiram following me around the city (and no-one realy careing o.O) XD
My personal favorite pokemon gen was gen 3, i loved the pokemons like Absol, Altaria and Zangoose
But im still curious how gen 5 will be
The above product from Nintendo licensed Hori, it's hitting shelves in Japan alongside Black & White on September 18th
( Edited 29.08.2010 09:31 by Squidboy )
If I posted a comic short called 'Rapémon: Black on White', would that be overstepping the mark?
If I posted a comic short called 'Rapémon: Black on White', would that be overstepping the mark?
Absolutely not. Post away!
Martin_ said:
If I posted a comic short called 'Rapémon: Black on White', would that be overstepping the mark?
If the comic is pornographic or NSFW, then absolutely not.
Pokémon just rocks. I'm not doubting about the games because every game so far has been awesome. I can trace my days back in the GameBoy Color trying to catch Mewtwo for the first time .
Just awesome, the game is gonna be awesome and HELL you know that!
Now... to get a working DS
starter evolutions are up on seribii!!
(54 Votes)