Nah, I will get around to finishing VII for sure. I even have the official guide for my PS3 playthrough. I'm somewhere on disc 1, and my party is stronger than tungsten-carbide, thanks to the guide. I was smashing the shit out of all the bosses and stuff. The plan was to use the guide up until I get to the point I got to years ago when I were a lad. Honestly, I think my party may already be stronger than my one from back then.
I've gotten the two secret characters (the weird ninja girl, the guy with the gun/red cape/pointy shoes), done the thing in the pagoda, gotten lots of secret stuff (like secret summon monsters and such), blah blah blah. I can't remember what stopped me playing it this time. Probably that I've seen the vast majority of it before, and/or some new game took my attention away. The main reason I haven't really touched the others is that I don't want to be playing multitudinous Final Fantasies at the same time. I'd rather wait till VII is finally done, then crack on with one of the others, and so on.
I remember ponying up the cash for FFVI so that I didn't have (?) to spend the fortune it costs to buy it for my Super Famicom. Plus the FMVs look pretty! I've had at least a five minute go on all of them besides VIII, which I played back in the day and got most of the way through (kind of like VII). Of the the 2D ones, I think I'll enjoy VI the most (though V looks like a charming little game).
Of the 3D ones, not sure. Finally finishing VII will be very rewarding for me. Over the years, I've gone back to it maybe four times? Each time I got a shorter distance into the game before I gave up for whatever reason. The first playthrough was the best, obviously. I loved it to pieces, but I'm just not very good at these turn-based JRPGs. Grinding pisses me off.
Thus, on my first play in the 90s I was always struggling to kill things, and in the end my party was just too weak to continue. On my PS3 (because of my awesome guide), my party is hard as fuck. Literally nothing can stand in their way. I've yet to experience a Game Over screen. Remember when games gave you a Game Over screen? Fuck, I feel old.