The thought of Famitsu readers crying brings me joy.
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The thought of Famitsu readers crying brings me joy.
Just discovered this FF7 prelude remix from a demo of the game that came with Tobal No.1 way back. Has FF7 written all over it. Wish it played in the final game.
FFXIII-2 review in US Official Xbox Magazine:
"FFXIII-2 repairs almost every problem with Final Fantasy XIII, delivering an experience that feels like what that original game should have been," it states."If your faith in Final Fantasy has been damaged by past disappointment, playing FFXIII-2 will restore your excitement for the franchise's future."
Framerate issues and the occasional "gimmick sequence" are downer points, says OXM, but overall it's an "amazing" sequel.
Just found this, you might like it Azu.
Shame it ain't bigger though. Scary thing is I can see Square remaking it like this if it does happen on PS3-level hardware.
Wow! Fucking imagine!
And you know what, this makes you realise even more how much FFXIII really came out as they intended, with the emphasis on seamless high-end action style battles.
I'm sure there was something recently which suggested that if they were to remake FFVII, it wouldn't be like how we imagined it would be. They'd have to change things up, most likely including the battle system. Definitely I can see FFXIII influence coming through. Bring it on, I say!
My biggest hope is that Square take inspiration from how Nintendo handled the Ocarina of Time upgrade; maximise visual and audio levels to that of the host hardware's strengths, but keep the gameplay the same. FF7 wouldn't be FF7 without turn based battles, the materia equipment system, and the general quirkiness of the character models and personalities.
For sure they'd keep all of that intact, most likely. I think you'd see a lot more 'in your face' style battles though, a la FFXIII, just to really make the most of the hardware. A lot of camera action, so to speak, but mostly everything else the same.
But, I'm also sensing that Square could just as easily change things. Not drastically perhaps, but I could see it happening.
I wouldn't care either way. The original will always have its special place for me, so whether they end up doing an HD remake that doesn't really change much else, or whether it's changed quite a bit in terms of everything, it won't bother me because the original will still be there, and I know I'll love playing the story through modern conventions regardless.
( Edited 08.01.2012 20:48 by Azuardo )
Demos out on PSN now. I haven't check XBL yet, but I assume that might be soon if not already
Downloading on PSN now. 1.7GB! Come on!
Shall share thoughts later.
Enjoyed the demo. Good to see the improvements in the battle system with more freedom - change party leader mid-battle, edit paradigms from the off and save them, no game over if leader dies. Monsters will likely add a lot more depth, likely having to hunt down the strongest enemies to join your party. Level up system looks interesting too, with multiple choice routes instead of the fixed path of XIII's Crystarium.
I'm sad their isn't a wealth of playable characters to choose from instead of the third member being a monster, and the game is pure false advertising since there's very little Lightning gameplay (which pisses me off), but she's plastered all over the place on box arts, promotions, posters etc. At least she's playable for some of it though.
Didn't like the idea of 'cinematic action,' or typical QTEs, before playing, but it seems okay. Side quests, mini-games and missions look like they'll be plenty, which is pleasing. I was so excited after Serah's part when I saw Light, thinking I could play as her, even inputting the QTE that came up XD Just a stupid bloody teasing video :[ Oh well, our time will come soon, and I'm really looking forward to it :] Just over three weeks to go!
Has anyone else ordered the Crystal Edition, other editions, or the game at all?
Edit: Also, what the eff happened to the rap music in Bresha Ruins? No vocals! Was really looking forward to listening to them properly.
( Edited 11.01.2012 22:46 by Azuardo )
For the record FF4,6 & 8 are my favs with 6 being the best in the series PERIOD & 8 being criminaly under rated. 13-2 I could care less about, I'm glad they're FINALLY adding in a feaking world map & side quests that SHOULD'VE been in 13....but Final Fantasy Versus XIII has my undevided attention!!!.....Well that is untill the remake of FF6 is given release date on 3DS lol. I'd love it if they used the art style in Dissidia for FF6 on 3DS & they BETTER keep the voice actor used as Kefka in Dissidia, that guy nailed it.
Heck speaking of Dissidia with the play style that game has it'd be perfect for a 3DS version, the arena style fighting would look great in full stereoscopic 3D!!!
*Couldn't care less. 'Could care less' means you do still care about XIII-2 ;]
I don't think XIII-2 has a world map, but uses a unique time travelling system to revisit areas instead.
Versus XIII will be a big one, definitely. Might try to avoid reading too much into it tbh.
Next Dissidia won't be like the last two games on PSP, Square have hinted. I can see a more traditional multicast FF RPG being the basis for it, but still with a lot of the mental Advent Children-like battles mixed in. I might recall a hint that it could be a console game too, which I would love.
Awwwww.....seriously...T_T well then I'm REALLY gonna wait to play FF13-2 till it's a bargain bin price or someone gives it to me as a's criminal just how far FF is straying from it's origins...
Well that kinda stinks cause I really enjoyed the battle system used in Dissidia (the 1st being the smothest & non iffy like Duodesium was at times) but oh well mayhaps the 3DS will get a port of 2 since the only real difference is the ending conversation with Cosmos & Cid as well as the layout & look of the boards.
Kingdom Hearts Sephiroth, Kain from FFIV and Cosmos unlockable in Theatrhythm! Seph is also pictured in his Dissidia outfit too, so I wonder if there'll be unlockable costumes? Fucking awesome if true. Knight Lightning, Advent Cloud, SeeD Squall
Loving how many characters are playable in this. Keep 'em coming! Seeing Serah for FF Brigade makes me think she'll be in too, since they use the exact same art.
( Edited 14.01.2012 01:54 by Azuardo )
Finally completed XIII, now doing all the trophies.
Congrats! Have fun farming for hours upon hours for that Platinum trophy... There are some crazy hard C'ieth hunt battles, but lots of fun ;]
Final boss:
You played the XIII-2 demo yet?
Can't download it since I'm at Uni (they don't allow consoles on the internet).
Well good to hear Kain is in it, still I'd rather have Squall in his blue SeeD Exam suit instead of that colorful Zebra Tuxedo he wore at the party lol.
Final Fantasy Dimensions trademarked in US and EU.
Link and link.
Perhaps a 25th anniversary project? Cross-over game like Dissidia? The 'different' next entry in the Dissidia series, but rebranded? Hoping for some sort of epic RPG with as many mains as possible from the series. How much of a dream come true would it be? Best not get my hopes up...
Well given the name it looks to be on 3DS even if not exclusively, thanks for the link Azu!!
Theatrhythm is the start of the 25th plans. Can't wait to see what else is in store!
Any news on theatrythm comming state or kingdom side?
Nothing yet, but you can bet it will. It's been trademarked anyhow.
All are £3.99 (£3.59 PS+ members)
PSP only:
Final Fantasy I £3.99 (£3.59 PS+)
Final Fantasy II £3.99 (£3.59 PS+)
FF Tactics: War of the Lions £3.99 (£3.59 PS+)
Dissidia £9.99 (£8.99 PS+)
Dissidia Duodecim £13.99 (£12.59 PS+)
Dissidia Duodecim Prologue £1.19 (£1.07 PS+)
FFIV Complete £13.99 (£12.59 PS+)
That's gotta be for Europe only, I'm not seeing those sales on psn. But it's not ENTIRELY bad, we're getting buy one get one free combo packs of Loco Roco/Patapon for $15 & a combo of Motor Storm Arctic Edge & Twisted Metal Head On for the same price.
Damn, I wanted to get V, VIII and IX, I'm guessing there isn't a way to buy these unless you're connected to PSN on the PS3?