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For me FF7 is by far the worst, not so much in terms of quality but for ruining the series & bringing about FF7 weeaboos....where ALL they care about are FF7 or 10 or even 13 now. The BEST in the series if FF6 hands down & you'd be crazy to challenge this FACT.

For me personally my favorites are in this order:Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy XIII, (would be Versus 13 but it's not out yet so I'll adjust my rankings when it does)Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (the GameCube one) Final Fantasy III (the ORIGINAL 3 not the SNES 6) Final Fantasy X (loses points for awful voice acting, plot hole problems & that steaming pile of crap that is FF 10-2) Final Fantasy 2 & then 1.

I haven't played Online or 12 so I can't list those ones, just bein honest.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
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No FF5 Vorash Kadan ? Awww, that's sad Smilie

( Edited 27.08.2011 01:16 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

You judge a game because of the type of fans it produced? You're generalising them anyway. I'm an FFVII fan, but I'd like to think I'm not one of these 'weeaboos' you describe. I only learnt of that word not long ago. How you can say a game is worse because of its fans is beyond me.

People have opinions, and they can like what they want. Why do you dislike people that love FFX or XIII? I could dislike you for loving FFVI, but I realise everyone has their preferences, so I don't. Not everybody starts at No. 1 in a series, so it's not anyone's fault if they started playing at FFVII and it automatically becomes their fave.

Kafei2006 said:
No FF5 Vorash Kadan ? Awww, that's sad Smilie

Sorry forgot about 5....probably because it was pretty forgetable. I'd say FFV comes after FFCC on in my list & FF7 is before FFCC.

No Azuardo I don't judge 7 souly on the Weeaboo fanbase (but they are partly to blame) but rather due to the fact that it is GENUANLY not as good as people say & yes the utter frustration of constantly pointing out it's flaws & even the ignorance of it's own fanbase towards it gets tiresome. If you are not an FF7 obssesed fan then you've got nothing to take offence about.

I'm well aware that there are people who enjoy that one but are smart enough to know it's not the best, I AM reffering to those who have ONLY played FF7 or started with that one & refuse to experience the others for no good reason, THOSE are the idiots that have ruined the series & they deserve no mercy when I ruin their credibility publicly so fewer people trust them & their bad sense of taste.

Final Fantasy VII is the unfortunate victim of people who are over enthusiastic about something they themselves hardly understand. Here are just a few fan mad mistakes. #1 Aeris (don't care about AeriTH I say Aeris is better just like Green Haired Terra) & Cloud are a couple. That is VERY wrong since she has always been Zack's & if Cloud would PAY ATTENTION he'd realize the much HOOOOTTER Tifa is practicly wrapped around his arm...but he's not that smart or happy.

#2 Clouds crappy attitude is NOTHING to be proud of, no one likes a whiner & before anyone goes pointing to Squall he actually LET Rinoa open him up & he got better...Cloud has not & frankly I feel sorry for Tifa for wasting her breath on Cloud who's a lost cause. No I don't care about the end of Advent Children, we're talking about the original game & NOT after.

#3 Sephiroth is not as awesome a character as people think. Sure he looks cool, but go beond the asthetics & he's pretty empty...esspecially when compaired to Kefka. He's got no personality & his whole mission is based on a lie that HE HIMSELF thought of...NONE of his ideals are true & he's just self absorbed. Atleast Kefka makes us laugh & showed us he's capable of more than Ol Seph.

Those are my reason's listed thus far, I'll gladly list more if you guys doubt my very real reasons why FF7 does not live up to the hype regardless of my own opinions.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Fair enough if you don't like the fans that have only played FFVII and regard it as the best or without playing any others, but no harm in them loving it because it's the only one they've played.

Crisis Core elaborated on the truth between Aerith and Zack, but if people want to call Aerith and Cloud a couple, that's up to them. Let them carry on believing what they want. Shouldn't detract from your opinion of the actual game.

Not sure about his personality in the original game, simply because he was messed up and took Zack's persona. Tifa loved him so managed to find the real him in the Lifestream and after that, Cloud was himself and pretty decent. Wasn't until Advent Children that he became weak.

I wouldn't let fan hype get to you though. I don't think saying fans thinking Aerith and Cloud are a couple is one reason why FFVII is worse. That's just something some fans like to believe and has no bearing on how the game actually is.

Why not list some pointers why you think the actual game is worse, rather than blaming the game for the things fans have come up with? You can't go ranting that FFVII is bad because of what fans say about the game.

What was your first FF game?

I don't deny VII was my first FF and RPG, and it had a big impact on me as a kid, so it has a very special place and means a lot. I imagine this sort of thing is the same for people that started at FFVI or FFI or whatever else was their first RPG/video game. I've played nearly all FF games since then, but many of them are too close to call. For the reasons that VII was my first RPG, and had that effect on me, is why I say it's probably my favourite. But I like them all for different reasons. IX for its style and humour, X for its battle system, XIII for its quick and flashy battle system and characters. Sure, they all have their flaws too, but I enjoy them all the same.

( Edited 27.08.2011 17:10 by Azuardo )

Vorash Kadan said:
I'm well aware that there are people who enjoy that one but are smart enough to know it's not the best, I AM reffering to those who have ONLY played FF7 or started with that one & refuse to experience the others for no good reason, THOSE are the idiots that have ruined the series & they deserve no mercy when I ruin their credibility publicly so fewer people trust them & their bad sense of taste.

I know a lot of people who never play rpgs, hate rpgs, but swear up and down that FF VII was one of the greatest experiences of their life. No, they haven't played any Final Fantasys since, but THAT'S what made the game so amazing. It not only defined the modern console role-playing-game, it attracted legions of fans that normally wouldn't even bother touching a rpg. (I'm currently still only on disc one and the game certainly shows its age, but its been a blast so far.)

These stories people have are all interesting , I'll have to post my little Final Fantasy testimony in regards as how I got into the series another time.

I think that your first Final Fantasy will almost always be your favorite. I haven't had the chance to play some of the older ones (no system/no disc/no way to play, etc.), & Final Fantasy X was my first and most favorite. It was the first thing to legitimately make me weep because I loved it so much. That game opened my world into what it is now, and since I played it, I haven't been the same. So I replay it at least once or twice a year, I know it practically by heart, and I still find it more enjoyable than anything else I've played in the same genre (except perhaps Ico, but that's another discussion).

On the flipside, I've been accused of "not being a true Final Fantasy fan" because I haven't played the older games. I enjoy the FFVII/FFVIII stories, but just because I haven't been able to play the games yet doesn't mean I can't like them or something. And fans have something called opinion-and that allows them to ship or love whatever characters they want for whatever reasons they want. I like Zack/Aerith, but I also understand Cloud/Aerith. So don't hate the game because of the not-so-canon pairings it produces. My favorite pairing in Final Fantasy XII is Vaan/Ashe--that doesn't make the game any less good.

It seems like fans can't be pleased. People say they hate Vaan and Tidus because they were too "annoying" because they weren't emo-ing their lives away like Cloud and Squall. Again, maybe it's because I played this game first, but Tidus always felt like the most realistic FF hero, to me. And I also think James Arnold Taylor was a great choice for his voice--I never did understand everybody's problem with Tidus' voice.

To be honest though, I never really felt attracted to FFIX. I've seen so many cutscenes and Garnet and Zidane were characters to never really click for me, at least what I know of them. What makes FFIX so good?

I'm totally with you, Thalia. I love FFX. It's always had this huge appeal to me. I never had a PS2 in high school, but my friends did, and I always wanted FFX. I'd played and loved VII to IX at that point but couldn't play X. From what I'd seen from friends, X appealed so much.

Eventually, I got it myself, and I wasn't wrong. I loved everything about it, including the characters, mostly Tidus, the music, locations and battle system (one of my faves in the series). I think anyone that regards X as the best has every reason to, because I think it's a phenomenal game. But also simply because they're entitled to that opinion.

I hate people shitting on people that never played the older games. I've made every effort to play the older ones, and the only one I haven't played yet is FFIII, and still yet to complete IV. I went from VII onwards, then attempted the NES/SNES ones. But that doesn't mean we can't have the opinion that more modern ones are better.

And I definitely agree on Tidus. He always appealed to me so much because of his attitude. I actually felt like I could relate to him for once. He seemed legit. He was a sportsman with a happy attitude. It was refreshing. I too liked his voice, and think James Arnold Taylor fit him well. I can recognise his voice so easily now too. I watched the Turtles movie a while back and instantly recognised Leonardo as him.

There's so many things I love about X, and I could easily rank that as one of my faves. If I'd started at X myself, I think I'd have no trouble saying it is.

One of the things I liked about IX was Zidane, Thalia. He's quite like Tidus in his personality, so if anything, that would appeal to you. The majority of people would say it's the best modern FF with an old school appeal, which is true. It's not like the modern worlds of VII or VIII. It's set in times where there are kings and queens ruling kingdoms with dragons and castles. You might not find Zidane and Garnet appealing, but I'll tell you who you will: Vivi. His personality is also something to be admired, and his main character status is right behind Zidane's. Not just that, but the graphics style used is one of my favourites in the series. The most beautiful pre-rendered backgrounds of the PS1 games that still show no age today, with cute chibi characters that fit in perfectly. Coupled with one of the best soundtracks in the series too. There's barely a track in FFIX that isn't awesome. I also found the story to be one of the most humorous and well-written FF games. Plus it has one of the greatest mini games ever created: Chocobo Hot and Cold!

Nearly all FF fans, old and new, will recommend FFIX to you, myself included. You say you plan to buy it, but you really do need to give it a go anyway. Try it for yourself and maybe you'll see what we mean. It might not end up being better than X for you, but it needs to be experienced.

Kafei2006 (locked out of C3) (guest) 27.08.2011#459

My thoughts exactly on FFIX Smilie.

My all-time favourite will always remain FF6 because that's the first I ever played, and the one I played most, so I agree to the theory that the first one you ever played should be your favourite.

Well, now that it's exaplained a bit, I think I will like IX. I mean, I'm completely obsessed with the medieval era--give me anything having to do with King Arthur or that time period and I become an instant fangirl. So IX might just do it for me! But...why in the world does Zidane have a tail!? Always wondered about that!

Ahh, I know what you mean about recognizing James' voice! I was flipping through channels and the show Johnny Test was on Cartoon Network--I instantly recognized James voicing Johnny! Cree Summer is another voice I recognize prety easily. I guess the voice of Tidus, young or old, just sticks with me, hahaha.

I think they had the battle system PERFECT with XII. It was like a combination of X-2 and Kingdom Hearts/any "in-game" combat style. I was disappointed playing XIII and discovering they went back to the whole you have to go to a whole new screen to do battles and stuff system. It was like playing X-2 again.

However, I am replaying X-2 right now, and while I usually love the game (always gave me the closure I needed after playing X), Yuna is actually irking me and I think I understand why so many other people dislike it. Yuna is my favorite character to ever exist and her personality is all the sort of things that I wanted to be like when I was a little girl. But she doesn't have the same personality anymore in X-2, and I'm only just now really seeing this. Maybe it's the bad influence of Rikku and Paine? Hahaha. (:

Tidus was the only FF character who actually had a real personality, I think. He was sucked away from his home and thrown somewhere completely bizarre--any normal person would complain that they want to go home! And even then, he's pretty grown up about it, willing to learn about Spira and even willing to go on this huge pilgramige with all the others, and finally accepting he might not get to go back to Zanarkand. He acts like a seventeen year old should, in my opinion.

Well FFIX sounds just perfect for you then. I suggest you get on it as soon as you buy it. As for Zidane's tail, well, you'll come to learn more about Zidane's origins as you play the game. The tail thing is sort of significant of the type of race he comes from.

Have you checked out James' other works? His website has demos of him doing impressions and other voice work. He's a real talent!

I totally agree with you on XII's battle system! I actually played XIII first and really enjoyed its flashy style. But when I played XII, I was really impressed. I began to think maybe XIII would have been better if it used a gambit-type system so you at least had some more control over your other party members. But I do appreciate each game's system for what it is, and I can't wait to use XIII's again in XIII-2. But I do agree that XII's was awesome.

I do kinda agree about Yuna as well. I think you're right about the company she has around her. Maybe Rikku has rubbed off on her. But I guess it shows that she's able to stand on her own now. The things Tidus taught her helped her to become the more open and outgoing person she is in X-2. That's what I think could be the case anyway.

And again, I totally agree on Tidus. He was one of the reasons I always wanted to play FFX. I really related to him in his sporty and loud attitude. Back in high school I always felt that way anyway lol. But I agree; he's probably the most realistic person to be portrayed in the situation he finds himself in. And I really liked how the story was told through his narration. I dig his voice XD

He's one of my fave heroes for sure.

Yes, James truly is great! And I'm glad Zidane's tail serves a purpose, hahah. I thought maybe it was just to shake things up a little bit. (;

I suppose when I was playing it just now and had that thought, about Yuna, I got a little upset because I played Final Fantasy X for the first time when I was about six years old. From the first time I got to know her character, through the game on my first playthrouggh, I wanted to be just like her. A six-year-old little girl needs a rolemodel, right? So I think that's a lot of what originally drew me into the game, because I wanted to be just like Yuna. She was compassionate, and kind, and selfless and would do anything for the people around her. She was exactly what I wanted to be when I was olderm or by the time I was seventeen myself. Completely selfless, you know? I always thought putting others before youself and never being mean or too pushy or harsh was the perfect way to be. And I was kind of like that naturally, and over the years, I just grew into that same sort of personality, without really thinking about it. I guess all those years of playing FFX rubbed off on me! Now I'm sixteen, and I don't like the spotlight much; I don't like telling other people 'no' about things; I don't like seeming pushy or whiney or needy. I like to think I'm close to my "Yuna goal" I've had all these years.

Playing X-2 just now I suppose made me angry that they changed her at all, because I thought she was so wonderful when I was younger, and still do. I don't think I'd look up to the X-2 Yuna, like I do to her original form. And now playing it and watching her in cutscenes, I'm just like, "Okay. Now I'm almost finally at the kind of person I want to be, and my rolemodel has changed?" I felt like Nomura and the rest of the game creators were just trolling me! The "old" Yuna was able to stand by herself, too, but in a different kind of way, you know?

I am just rambling! Sorry, hahaha. I felt really talkative, and I'd never really thought about why the X-2 Yuna is now bothering me. But I guess I kind of understand it now?

I reread your comment, and I think I know what's really bothering me. I was never outgoing, at any point in my life. I was always really shy and introvertive, which is why I guess I really looked up to Yuna so much. She made me think, for the first time in my young life, that you didn't need to be outgoing to be a beautiful person. So I clung to that. Playing X-2 sort of deflated all that I'd thought; like really putting yourself out there is the only way to really "live". I used to hate that I was shy and Yuna always made me feel like it was okay, and then I came to love that about myself. And now I'm replaying, and it kind of deflates me to realize that they "needed" her to be outgoing to really "complete" her character.

( Edited 28.08.2011 08:27 by ThaliaAnderson )

lol, you know, I think Zidane's tail actually is there to shake things up a bit. Don't wanna give too much away, but it's not really talked about as to why he has a tail, but it does show that he's different to everybody else for a specific reason you will come to learn :]

I'm definitely hearing you with X-2 Yuna. I can see what you mean about being upset with the way she's changed. All I can say is that they kinda went overboard with X-2, and must really have felt the need to change her character to suit whatever plans they had with the game. Most people don't like X-2 much. X was a far, far greater game. It's unfortunate that they've canonically changed some of the things that were so great about the original in the sequel, namely Yuna. I'm sure you can still see her original character in there on many occasions, but it's clear she's changed a bit too.

I was worried for XIII-2 because of this. I was scared they would fuck up Lightning's character even further, going off of Yuna. Luckily, there doesn't seem to be many hints of much changing, although I do hope we get to use Light more than what's been shown, and flesh her out a bit more. I'm confident XIII-2 won't go down the same path as X-2 at all.

All I can say is maybe forget about X-2. I know it's hard because it's there and it's happened. But the vast majority would like to forget about X-2. You can still use X Yuna as your role model. Put it this way, I think I'd prefer a girl more like X Yuna than X-2 Yuna. Besides, it was X Yuna that Tidus fell in love with.

I never connected with Lightning much (probably because she's a lot opposite Yuna, hahha), so I don't think anything that /might/ end up being wrong with XIII-2 will be too bad for me. We always notice the little things wrong with stuff we love a lot, right?

Anyway, I still appreciate X-2, and as disappointed as I am that after ten years I've come to this realization that is disappoints me at all, I'm glad they made it. I just would have been too sad if X was the end of it all. I like the Shuyin/Lenne story, and I was beyond happy that Tidus and Yuna got to be together in the end of it all. X's ending was too bittersweet for me to accept at "the end" for time and all eternity, hahaha. But I do like to forget the changes in Yuna's character--I didn't notice them much before, so I don't feel like they should change how I feel overall now. It's just that I watched the scene where you first meet Gippal, you know? And Yuna saying, "Former high summoner" stuck to me and bothered me so much for some reason. I think I just needed to type so much so I could figure out why, hahha!

I don't think many people connected with Light much. If anything, her character needs fleshing out more. So I'd be happy if that was the case with XIII-2. Like I say, there's no chance that we'd get a X-2 Yuna with XIII-2 Light. So I'm all for seeing more of her character. Just hope they haven't been messing with me and we only get to see much of her in the final parts of the game...

I'm glad they continued the X story too, if only to see Tidus again and have a happy ending. I wasn't 100% sure about everything going on with X-2, with Shuyin and Lenne, and them both looking like Tidus and Yuna. Took me a bit of reading to understand it afterwards.

"Former high summoner"
Ah, almost as if she's saying she's not her former self any more, and has indeed changed :L I think that's why it got to you.

Heh, I remember giving up on X-2 for ages because I wanted to get 100% for the best ending, and then getting stuck in the sphere break tournament against Shinra. Gave up on it for months. But then I found an awesome website which allows you to enter the numbers on your screen on a grid and it generates the solutions for you! It was awesome and I finally continued it. But then I just wanted to speed through it and get the story done, so I ended up using a cheats disc at some point... >_> Didn't have the urge to try to deal with any tough opponents and just wanted to speed through it. One of the very few occasions I've used one.

Yes yes, I think that's what got to me. Because she was so proud to be a summoner and everything, and then it's like this bad thing in the next game just because it's now "old fashioned" or whatever.

I've been playing forever and I've still never got 100%. :[ But I have New Game +, so I'm getting there, slowly but surely!

It was pretty stupid how you achieved 100% in that game really. No hints or anything. You had to use a guide if you wanted 100%. I can only imagine how frustrating it would be to find out you missed one tiny little bit, like not speaking to someone at some point, and then having to restart. But you wouldn't realise till the end of the game that you didn't get 100%. Dunno what the hell they were thinking. So I'm glad I did it on my only playthrough. Don't think I'll be going back to it again lol.

I'm using my guide and every time I do anything, I check back in the end of my guide and the percentage lists and make sure I go everything. I never got an Episode Complete! for Djose Temple or got the Mascot dressphere. Urg! And I'm working on getting all the garmet grids, because it won't feel like I earned 100% if I don't have every last little thing, hahha.

Damn, have you missed the chance to get 100% story completion then? I hope not. Maybe there's more to it to complete the Djose Temple part. I wish I had the time and patience to get all garment grids etc in X-2 but I'm not too fussed about it now I've beat the game; too many other games to finish!

What FF game you gonna play after X-2?

Just bought FF13 for 360. My first mainline Final Fantasy since the days of FF7. Hopefully I like it!

Jacob4000 said:
Just bought FF13 for 360. My first mainline Final Fantasy since the days of FF7. Hopefully I like it!

Nice, I hope you do too. Keep us up to date on how it goes.

Well, see, I never defeated the Experiment at Djose that the Al Bhed Machine Faction was working on. I either got too bored with all the constant digging to find parts, or I killed it too many times and couldn't get another repair guide. So that was always my downfall. But I'm determined to just do it all in one fell swoop and make sure I don't skip anything! I already can't get all the GGs this time around; there are two that require you to side with New Yevon to get them, and I sided with the Youth League again. :/ Oh well.

I think I'll play Final Fantasy XII after this. I'm already almost done with it--I've been stuck on the same boss for over a year now! No matter how much leveling I do, I can't seem to beat him and it's driving me nuts. So when I get done with X-2, I'll give it another shot.

See, now that's just incredibly frustrating. I think if you want to get 100% story completion, you shouldn't have to miss chances to get it and end up needing to do a new game. I made sure to use a couple of guides to ensure I got it, but it shouldn't have to be like that.

Which boss in XII is it? That was one of my games on my backlog list a year ago, and I had a lot of fun with it. Because I just wanted to get it done, I used a guide to get me quickly and easily through it. Didn't get 100% by defeating secret bosses etc, that would have taken ages, but I really enjoyed my time getting through it and thought the battle system and open world was great. I think it helped too that I'd heard many people say it was a bad FF, and so I didn't have as high expectations. Hype can be bad in most cases, so this worked great.

I really like XII though haven't completed it yet. I started training early. I also made sure to get everyone's quickenings early on to help with the tougher bosses. I've defeated a number of optional Espers too. Smilie

I'm still hoping for a FF HD collection with X, X-2 and XII.

As for X-2, I ended up with 99.9% after 2 playthroughs. Was furious. Smilie Still love the game.

( Edited 03.09.2011 10:22 by Ifrit XXII )

Yeah man, I'm desperate for FFX HD. Hated the 50Hz only mode of the game, and using an Action Replay each time to put it in 60Hz got annoying. One of my fave battle systems of the series too. Thinking about it makes me want it so bad!

99.9% in 2 plays? That's exactly what I'm talking about. Disgusting.

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