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samus_boy said:
Sunshine: 10/10
- One of the best Sci-fi titles I've ever seen.

X-Files (IWTB): 7/10
- Nice suspense movie, but not very X-Files...ish.

Indiana Jones: 9/10
- I loved it, but -1 for not being able to get Sean Connery in it.

The X files Movie was absolutly amazing. It was good to see what the characters were doing after the last series. Very good story. 10/10

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999


Higly recommend this film. High 8/10 from me.

defiance - 7/10
good watch, good story, poor accents

hulk vs - 7/10
standard superhero gaff but both r to short

New Police Story - 8/10
I'm actually watching it nw, but I've seen it loads anyway. Great film. Jackie's serious, i.e. non-comedic, acting is better than normal, which isn't really saying much Smilie However, this is an extremely enjoyable action/martial arts films. The title, it being a Police Story film, is a bit misleading. Its not a comedy, which may dissappoint those expecting to feel nostalgia. The action is excellent, there is a bus stunt in there for the old time fans too. Its not the best film ever, but its well worth a watch. It too shows why Jackie should stay in Hong Kong (with the exception of Mr.Niec Guy and Rush Hour 2).

Notorious 9/10

The Wrestler 9/10

Slumdog Millionaire 10/10

( Edited 25.01.2009 10:42 by Linkyshinks )


Chessy stupid fun 6/10

The Apartment

VERY good, great charm 8.5/10

Enemy at the Gates

One of my favourite war movies. 9/10

( Edited 25.01.2009 14:49 by saunderscowie )

My Bloody Valentine 3D - 2/10
Bloody hell, this film was dead crap. Worst script ever, and you'd swear Mokujin was playing all the roles. The 3d wasn't too impressive fo the most part. Stuff seemed out of perspective and just annoyed me. The trailers for other 3D films however seemed really cool, they were all animation though.

Ring - 6/10
I honestly would've given this a much higher score if I hadn't read the novel. The book has so much charm, the film seems to drop it. Ryuji is much more prominent in the book, where his character is far more diverse. I just didn't see how the film linked everything together, leaving out so much from the book.

samus_boy said:
Sunshine: 10/10
- One of the best Sci-fi titles I\'ve ever seen.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?!?!? Sunshine was absolute **** Smilie How could you like that thing!?

And wow 6 for ring? Have you seen the Japanese version? I\'ve been meaning to watch that for a while, but I think I will after the exams Smilie

And 2 for My Bloody Valentine? Smilie Aww that sucks...I was looking forward to 3D horror.

Linkyshinks said:
Slumdog Millionaire 10/10

I\'ve been hearing nothing but praise for this! Smilie Must watch also....too many things to watch ><

oh and I watched this a while back but never posted it here so...

Machine gun girl - 8/10
It\'s a girl, with a machine gun, killing loads of people, and it\'s absolutely hilarious!!! Smilie

( Edited 25.01.2009 20:17 by Simon_ )

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Of course I'm talking about the Japanese version, the Americanised versions of Japanese horrors generally tend to be utter tripe Smilie Seriously though, watch the film. You'll really enjoy it. Then read the book, and you'll enjoy it more. I wish I had watched the film first, I would've avoided the dissappointment.

Afro Samurai Resurrection- 9/10
if u dont know you better get to know! this is the shit!

i recommend watching the series first(5 episodes)if you havent already seen them.

fantastic animation and samual l jackson adds his voice with hilarious effect.

Flags of our Fathers



Wonderful film one of the many examples why Tom Hanks is the greatest actor working today.

Story synopsis for those who don't know:

Tom Hanks is a lawyer at a company, one of the best in his field but he gets aids and when his company finds out they set him up and fire him. Tom knows he was fired because he has aids not for what they set him up doing so he takes them to court.

The story is basically the court case. Very touching film.


The Matrix
Still love the storyline, the characters and the fighting is excellent. Some of the acting is a little stiff at times but there are loads of good points to quell that. You can't beat a classic film. In my mind this is the only matrix film.


Echoes221 said:
The Matrix
Still love the storyline, the characters and the fighting is excellent. Some of the acting is a little stiff at times but there are loads of good points to quell that. You can't beat a classic film. In my mind this is the only matrix film.


The first film is and always will be the best. It has some good special effects, and the story is not to shabby either.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Watched resident evil apocalypse, if thats how you spell it XD. It is my favourite resident evil film outta the live action ones. I'd give it about a 8/10 Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Falcon Armour X said:
Watched resident evil apocalypse, if thats how you spell it XD. It is my favourite resident evil film outta the live action ones. I'd give it about a 8/10 Smilie

8/10 it deserves a straight 10.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Pixar: Short Films Collection and The Pixar Story

Both great.

( Edited 05.02.2009 11:15 by saunderscowie )

Super Sonic said:
8/10 it deserves a straight 10.

Not really, the film was pretty short which was the same problem I had with degeneration but none the less they are still both great films.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

PUSH 7/10

i see im not the only one who thought that Push was just an ok film. id give it a 6/10 tho.

Jerry Maguire - 10/10.

Batman: the Dark Knight

Saw this twice in the cinema, so i thought i\'d pick up the DVD. Epic film, im may be slightly bias as a huge DC fanboy though. Fantastic acting, apart from Bale\'s annoying gruff and manly voice as batman. Heath stole the show as the joker though, much prefer his to jacks, considering it was much more, well, it seemed much more \'insane\'. Apart from the classic

\'\' this city needs an enema!\'\'

9.5/10 can\'t wait for the third, with rumors of tennent having intrest in playing the Riddler.

Indiana Jones 4

Im holding by what i said originally to this, it wasn\'t a good indiana Film, but it was a good film in most respects. Really, if it wasn\'t called \'indiana\' jones, it would have been considered a success. Story was alright, but once again out of character of the Indy series. Shia or whatever his name is (The person who plays Mutt.) was a welcome addition in my books, even though most people and fans seem to despise him. Opens up possibilities to make more money grabbing films though, not sure if thats a good thing.

\'\'Get that greaser!\'\'


Star wars Episode 3; revenge of the sith

As a devout star wars fan for the last, well.. 8 years. It was a bit painful to see both episode 1 and 2 be pretty sub par in comparison to the original trilogy when they were first released. Luckily, episode 3 did somewhat redeem it, and after watching the episode 3 dvd again i can pretty much say it was probably in my top 3 of the six films.

Haydens acting was semi decent, over the fact he was a cardboard cut out in episode 2. The saber dueling was greatly done, as well as being much more plentiful (Almost ruining the epicness of it, but not quite) Ewans acting was as solid as always and the cast did a generally good job of redeeming the series. Also the last fight was pretty much everything we asked for.. apart from the laws of physics being broken too much, but its science fiction.. so we\'ll let that go.

\'\'I must warn you.. i\'m very good at backflips\'\'



Ive been re-watching alot of my films recently, but 300 always is a laugh to watch. Whats to hate about random screaming men slashing each other apart in a heroic fashion? especially when they want to dine in hell. Stylistic, amazingly choreographed and well acted. Im almost crying to see they\'re making a prequel/sequel just to whore the film out of.

\'\'This, is, sharthaaaaaaa \'\'

( Edited 16.02.2009 12:19 by TaoFire )

Aki-T spilt the water.

MiiWiiKing said:
i see im not the only one who thought that Push was just an ok film. id give it a 6/10 tho.

When I started to watch it, I thought fuck me are they serious *Heroes*. But it actually turned out to be a competent film in the end.

I was being a little kind with the score because the film has Camilla Belle in it Smilie

Diary - 8/10

A film by Oxide Pang, I watched it on recommendation of a friend. Considering it was Region 3 though ment that had to watch it on a crap DVD player. The first bits of dialogue had me believe it was some sort of feminist chick flick, thank god I was proven wrong. The story changes and becomes quite good. The shots are framed excellently and the (even if overused) stop-motion style effect, where the people move without walking kind yoke, works deadly. My only gripe is the colour. Why is the white orange? I hate the green tint Takeshi Miike puts in alot of his films. This is annoying here too.

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