Batman: the Dark Knight
Saw this twice in the cinema, so i thought i\'d pick up the DVD. Epic film, im may be slightly bias as a huge DC fanboy though. Fantastic acting, apart from Bale\'s annoying gruff and manly voice as batman. Heath stole the show as the joker though, much prefer his to jacks, considering it was much more, well, it seemed much more \'insane\'. Apart from the classic
\'\' this city needs an enema!\'\'
9.5/10 can\'t wait for the third, with rumors of tennent having intrest in playing the Riddler.
Indiana Jones 4
Im holding by what i said originally to this, it wasn\'t a good indiana Film, but it was a good film in most respects. Really, if it wasn\'t called \'indiana\' jones, it would have been considered a success. Story was alright, but once again out of character of the Indy series. Shia or whatever his name is (The person who plays Mutt.) was a welcome addition in my books, even though most people and fans seem to despise him. Opens up possibilities to make more money grabbing films though, not sure if thats a good thing.
\'\'Get that greaser!\'\'
Star wars Episode 3; revenge of the sith
As a devout star wars fan for the last, well.. 8 years. It was a bit painful to see both episode 1 and 2 be pretty sub par in comparison to the original trilogy when they were first released. Luckily, episode 3 did somewhat redeem it, and after watching the episode 3 dvd again i can pretty much say it was probably in my top 3 of the six films.
Haydens acting was semi decent, over the fact he was a cardboard cut out in episode 2. The saber dueling was greatly done, as well as being much more plentiful (Almost ruining the epicness of it, but not quite) Ewans acting was as solid as always and the cast did a generally good job of redeeming the series. Also the last fight was pretty much everything we asked for.. apart from the laws of physics being broken too much, but its science fiction.. so we\'ll let that go.
\'\'I must warn you.. i\'m very good at backflips\'\'
Ive been re-watching alot of my films recently, but 300 always is a laugh to watch. Whats to hate about random screaming men slashing each other apart in a heroic fashion? especially when they want to dine in hell. Stylistic, amazingly choreographed and well acted. Im almost crying to see they\'re making a prequel/sequel just to whore the film out of.
\'\'This, is, sharthaaaaaaa \'\'
( Edited 16.02.2009 12:19 by TaoFire )