Lady Vengence -10/10
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Lady Vengence -10/10
For one of my modules at university, I watched some film called Le Jettee or something. It's from the 60's, black and white and made almost entirely of still photographs being narrated.
Really obvious twist at the end (although that may have been because Twelve Monkeys was inspired by it). 5/10
Spirited Away
Very good, but I still like Howl's Moving Castle more.
Rewatched Batman.
A+, would see again.
But only because of the Joker, really. Not sure if I want to go see the next one when it comes out because apparently Johnny Depp is playing the Riddler. I hate Mr. Depp.
In the Shadow of the Moon : 8.5/10
Twilight : 10/10
Eagle Eye : 8/10
Just wathced Stardust. It wasn't too bad. Alot of high calliber caracters with deniro being by far the greatest.
Kill Bill 1 and 2 - Pretty much the best sword-fight movies ever made. Shit load of blood. The first one was better, I think. More fighting. The whole thing is pretty much a flashback though.
Ziekerz said:I'm a fan of Kill Bill myself, but c'mon, the best swordfighting movie? Look east for that my man, Seven Swords, and my particular favourite, "Beat" Takeshi's Zatoichi are far better.
Kill Bill 1 and 2 - Pretty much the best sword-fight movies ever made. Shit load of blood. The first one was better, I think. More fighting. The whole thing is pretty much a flashback though.
Ziekerz said:
Kill Bill 1 and 2 - Pretty much the best sword-fight movies ever made. Shit load of blood. The first one was better, I think. More fighting. The whole thing is pretty much a flashback though.
Anyone seen Equilibrium? 9/10 for the sheer gun porn!
7 out of 10- I've never read the books and didn't really know anything about it going into it, but I must say, I was entertained, just not in the way it was intended to entertain me. I laughed my ass off, even though it was trying to be seroius. And, before the movie started, I made a plan with my friends to stand up at the most inappropriate time and shout, "WAIT A MINUTE, THIS ISN'T HARRY POTTER!!!", and I did just that.
Taxi Driver
Good, very good.
Letters from Iwo Jima 9/10
Flags Of Our Fathers 8/10
Just went to see 'Yes Man'
Fucking hilarious go and see it. for once it wasnt about jim careys ego!
made me laugh all the way through like borat!
9/10 from me!
Italian Job (Original)
8.5 out of 10- I must say, this movie is WAY better than the new, modern remake of it. It's a classic action filled adventure of comedic crooks trying to do what crooks do best, steal. I also found the ending funny as hell!
Still awesome!
The Dark Knight
Still awesome.
The BBC adaptation of 39 Steps. - 6/10
( Edited 30.12.2008 04:50 by Linkyshinks )
The Spirit
9 out of 10- This movie had awesomeness pretty much spewing out of it. The artistic style and story-line made for a thrilling cinimatic adventure. Plus, Mr. Samuel L. Jackson preformed his part flawlessly, adding to the overall feel. I LOVE it!
Akira - 7/10 - Bloody bizarre, but enjoyable.
The Girl Who Lept Through Time - 8/10. Kinda mushy, but really good and really nice animation. I think my new surround made it my first immersive anime experience too, so that may be a reason for plus point. One of the best anime films I've seen in a while.
Seven Pounds
8.5 out of 10- I knew absolutely nothing about this movie going into it. Heck, I didn't even know this movie existed. A group of friends and I need something to do, so we trotted on down to the local Movie Theater and found this. I must say, I enjoyed it. Maybe not one for the DVD rack (maybe), but I sure did enjoy the hell out of it. Will Smith played his part beautifully (again), and he did it along side a stunning cast. The ending was magical, a must see!
My favorite movies i seen recently will be:
Dragon Wars (4/5, great technical monsters, but its too short and only has a few minutes, if any, in the final battle between the two Imoogi's.
Tremors (5/5) It is a wicked movie with great monsters, love all four movies.
TMNT, new toon version, (3/5) Good movie makes it look like the TMNT 4.
Wall*E (5/5) its cute and remind me of short circuit.
Reservoir Dogs - 10/10
I haven't seen the film in full before but man is it good. So stylish and compelling, great soundtrack too. In my opinion, the key to Tarantino's success, besides his natural talent, is the fact that he's watched so many films and applies what he's learned to his own works.
Kings - 9/10
A very strong Irish language film set almost entirely in England about some Irish immigrants who are struggling to find their identity, not entirely Irish but not English either.
Predator - 7/10
Wasn't as good as I remembered it, but still enjoyable. I picked up all eight Alien and Predator films in a boxset HMV for 20 euro, the AVP films may be tripe but still good value for the others.
Christmas Vacation
8 out of 10- Ah, it still gets me to laugh, even after all of these years. Just a great movie when the season is right!
Chevy Chase = Brilliant!!!
Way of the Dragon
Bruce Lee is KING.
american gangster- 9/10
denzel washington a legend!
the spirit- 6/10
great on presentation but tries to hard with the story
the dark knight- 8.5/10
batman was ok but this is all about the joker
saunderscowie said:I love that film, the dual nunchaku scene is amazing. Also, if you've see Tom Yum Goong (The Warrior King), did you notice the homage to Bruce Lee kicking the light bulb?
Way of the DragonBruce Lee is KING.
Just bought the Infernal Affairs Trilogy and rented Seven Samurai and Throne of Blood from the library, will post scores as soon as I finish this damn storyboard (I hate storyboarding!).