Yup. I gave in.

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Yup. I gave in.
( Edited 06.10.2012 22:44 by RudyC3 )
Liberation Maiden [3DS]
I couldn't stay away from the anime-girl-flying-giant-mechs any longer.
Will of course be getting Pokémon later this week too.
SuperLink said:
Liberation Maiden [3DS]
I couldn't stay away from the anime-girl-flying-giant-mechs any longer.Will of course be getting Pokémon later this week too.
I have it too. Think Kid Icarus Uprising mixed with Sin and Punishment given an Anime visual style, and you have Liberation Maiden. Though I have to admit it can be a fair bit repetitive at times, and for a game that relies on high scores as replay value, an online Leaderboard would have been ideal. Pretty good game though, fills a void in the eShop library certainly.
You guys are tempting me, but I must resist and keep those couple quids for Cave Story eShop when it arrives XD. I MUST RESIST!
Yep was extremely tempted by the whole anime girl with robot thing and the director of course being Suda51, I couldn't really find many reviews but the ones I have seen are pretty accurate.
I've not finished it yet (started it late last night) but I'm already on Stage 4 out of 5, it is a bit like Kid Icarus and takes some getting used to, I think it's a bit more awkward to move around and turn the camera than in KI but it's never a big problem.
And yes it can be a little samey but there's something quite satisfying about charging up and blowing up tons of things at once, plus the ott story is pretty charming and humorous
but yeah it's a solid little game, fun gameplay, cool music and voice acting, a nice anime scene or two, but just too short and a little repetitive.
Perhaps not worth the price, if it were £2-3 less it'd feel like better value for money I think.
PS. I ordered a book for an English seminar big purchase whooa (jk)
( Edited 09.10.2012 11:48 by SuperLink )
What? Do you battle and shoot on foot as in Kid Icarus ?? I thought the whole game played on rails like Sin & Punishment...
If there are on foot sections, then I'll never buy it (I had enough of KI shitty camera controls already).
Blarg I lost the post I made!
but no it's not on rails or on ground, you just fly around in your mech, I actually liked KI's camera controls a lot eventually! They're better than in this which you can't really control it just follows you.. and it's never a big problem the controls take a bit of getting used to but I think they're definitely easier to get used to than Kid Icarus' confusing controls.
(not as good as Kid Icarus' controls though )
Gather around children, for I have a story to tell! Might not be suitable for Latest Purchases at this point in time, but bear with me and you'll see.
So, there's this bloke I work with, and it turns out he's a huge Ocarina of Time fan. We'd been swapping trivia about the game for a few shifts; the Arwing, dying soldier in the back alley of Hyrule Castle, the Medallions originally having the power of the Goddess Items, that kinda thing. I start pestering him to try out Twilight Princess, since if any other Zelda game could be considered an Ocarina sequel (except, y'know, Majora's Mask which he had already played) that one could, though he wasn't keen on the Wii's controls which is fair enough, and asking him to go for the GC version was a bit harsh on a mere whim considering how much it goes for nowadays.
So I go into work last night, and he has a story of his own to tell. Turns out he went to the hospital for a checkup yesterday, and have a wild guess what ultra rare expensive videogame was just lying around on a donated books table. Because I had told him about it the day before he realized its worth straight away, and ended up with what should be the Guinness World Record for the biggest bargain ever. Twilight Princess on GC for 50p. Just...bloody hell.
He told me he'll definitely be playing it soon once he gets his GC set up again, and then he'll sell it on. I've made an offer for it, so hopefully I'll be eventually getting it for a little less than the eBay pricing. Still though, I had trouble believing it for a while.
( Edited 10.10.2012 06:49 by Phoenom )
When I get paid properly I think I will order pretty much all availble volumes of Bakuman, I get so into it then have to wait for the next one!
RudyC3 said:
You guys are tempting me, but I must resist and keep those couple quids for Cave Story eShop when it arrives XD. I MUST RESIST!
That version has a game breaking bug that needs fixing.
Linkyshinks said:RudyC3 said:
You guys are tempting me, but I must resist and keep those couple quids for Cave Story eShop when it arrives XD. I MUST RESIST!That version has a game breaking bug that needs fixing.
It's hardly a game breaking bug. It just prevents some players from progressing in Curly's story mode. Nicalis have already said on Twitter that they're working on a fix, so when we get the game, it'll have the fix already included. I guess it's a perk for having to wait longer.
Knowing Nicalis it won't be out in Europe for decades (seriously though I can't wait for it I've been quietly hoping for it to pop up on eShop every week since May)
SuperLink said:It's only been out in America since like.. last week. So it won't show up for at least another month.. and that's being optimistic...
Knowing Nicalis it won't be out in Europe for decades (seriously though I can't wait for it I've been quietly hoping for it to pop up on eShop every week since May)
Mush said:Linkyshinks said:
That version has a game breaking bug that needs fixing.It's hardly a game breaking bug. It just prevents some players from progressing in Curly's story mode. Nicalis have already said on Twitter that they're working on a fix, so when we get the game, it'll have the fix already included. I guess it's a perk for having to wait longer.
RudyC3 said:Mush said:Linkyshinks said:
That version has a game breaking bug that needs fixing.It's hardly a game breaking bug. It just prevents some players from progressing in Curly's story mode. Nicalis have already said on Twitter that they're working on a fix, so when we get the game, it'll have the fix already included. I guess it's a perk for having to wait longer.
Well apparently it's already been fixed:
Wow, that was REALLY quick. They only tweeted about it a couple of days ago.
Goes to show that Nintendo's approval system for issuing updates on the eShop must be very flexible too, for allowing such a quick response time in case of problems. That's a relief.
RudyC3 said:I wish I could say the same about XBLA, apparently the whole patching system is terrible on that.
Goes to show that Nintendo's approval system for issuing updates on the eShop must be very flexible too, for allowing such a quick response time in case of problems. That's a relief.
- Dishonored PC
- Borderlands 2 PC
- Wesc Chinos
- Addidas Trainers
- Ben Sherman Shirt
A couple of the Jack Reacher books on my Kindle.
I also purchased a Kindle for my Mum's birthday which she should like (hopefully)
Pokémon Black Version 2 (DS)
Pokémon White Version 2 (DS)
Also bought Snow Crash (a book), starting to hit me how much work I have to do this year.
( Edited 11.10.2012 18:21 by SuperLink )
Blue 3DS XL + Pokemon White 2 (199.99 from GAME).
Blue 3DS XL + Pokemon White 2 (199.99 from GAME).
That's meant to be me. No idea what happened there.
Roughly £15 each. Slim DS cases FTW!
Hell yes 999! Good buy !
(protip if you want a star from me buy 999 easy right? )