Is Agarest actually any good? (Otherwise I'm guessing you found it super cheap)
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Is Agarest actually any good? (Otherwise I'm guessing you found it super cheap)
I won it in a competition on Ghostlight's blog o.o One of 10 people. But, it is super cheap right now - €16.99/£12.99 until the 9th January on PSN.
I've played it very briefly, like the first hour so I can't give a strong impression just yet, but it's an odd one. There's a mixture of graphical styles going on - gorgeous anime portraits when dialogue is happening, but then you seem to only be able to move around on a scruffy FF7-like world map with 2D sprite models. The sprites are well-done, mind, but it makes for an odd combination in a 3D world. From the small portion I've played, it doesn't seem like you can wander any towns. The towns I've come across have seen me only be able to choose which shop to go to - item shop, weapon shop, inn, etc. Now I'm working my way through a forest, but instead of walking through it, I have to pick a path, go into battle, new path opens up, battle. It's streamlined, which might be an incentive for it, but there's something to be said about being able to wander wherever you want in a town and raid people's houses. Random battles on the world map. Battle system and character customisation seems really in-depth, though, with turn-based strategic commands and formations, but I really haven't taken the time to learn it properly yet. You can pick difficulty levels, which is good to simply plough through the story, though, so you may not even need to learn it properly. Story-wise, typical cliché JRPG affair so far. Bouncy tits, though. Oh wait, that's a cliché, too. But tits.
Exploration might change; maybe I will be able to wander around a bit later on. But this is based on my first hour with the game. So far it seems alright, but nothing that's really gripped me in. £13 for it is probably worth a pop.
( Edited 17.12.2012 01:59 by Azuardo )
Put my shiny new Mastercard to use on Nintendo's eShops .
And also Gunman Clive on 3DS eShop.
( Edited 28.12.2012 14:02 by RudyC3 )
Well done on VVVVVV.
For me:
VVVVVV is brilliant. Love it.
Recently bought a bunch of stuff despite having so much work to do and so little time to do it in (as you do)
New Super Mario Bros. U (WiiU)
Journey/The Unfinished Swan bundle (PS3)
Not been able to play them yet, but I've heard great things about Journey.
Pandora's Tower: Special Edition (Wii)
Also got Gravity Rush (Vita) and Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Vita) for Christmas! Gravity Rush is really enjoyable, as you can probably tell by my new avatar.
Update time!
Got this for free (thanks for the votes everyone);
Used some CEX credit for this;
and downloaded this to my 3DS on a whim;
Bought this:
And preordered this:
Phoenom said:
downloaded this to my 3DS on a whim;
The gam's not too bad. Not too fond of western music but the basic gameplay of such classics as Megaman, among others, is there. for the price, you can't ask much more.
( Edited 11.01.2013 23:09 by RudyC3 )
Hoo boy...
Less than a year ago I thought I was burned out on the series. Then I try the newest game again and get sucked in. Then Nintendo release a trailer with fuckawesome battle animations and get me hyped.
So the only main entry I've yet to play is now on the way;
Heaven help me.
Linkyshinks said:
Ikaruga Android & Aliens:CM
O wow, didn't know Ikaruga made its way onto android. Does the android port do the game justice? Extremely tempted to purchase it.
Made a rather impulse buy as I was in the need of a new JRPG to play after just finishing Xenoblade and Tales of Abyss. Read nothing but great reviews for this game so when I saw a special Vita sale at my local store, i knew it was time to grab one.
mOojc! Where have you been? (in true Persona 3 fashion)
Ahh recent purchases? Well I bought... Balloon Fight, for 30p oops...
Heh, me too. You can't really say no to that price.
Edit: mOojc, be sure to keep us updated as you play through that game. Always fills me with joy whenever I see someone experiencing the awesomeness of P4.
( Edited 23.01.2013 20:36 by Phoenom )
I regret purchasing it myself. That 50Hz nonsense on a HD system is starting to get highly ridiculous.
RudyC3 said:
I regret purchasing it myself. That 50Hz nonsense on a HD system is starting to get highly ridiculous.
RudyC3 said:
I regret purchasing it myself. That 50Hz nonsense on a HD system is starting to get highly ridiculous.
What the hell Nintendo, not even the Wii VC was that bad with most NES games (pretty sure Kirby's Adventure wasn't slowed)
Azuardo said:
Hm, still doing that, are they? Good god, they better be making sure all regions have 60Hz versions in their updated Wii U VC games. If they're being updated with Miiverse and GamePad support, I'd guess they will be the same 60Hz versions worldwide, but the language options for Europe make me think it'd be easier for them to grab the 50Hz ones and update them. Really hoping Nintendo know better with this.
Unbelievable. Well, it's the reason I've never bought a VC game and it's the reason that I will continue to never buy VC games unless it changes. I know a lot of people have the same philosophy.
Nintendo have no choice but to react if people keep mentioning it on Miiverse, at least I hope so.
Also, does anyone know if Kirby's Adventure was affected by this? I had it on Wii and it seemed fine, but now I'm not actually sure :c
Either way it's just not on.
Tried looking into it. Doesn't seem like Kirby's Adventure NES was ever optimised for our region. So, it is slower.
Probably not as noticeable in a game like Kirby, as compared to say, Sonic.
Azuardo said:
Tried looking into it. Doesn't seem like Kirby's Adventure NES was ever optimised for our region. So, it is slower.Probably not as noticeable in a game like Kirby, as compared to say, Sonic.
The music was optimised, but not the actual gameplay. Most... say... second generation NES titles, like 1988 and onwards, had the music optimised in PAL versions so that the music wouldn't play any slower than in NTSC. Few games were truly fully optimised, really.
But right now, in the case of Ballon Fight on Wii U, both the music and gameplay are slower, which is unforgiveable.
At least there's one thing which is improved compared to the Wii VC, for PAL NES games: No more black borders.
I also have yet to try out whether they play in progressive scan, but I guess this would show on the gamepad screen if the video was interlaced, and that doesn't seem to be the case.
( Edited 23.01.2013 22:18 by RudyC3 )
I've never been one to complain about the whole 50Hz/60Hz deal. Mostly because I just play my games however the hell we get them in the UK and don't bother to look further into the matter. I've enjoyed PAL retro games, even if they are significantly slower (I haven't noticed a difference, but yeah). This just means I'm not bothered if we get the original 50Hz PAL games. However, I think for everyone else's sake that 60Hz should be a standard for upcoming VC titles. Or at least have the option to play the NTSC version, with the 60Hz intact.
Purchased Metal Gear HD collection, was waiting for that badboy to drop but noticed prices started going back up everywhere so grabbed it before it became to hard to find!
Azuardo said:
Mush said:Azuardo said:
Mine arrived today.. when I opened it I was like "OMG.. THIS LOOKS SO SEXY" Can't wait to read through it. Had a quick flick through it earlier.
I literally tore open the packaging and well...held it over my head...while thinking of this....
The postman at work was pretty freaked out i must say...