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Lrrr said:
I have series one and three on the individual discs, not boxset. The other series are complete boxes, including the specials

The complete series will just be parts one and two lumped in a box together anyway.

Fair enough. I just like to have complete series in one boxset. I'm really weird about that kinda thing.

( Edited 31.05.2011 22:50 by Mush123 )

Our member of the week

Aren't complete box sets of series usually cheaper than buying the individual volumes separately ?

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
Aren't complete box sets of series usually cheaper than buying the individual volumes separately ?

In theory, it should.

But to buy the individual discs of series five would only cost around £20, whilst the boxset is around £30. When they were first released, the complete box was around £70 RRP, with individual discs coming in around £64 RRP (£16 each).

Not sure why Series 6 Part 1 is so cheap, its around the same price they used to release discs of 3-4 episodes in previous series.

( Edited 01.06.2011 12:45 by Lrrr )

Our member of the week

If that's the case then yeah, no point in waiting for the complete box set. Unless you like having a neatly arranged collection at home with just box sets of a show. Gotta say I don't care too much about that myself, I'd just go for the cheapest solution in most cases Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
If that's the case then yeah, no point in waiting for the complete box set. Unless you like having a neatly arranged collection at home with just box sets of a show. Gotta say I don't care too much about that myself, I'd just go for the cheapest solution in most cases Smilie.
That's where someone like me comes in. xD I'd either have the individual discs or the complete boxsets, not a mixture of both. It worked out cheaper for me anyways as I payed £10-15 each for Series 1-4.

Anyways, off of this subject. Smilie

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Got this today for £15 in GAME, which I thought was a great price, considering it was in store and not online. I've wanted to check this out for a while but didn't want to pay £30-40 for it. Smilie

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( Edited 01.06.2011 18:37 by Marzy )

Our member of the week

Did you watch James Rolfe's "chronologically confused about TMNT DVDs" video Marzy Smilie ? (I know his case is about the american ones, but it makes for a nice entertainment nonetheless)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
Did you watch James Rolfe's "chronologically confused about TMNT DVDs" video Marzy Smilie ? (I know his case is about the american ones, but it makes for a nice entertainment nonetheless)

I did. Smilie

His recent TMNT videos are really interesting. I particularly liked the Top 20 Turtle Flubs video.

( Edited 02.06.2011 14:11 by Marzy )

Our member of the week

For 12.45€ on ebay (shipping included)

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For 14.95€ (local store)

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For 19.95€ (local store)

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Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Phone upgrade day!

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HTC Wildfire S

After last weekend and the MCM Londom expo;

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Both came together for £17

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And a lot of doujinshi.

Whats the hoody?

Our member of the week

I watched "The Girl who leapt through time" in subbed last year. An awesome animated movie Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

saunderscowie said:
Whats the hoody?

World of Warcraft.

Kafei2006 said:
I watched "The Girl who leapt through time" in subbed last year. An awesome animated movie Smilie.

It's great in dubbed as well.

True Blood seasons 1, 2 & 3 blu ray
The Walking Dead blu ray

Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock all complete package for £59 off Shopto on 360. And I got Rock Band 2 for 20 quid as well.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999
Our member of the week

More catching up with older DS releases Smilie :

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Saga 2 and Soma Bringer both got fan translations so owning them allows me to play them legally on my linker in english patched version Smilie (then once beaten I can transfer my save data back into the original cart using NDS WiFi Backup Tool)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
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I've got balls of steel!

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Bought Mario land and Zelda Links Awakening off the eshop.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101
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I doubt this'll ever be improved upon, so I saw it for cheap and re-bought it;

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and after digging my 360 out of storage, I wanted a new game for it. This one has been a long time coming, and I was put off for a long time by the utter mediocrity of 12, so this wasn't exactly top of the radar;

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but I'm enjoying it so far. Will post up better impressions elsewhere. Smilie

Fuck yeah, FFXIII! Remind me to star you tomorrow (I'm all out).

I've been posting shit loads in the Final Fantasy thread, pretty much talking to myself. FFXIII has a lot of mixed opinions from fans, but I love it. I'm hyped for the sequel (put my pre-order down today, but if a Collector's Edition is revealed, I'll get that).

So deffo post what you think in the FF thread mate. I feel like the only FF fan here at the moment, and it's a damn shame.

Also commend you on getting GX. Fantastic game.

( Edited 11.06.2011 18:42 by Azuardo )

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I'm so hyped to play these two games. They should keep me occupied for a while.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101
Our member of the week

Azuardo said:
I feel like the only FF fan here at the moment, and it's a damn shame.

I don't think that's true. Well personally, I don't have access to FFXIII, so I can't talk about that one, but I pretty much lost interest in the series since FFX, so XIII is definitely not one I look forward to a lot...

...though I enjoyed the bunch of hours spent on XII, until I dropped it in favour of another game and never went back to continue playing it. Anyway, point is... I'm a FF fan, but just not a fan of Nomura's ever growing influence on the series. But anyway, I'm not pursuing here, that's off topic enough already Smilie.

Got this for my younger bro (since he's a die-hard fan of the series)

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Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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