Picked up the Noble map pack for Halo Reach.. only 400 MS points!
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Picked up the Noble map pack for Halo Reach.. only 400 MS points!
borderlands goty pc �£7.50 thank you steam
Phoenixus said:
I owe ya Azuardo.
This should arrive in a few hours hopefully;
Bought this last week, is an excellent holder.
I've modified it a little too; cut two pass-through lines in the back to make a belt clip; is now the perfect 3DS travel companion.
Bought this (except it was the grey and black one, to match my cosmos black 3DS) :
It came with screen protector films, cartridge cases, an additional stylus and a cleaning cloth, which for 10€ made for a nice bundle. Don't like the texture of the exterior though :/.
And ordered this :
Wanted to give my 3DS some battery life boost . Right now I can barely get 3 and a half hours out of it with wifi turned off 90% of the time, 3d turned off half the time and energy saving mode on, which is far from the 7 to 8 hours mentionned here on C3 :/.
Is that a third party battery? Was it fairly expensive? I got a higher capacity PSP battery and it barely lasted half the time of the lower voltage original.
Let us know how the battery goes, I might be interested in one too.
( Edited 17.04.2011 14:54 by Phoenixus )
It's a third party one. It comes at about 6�£ from UK sellers on ebay. Can't order in the UK though cuz' I don't have a Paypal account :/, so I ordered from a French seller for 11€.
It's 1800 mAh, and the original one is 1300 mAh, so logic would say that it should last about 40% more than the first one. I'll post a report on that later on. I saw 2000mAh ones too at UK sellers, still on ebay.
I got a third party battery for my DS Phat a while back for just 1€ on auction, same capacity as the original one, and it lasted just the same as the original. I think it's the same manufacturer as this one actually, judging from the font used for all the writings on it.
( Edited 17.04.2011 15:05 by Kafei2006 )
I saw this for €30 in a retro games shop and couldn't stop myself from buying it. Other than few tiny tears on the booklet, it is in perfect condition. I never owned it for the N64, only got a loan of it. And although I have it on the GC and Wii, I needed to get it again.
By the way, the European box art for it is great. It's better than the Japanese, and as usual the US one is shit.
^ Nice buy.
Bit of an update for me. Bought 4 new games for the PS3 last night.
It's so totally all kinds of awesome
Been playing Burnout Paradise for a while on PC. Nice purchase . I'm addicted to the soundtrack of this one, I must say
, on top of the game being so good.
Been a while so here goes...
The online is faster and the features are much improved. It's a little buggy at the moment but the ability to patch should fix that. My main problem with online is that you can't simply choose to play on team deathmatch. You have to select team games and hope Team Deathmatch comes up as one of the two options to pop up. Overall, one of the best looking, well made third party games on Wii. Not even tried the spiltscreen mode yet.
I'm not big on mobile phones, but my old one broke down and it's unable to be fixed. I ordered this today and hopefully it will last me some years.
It's the best budget phone I could find and I got a really great deal on it.
HTC Wildfire
saunderscowie said:Hey, let us know what it's like when you watch it. I'm dying to see it but am low on funds at the moment.
Firetrap Messenger bag
Portal 2 Xbox (fucking awesome)
Got a small Sony Vaio notebook a couple of months ago and already the keys are sticky. I have so many final papers to write this week, and a few sticky keys were so infuriating I went out to the apple store and bought a USB cable version of the best keyboard I've ever used. Don't want to sound like a geek, but typing on this is heaven. Haha.
( Edited 25.04.2011 23:51 by Soundworks )
Yeah. I wouldn't want to look like a geek on Cubed3, Soundworks. Best put on your coolface.
( Edited 26.04.2011 00:57 by Slydevil )
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.
Soundworks said:
Echoes221 said:
HAHAHA Was not expecting that.
I agree, there are only two keyboards that I love phenomenally, the apple keyboard there, and my Razer Lycosa :
Its a perfect balance between the Chiclet style found on apple keyboards, and standard OEM's. Its typing heaven, it actually makes doing work somewhat enjoyable (yes I did just say that). I want a Mac Book pro though, I'm sick to death of my laptop. And Windows.
That looks awesome. Yeah, I'm the same, I've lost all patience with Windows and PCs in general. Whilst on my year's study abroad in the US, I've had two laptops die and the new replacement is already showing problems. Granted, it's very bad luck - but I'm still done with it. I don't mind paying the premium if it always works and lasts. Getting an iMac when back in the UK.
Yeah, I think as Laptops as well, they are much better, same, if not more, power and a awesome 7 hour battery life. + God for your media based things tom I'm trying to get better at video edition too, and Windows sucks at anything like that.
Brought this today though *le sigh*
Sooo..I was just checking Amazon a bit again and saw a copy of The World Ends With You, a game which I'm trying to get for MONTHS with 2 failed attempts so far. Some of you might remember me moaning around here about that a while ago(seriously, fuck those retailers).
So yea, I ordered it in a heartbeat before somebody else would snatch it. It's an used European copy though, which are rare as shit at this point. Funny how it was still cheaper than any of the new US import copies(all above €50), as those are really damn cheap with new copies still going for around 20$ in the US. 42€+€8 shipping is quite a lot for an used game but it's totally worth it in my eyes and owning an extremely rare European copy would be pretty awesome, I guess. I don't care much about its condition as long as the game is working fine so going for a used copy seems to be the better choice for me anyways.
Hopefully everything will turn out well this time. I don't think I can take one more incident where I don't receive it for whatever reason after that happening twice already.
( Edited 27.04.2011 16:32 by SirLink )