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Looking forward to playing this since I haven't used my 3ds for a while now xD

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101
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Just got it today after my last exam =3

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I needed it it since I already had the Rathalos one XP, only £6.Smilie

L said:
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Just got it today after my last exam =3
I needed it it since I already had the Rathalos one XP, only £6.Smilie

I'll give ya a few rounds on DOA when I get it Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

Ok, I've completely forgotten how to play DoA though. XD

I only played the 4th game and I wasn't very good at it either xD

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I've never played a DOA game, but I plan to trade in Brink (full 1000G in two days, not a challenge at all) for it tomorrow, looks awesome and my 3DS needs some more games. Completely forgot about this over LA Noire, which is fucking awesome.

I prefer the DOA boxart in LKR000's post. Why'd they change it?

Even though I don't have a 3DS, I'm jealous of you guys with DOA. I grew up on DOA2 on Dreamcast and would love to get my hands on this one. Hopefully I can still play against some of you in the long run Smilie At the moment, I don't see myself getting a 3DS until some quality original games come out for it (new Zelda, Metroid, Star Fox, Mario), or until a 3DS lite.

I agree with you Azuardo, the box art they decided to go with is so shit compared to the old anime style one. I'm guessing they changed it because the new one has more of a sex appeal so they probably thought they'll draw more people in that way. =P

Echoes221 said:
I've never played a DOA game, but I plan to trade in Brink (full 1000G in two days, not a challenge at all) for it tomorrow, looks awesome and my 3DS needs some more games.

DoA is awesome, it's not frustrating to play like Street Fighter.Smilie

Been boosting my Wii selection a bit lately. First game I bought on a whim, just to see what it was like, and it has to be one of the most unusual games I've played in quite some time. From what I hear, there is some Overworks influence (Skies of Arcadia makers) in there, so it was worth a go;

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Next up was to celebrate a new kick-ass Cex store opening up in the city. The amount of PS2 games they had for £1-£3 in there is insane, and I can see myself doing a binge when my PS2 comes out of storage retirement. For now though, I settled for this, that had a surprising number of copies in for a Tenner each;

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Wanted to get a DS game alongside it, but the only one there I really wanted was still at £30, shame. Smilie

I got Sakura Wars a few weeks ago, it's awesome and hard, and I can't believe how overlooked it is (although it is practically a dating sim).

Within the last Month I've also brought Pokemon White, A Nintendo 3DS Black, Ridge Racer 3DS, a train ticket, and SD card reader and a few things to clean my computer out with.

I remember myself thinking about getting Sakura Wars too sometime last year but I never got around to it. Would you recommend it to an Otaku who has never played a dating sim before and can you get a lot of playtime out of it? That's a very important point for me right now as Monster Hunter Tri is about to consume me(yes, me and not my time Smilie) again if I don't find any diversions quickly.Smilie

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Well there's 6 different endings (I think) if you're talking about amount of playtime, there's loads.

And it's and SRPG that takes in to account your relationship with your team mates, so to get more power in certain attacks, you have to have a good relationship.

The PS2 version has Japanese Voice overs though, which is probably better, but it's more expensive to buy.

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My 3DS has a use again!

Exploring more of the DS library;

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Tenner at Asda. Smilie

Trine £2.99

Call of Duty (original) £5.99

App Store sale.

Tenner at Asda. Smilie

WHAT? Clucking bargain!

Shoulda got 2 copies Smilie

( Edited 29.05.2011 01:02 by Azuardo )

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Gotten addicted to this, on the 8th episode of the first series online, its that good that I decided to order the boxset!

Dexter is an excellent series, season 4 is the best so far (haven't got round to watching s5).

At MCM I got:

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for a fiver.

Our member of the week
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I might be getting Sakura Wars too at some point, it's available here for 7€ and this might not last.

EDIT : Oh and just got this off ebay too :

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( Edited 31.05.2011 12:39 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
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67mm Filters (for below lens)

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Canon 60D with 17-85mm Lens f/4-5.6

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Also, preordered:

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And I now realise I won't get the Christmas one, so should pick it up some time

Lrrr said:
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Also, preordered:

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And I now realise I won't get the Christmas one, so should pick it up some time

Why not wait until the Complete Sixth Series boxset is out? I have all of the "Complete" boxsets including "The Complete Specials" (David Tennant's last 5 episodes which weren't a part of any series) and I'll be getting the Complete Sixth Series boxset too, when it's released. Smilie

( Edited 31.05.2011 22:19 by Mush123 )

Mush123 said:

]Why not wait until the Complete Sixth Series boxset is out? I have all of the "Complete" boxsets including "The Complete Specials" (David Tennant's last 5 episodes which weren't a part of any series) and I'll be getting the Complete Sixth Series boxset too, when it's released. Smilie

I have series one and three on the individual discs, not boxset. The other series are complete boxes, including the specials

The complete series will just be parts one and two lumped in a box together anyway.

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