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saunderscowie said:
Anyone got/played Alice yet?

I'm about an hour or so it, really enjoying it.

Ah thats cool, did you get it at Gamestation with Duke Nukem?

saunderscowie said:
Ah thats cool, did you get it at Gamestation with Duke Nukem?

Yeah, my local one is closing down today Smilie. I got £30 trade in as they weren't doing any more promotions on it. I had around £15 in points saved up though so it worked out nicely, put the other £5 towards a £15 itunes voucher for fathers day (he just got an iPad).

So far the game seems to be really long, about 3 hours for the first chapter, so its looking like a 20 hour game. I was going to be bothered with all the collectibles, but there are 236 of them, fuck it, I'll just play through normally.

Our member of the week

My turn Smilie :

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My very own triforce of boxes XD.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Not a purchase but if anyone is interested..

Summer Wars/Girl Who Leapt Through Time Blu Ray boxset only £6.93!!

Went into Cex at the weekend for a usual bit of browsing. Glanced at the DS row with the usual dismay that what I wanted there had been at £40 because of its rarity for a number of weeks now since increasing by £10 previously. Shock and awe then, when I see the price tag on it, and it is a glorious £22 instead! Even more glorious is when I remember that I still have a tenner credit left from before!
You'd better believe I snapped up this bastard;

No instruction manual which is a shame, but still a glorious game. SmilieSmilieSmilie

WOOT! Okamiden! Smilie You Sir, have just won a star! SmilieSmilie

Just bought Sonic Colours off of Amazon for £12.99

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Finally bought myself a COD game!

Too bad you decided to get a bad one!

haha I kid... or do I..? Smilie

Black Ops is pretty damn good in my opinion (probably not quite as good as MW2 in some ways) - the annoying thing now is you'll probably end up wanting all those map packs that have been released regularly since the game launched - and that'll set you back a bit more. A game of the year version could easily be released with it all included eventually as well.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

I like and hate black ops. Though I prefer MW2 overall. Black Ops feels too slow paced. And despite all the things they did to balance the game, it feels far more unbalanced than MW2 - which only had noob tubes and snipers. Whereas BO I get frustrated with RCXD's as a 3 killstreak, Ghost is far too overpowered, Ninja is useless, Last Stand is overused and a lot of the maps don't flow freely. Add to this the shite spawns in games like Domination and Demolition and it makes it impossible to play defensive/offensively for your objective. BO is best played on Hardcore tbh, all weapons then become useful and it nerfs a fair few perks (though last stand becomes more overpowered). We'll all have to play at some point though!

Anyway, I got:

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You're getting some games I'm really interested in lately, Echoes. Gonna have to keep us posted on how Damned is.

So, you beat Alice yet? Further thoughts?

You're getting some games I'm really interested in lately
I'm an obscure title gamer, its what I do >.<

I sold Alice before I was even halfway through the game for Shadows. It got far too repetitive and really tediously long (about 3-4 hours a chapter of the same repetitive shit - 6 chapters I was at the end of number 3). I gave up on it, especially when it gives you a very unfair fight in a ridiculously confined area. (seriously, a higher level enemy that chases after you with flame throwers that cover quarter of the area that you are in and moves faster than your dodging speed is fucking ridiculous). I got pissed off with it, not only for making you do meaningless tasks 3/4 times in a row, but also because the basic mechanics weren't good. As a plat-former you expect surface recognition for jumping to be spot on. It was shoddy in this case. So many things that just enraged me. Take my advice I don't get the game.

Shadows of the damned so far (played an hour) has been brilliant, everything I have expected from the three figureheads. I'll let you know in more detail when I get through it, but so far its just as mad and twisted as I had expected it to be Smilie

( Edited 25.06.2011 02:33 by Echoes221 )

Shame. I'd heard about the repetitiveness in reviews. I'd probably take a chance with it if it dropped to about a tenner.

At least Damned seems to live up to the freakish game everyone expects.

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Love The Last Samurai. First time I watched it, I got all emotional at the ending.

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Smilie Have you watched it yet? I'm a big Matt Damon fan and curious about it. Heard it was really good though.

Nah, not yet. Was going to watch it later. I've not really seen any negative reviews about it though

I bought which was today is The Official Unova Pokedex & guide: Volume 2

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A decent rebuild of the snes vrsn. Still better then FF Tactics to me. 8)

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+ Sonic 4 Episode 1 and Super Metroid VC.

Azuardo said:
Love The Last Samurai. First time I watched it, I got all emotional at the ending.

I watched it for the first time at Christmas time. I really enjoyed and always wanted to watch it again. So I decided to buy it on Blu Ray ready.

I loved Ken Watanabe also, such an amazing actor. Easily one of my favourites.

saunderscowie said:
Too bad you decided to get a bad one!

haha I kid... or do I..? Smilie

Honestly, I'm a Halo multiplayer guy. But the world has moved on to CoD it seems. None of my friends really play Reach online, so this was definitely a peer pressure purchase. lol

What made me go with Black Ops though was my love for Nazi Zombies. Modern Warfare 2 does not have it. Thus my hands were tied.

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