I think at least one of either Roy or Marth will return. Most likely Marth going off Ike's description, he sounds too similar to Roy. Aether to me sounds like it will just be one of Ike's Special moves rather than his Final Smash, just like Marth's Shield Breaker and Roy's Flare Balde.
That's why I think Ike will replace Roy, Aether will be a one hit kill like Roy's Flare Blade. If that's the case I won't be too bothered even though Roy was my character as long as Ike resembles Roy a bit in terms of fighting.
They really shold remake the FE games while Square is flooding the DS with FF and SQ remakes. Come on Intelligent Systems, fan translations won't do. Which reminds me the Roy and Marth statues both say future release on their game info, could happen? You never know.