Ha, I happen to be one of those people who whore sheik all round. I just love the style, quick and most attack knocks the opponent upwards, which is great cos sheik is great in the air.
What exactly makes the fight boring? The fact that you cant win against sheik and get your ass handed to you over and over again? Or that she/he doesnt really have any special moves? The fact is the needle attack is brilliant for stopping projectile's other than links arrow.. The chain kinda sucks. But Sheik is different, relying on the hand to hand combat and extremely quick fingers
Come Brawl time with online (fingers crossed) We'll have a match with me as sheik and we'll see if its boring
Todays update
When Samus destroys her Power Suit, she's left with the Zero Suit. However, what she's lost in power and weaponry she makes up for in speed!Once she turns that Paralyzer in her hand into a whip, she has quite a long reach as well! Not exactly the straightforward fight you thought it was, huh?
Well a pretty Samusrific few days that is. I thought that ZSS would be the next new character bio to go up. It still doesnt answer the question of how she can turn back into Samus but nice update anyway
( Edited on 19.07.2007 08:11 by Prometheus )