Killing short and hairy things to save short and hairy things! Number of times a dwarf was mistaken for Skaven: 239. - By Ian Soltes
Force your subjects to commit sudoku in the name of the shogun! - By Ian Soltes
One very confused dragon that fits firmly into one of the realms of indie terror. - By Ian Soltes
Skaven 4 Dead. No actual mice were harmed in the making of this review. - By Ian Soltes
Become a rouge servant of Satan in the newest expansion that gives some nice tweaks to an otherwise mundane life. - By Ian Soltes
Behold a beast as mythical as Bigfoot; the prequel that's actually better than the original: Tales of Berseria. - By Ian Soltes
A simple and straightforward mod that really doesn't hide anything. - By Ian Soltes
The best Spider-Man game since Spider-Man 2! - By Ian Soltes
Finally putting to rest the question of what Lu Bei would look like as a girl. - By Ian Soltes
Everybody should have expected this Inquisition. - By Ian Soltes
There is Muv to Luv about this title… except for that bad pun. Does that even make sense? - By Ian Soltes
Who knew that raising a princess to adulthood could be so interesting? - By Ian Soltes
Gaming is Cubed3's happiness, and its reviewers view expansions as they are… in this case, the ninth in a series. - By Ian Soltes
Plague! Pestilence! Plaguing pestilence! Also, Flanders is now part of France! - By Ian Soltes
Taking all the fun of a city-building simulator to space, with corporations tacked on! …Not in a good way. - By Ian Soltes