Ian started off as a person who simply loved games and hunting down many of the lesser-known titles to play them. Fascinated with many of the unique aspects of games he became entralled with the many new ideas and concepts he found and outright enjoyed finding unique games. Not to say that he dislikes the mainstream games as he very much enjoys them and can often be found spending time playing Civ V on his free time.
Ian wrote several reviews before he started to focus heavily on becoming a constant reviewer as he was more than happy to simply stand by and simply enjoy the games he loved, from 'Dark Cloud 2' to 'Lost Kingdoms II'. The game that changed all this was a small, visual novel, game on Steam called 'Long Live the Queen!'. Having outright enjoyed the game he looked around only to notice that no one had even submitted a review for the game. He decided to change all that and write a review. It didn't take long before he was actively hunting down games in his vast collection, many of which he enjoyed, trying to find those games, be they good or bad, that he felt needed more attention.
As of now Ian is a fan of the JRPG genre and enjoys being able to simply sit down and lose himself in a game. Though a bit of a perfectionist who tries to hunt down every secret if possible, he never lets that get in the way of his enjoyment. However, he has developed a guilty pleasure for intentionally playing BAD games simply for the chance to rip into them in a review.