Pretty much what it says in the title. A Total War: Attila expansion that just grants access to the Slavic Nations pack… - By Ian Soltes
The third instalment of the series is finally on Steam! Of course it's good. However, it suffers a bit from "middle of the book" syndrome. - By Ian Soltes
An interesting attempt at being a samurai, which, sadly, ends up coming off feeling pretty dated and addled by nonsensical choices. - By Ian Soltes
The ninth expansion to the Crusader Kings II game… and it's really at number nine now? What more can really be done? - By Ian Soltes
A DLC pack intended to bring a bit of order to the somewhat chaotic wilds of Crusader Kings II: Way of Life. - By Ian Soltes
The port of the PS Vita title takes the Neptunia cast and puts it in an action game. Will Hyperdimension Neptunia pull out a victory? - By Ian Soltes
Unquestionably the most recognisable Tales game in the West, Tales of Symphonia returns, now on PC. - By Ian Soltes
The first game from the now-well-known Level-5 is released digitally for PS4. How does Dark Cloud stand up after all this time? - By Ian Soltes
Sea of Stars is an attempt at deep and infinite variety that is a bit more of a kiddie pool. - By Ian Soltes
Just another generic sci-fi shoo- Wait, what? It's set in the Old West? Focused on the supernatural? And actually half good? - By Ian Soltes
Difficult gameplay and Roman-esque time-periods, stewed together in the form of an RPG. The next Baldur's Gate or more of a 'Wire-thin Gate?' - By Ian Soltes
Another expansion to the formally dead 'Age of' series? That is certainly an unexpected surprise. - By Ian Soltes
A videogame with a heavy focus on story over gameplay, yet isn't preachy? Sorcery! Parts 1 & 2 makes the impossible possible. - By Ian Soltes
A unique take on the simulation/construction genre that will reveal a shocking truth about the player. - By Ian Soltes
An adult title with little to hide as to what it is, and that leaves little doubt as to its audience and quality. - By Ian Soltes