3DS Reviews

Game Name Publisher C3 Score Add
2 Fast 4 Gnomz2 Fast 4 GnomzQubicGames7/10Add 2 Fast 4 Gnomz to your collection Add 2 Fast 4 Gnomz to your wishlist
20482048GameOn5/10Add 2048 to your collection Add 2048 to your wishlist
3D After Burner II3D After Burner IISEGA8/10Add 3D After Burner II to your collection Add 3D After Burner II to your wishlist
3D After Burner II3D After Burner IISEGA8/10Add 3D After Burner II to your collection Add 3D After Burner II to your wishlist
3D Altered Beast3D Altered BeastSEGA4/10Add 3D Altered Beast to your collection Add 3D Altered Beast to your wishlist
3D Classics: Excitebike3D Classics: ExcitebikeNintendo5/10Add 3D Classics: Excitebike to your collection Add 3D Classics: Excitebike to your wishlist
3D Classics: Kid Icarus3D Classics: Kid IcarusNintendo9/10Add 3D Classics: Kid Icarus to your collection Add 3D Classics: Kid Icarus to your wishlist
3D Ecco the Dolphin3D Ecco the DolphinSEGA7/10Add 3D Ecco the Dolphin to your collection Add 3D Ecco the Dolphin to your wishlist
3D Fantasy Zone II W3D Fantasy Zone II WSEGA9/10Add 3D Fantasy Zone II W to your collection Add 3D Fantasy Zone II W to your wishlist
3D Fantasy Zone II W3D Fantasy Zone II WSEGA9/10Add 3D Fantasy Zone II W to your collection Add 3D Fantasy Zone II W to your wishlist
3D Fantasy Zone: Opa-Opa Bros.3D Fantasy Zone: Opa-Opa Bros.SEGA8/10Add 3D Fantasy Zone: Opa-Opa Bros. to your collection Add 3D Fantasy Zone: Opa-Opa Bros. to your wishlist
3D Fantasy Zone: Opa-Opa Bros.3D Fantasy Zone: Opa-Opa Bros.SEGA9/10Add 3D Fantasy Zone: Opa-Opa Bros. to your collection Add 3D Fantasy Zone: Opa-Opa Bros. to your wishlist
3D Galaxy Force II3D Galaxy Force IISEGA6/10Add 3D Galaxy Force II to your collection Add 3D Galaxy Force II to your wishlist
3D Gunstar Heroes3D Gunstar HeroesSEGA6/10Add 3D Gunstar Heroes to your collection Add 3D Gunstar Heroes to your wishlist
3D Out Run3D Out RunSEGA7/10Add 3D Out Run to your collection Add 3D Out Run to your wishlist
3D Out Run3D Out RunSEGA8/10Add 3D Out Run to your collection Add 3D Out Run to your wishlist
3D Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master3D Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja MasterSEGA9/10Add 3D Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master to your collection Add 3D Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master to your wishlist
3D Solitaire3D SolitaireZen6/10Add 3D Solitaire to your collection Add 3D Solitaire to your wishlist
3D Sonic the Hedgehog3D Sonic the HedgehogSEGA8/10Add 3D Sonic the Hedgehog to your collection Add 3D Sonic the Hedgehog to your wishlist
3D Sonic the Hedgehog 23D Sonic the Hedgehog 2SEGA9/10Add 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 2 to your collection Add 3D Sonic the Hedgehog 2 to your wishlist
3D Space Harrier3D Space HarrierSEGA8/10Add 3D Space Harrier to your collection Add 3D Space Harrier to your wishlist
3D Streets of Rage3D Streets of RageSEGA8/10Add 3D Streets of Rage to your collection Add 3D Streets of Rage to your wishlist
3D Streets of Rage 23D Streets of Rage 2SEGA9/10Add 3D Streets of Rage 2 to your collection Add 3D Streets of Rage 2 to your wishlist
3D Streets of Rage 23D Streets of Rage 2SEGA10/10Add 3D Streets of Rage 2 to your collection Add 3D Streets of Rage 2 to your wishlist
3D Super Hang-On3D Super Hang-OnSEGA8/10Add 3D Super Hang-On to your collection Add 3D Super Hang-On to your wishlist
3D Thunder Blade3D Thunder BladeSEGA7/10Add 3D Thunder Blade to your collection Add 3D Thunder Blade to your wishlist
50 Classic Games50 Classic GamesAvanquest5/10Add 50 Classic Games to your collection Add 50 Classic Games to your wishlist
7th Dragon III Code: VFD7th Dragon III Code: VFDSEGA7/10Add 7th Dragon III Code: VFD to your collection Add 7th Dragon III Code: VFD to your wishlist
7th Dragon III Code: VFD7th Dragon III Code: VFDSEGA8/10Add 7th Dragon III Code: VFD to your collection Add 7th Dragon III Code: VFD to your wishlist
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon LegacyAce Combat: Assault Horizon LegacyNamco Bandai8/10Add Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy to your collection Add Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy to your wishlist
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy+Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy+Bandai Namco8/10Add Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy+ to your collection Add Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy+ to your wishlist
Adventure Bar StoryAdventure Bar StoryCircle7/10Add Adventure Bar Story to your collection Add Adventure Bar Story to your wishlist
Adventure Labyrinth StoryAdventure Labyrinth StoryCircle5/10Add Adventure Labyrinth Story to your collection Add Adventure Labyrinth Story to your wishlist
Adventure Time: Finn and Jake InvestigationsAdventure Time: Finn and Jake InvestigationsBandai Namco6/10Add Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations to your collection Add Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations to your wishlist
Adventure Time: Secret of the Nameless KingdomAdventure Time: Secret of the Nameless KingdomLittle Orbit7/10Add Adventure Time: Secret of the Nameless Kingdom to your collection Add Adventure Time: Secret of the Nameless Kingdom to your wishlist
Aero PorterAero PorterLevel-55/10Add Aero Porter to your collection Add Aero Porter to your wishlist
AeternoBladeAeternoBladeCorecell6/10Add AeternoBlade to your collection Add AeternoBlade to your wishlist
AiRace SpeedAiRace SpeedQubicGames6/10Add AiRace Speed to your collection Add AiRace Speed to your wishlist
AiRace XenoAiRace XenoQubic8/10Add AiRace Xeno to your collection Add AiRace Xeno to your wishlist
AiRace XenoAiRace XenoQubic7/10Add AiRace Xeno to your collection Add AiRace Xeno to your wishlist
Alchemic DungeonsAlchemic DungeonsCircle5/10Add Alchemic Dungeons to your collection Add Alchemic Dungeons to your wishlist
Alien Chaos 3DAlien Chaos 3DReef7/10Add Alien Chaos 3D to your collection Add Alien Chaos 3D to your wishlist
AlphadiaAlphadiaKemco5/10Add Alphadia to your collection Add Alphadia to your wishlist
Angry BunniesAngry BunniesCypronia3/10Add Angry Bunnies to your collection Add Angry Bunnies to your wishlist
Animal Crossing: Happy Home DesignerAnimal Crossing: Happy Home DesignerNintendo6/10Add Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer to your collection Add Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer to your wishlist
Animal Crossing: New LeafAnimal Crossing: New LeafNintendo10/10Add Animal Crossing: New Leaf to your collection Add Animal Crossing: New Leaf to your wishlist
Another World: 20th Anniversary EditionAnother World: 20th Anniversary EditionThe Digital Lounge6/10Add Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition to your collection Add Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition to your wishlist
Apollo Justice: Ace AttorneyApollo Justice: Ace AttorneyCapcom8/10Add Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney to your collection Add Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney to your wishlist
Aqua Moto Racing 3DAqua Moto Racing 3DZordix7/10Add Aqua Moto Racing 3D to your collection Add Aqua Moto Racing 3D to your wishlist
AR Games: AR ShotAR Games: AR ShotNintendo8/10Add AR Games: AR Shot to your collection Add AR Games: AR Shot to your wishlist
AR Games: FishingAR Games: FishingNintendo3/10Add AR Games: Fishing to your collection Add AR Games: Fishing to your wishlist
AR Games: ShootingAR Games: ShootingNintendo7/10Add AR Games: Shooting to your collection Add AR Games: Shooting to your wishlist
Arc Style: Baseball 3DArc Style: Baseball 3DArc System Works5/10Add Arc Style: Baseball 3D to your collection Add Arc Style: Baseball 3D to your wishlist
Art of Balance Touch!Art of Balance Touch!Shin'en8/10Add Art of Balance Touch! to your collection Add Art of Balance Touch! to your wishlist
Asdivine CrossAsdivine CrossKemco7/10Add Asdivine Cross to your collection Add Asdivine Cross to your wishlist
Asphalt 3DAsphalt 3DUbisoft4/10Add Asphalt 3D to your collection Add Asphalt 3D to your wishlist
Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo TaleAttack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo TaleLevel-58/10Add Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale to your collection Add Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale to your wishlist
Attack on Titan: Humanity in ChainsAttack on Titan: Humanity in ChainsAtlus6/10Add Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains to your collection Add Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains to your wishlist
AzadaAzadaLicensed 4U7/10Add Azada to your collection Add Azada to your wishlist
Azure Striker GunvoltAzure Striker GunvoltInti Creates9/10Add Azure Striker Gunvolt to your collection Add Azure Striker Gunvolt to your wishlist
Azure Striker Gunvolt 2Azure Striker Gunvolt 2Inti Creates8/10Add Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 to your collection Add Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 to your wishlist
Batman: Arkham Origins BlackgateBatman: Arkham Origins BlackgateWarner Bros.7/10Add Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate to your collection Add Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate to your wishlist
Batman: Arkham Origins BlackgateBatman: Arkham Origins BlackgateWarner Bros.7/10Add Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate to your collection Add Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate to your wishlist
Bike Rider DXBike Rider DXSpicysoft6/10Add Bike Rider DX to your collection Add Bike Rider DX to your wishlist
Bike Rider DX2: GalaxyBike Rider DX2: GalaxySpicysoft6/10Add Bike Rider DX2: Galaxy to your collection Add Bike Rider DX2: Galaxy to your wishlist
Bird Mania 3DBird Mania 3DTeyon7/10Add Bird Mania 3D to your collection Add Bird Mania 3D to your wishlist
Bit Boy!! ArcadeBit Boy!! ArcadeBplus7/10Add Bit Boy!! Arcade to your collection Add Bit Boy!! Arcade to your wishlist
Bit.Trip SagaBit.Trip SagaRising Star7/10Add Bit.Trip Saga to your collection Add Bit.Trip Saga to your wishlist
Blasting Agent: Ultimate EditionBlasting Agent: Ultimate EditionRatalaika6/10Add Blasting Agent: Ultimate Edition to your collection Add Blasting Agent: Ultimate Edition to your wishlist
BlazBlue: Clone PhantasmaBlazBlue: Clone PhantasmaArc System Works4/10Add BlazBlue: Clone Phantasma to your collection Add BlazBlue: Clone Phantasma to your wishlist
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift IIBlazBlue: Continuum Shift IIArc System Works7/10Add BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II to your collection Add BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II to your wishlist
Block FactoryBlock FactoryEnjoy4/10Add Block Factory to your collection Add Block Factory to your wishlist
Bloo Kid 2Bloo Kid 2winterworks7/10Add Bloo Kid 2 to your collection Add Bloo Kid 2 to your wishlist
Boulder Dash XL 3DBoulder Dash XL 3DReef7/10Add Boulder Dash XL 3D to your collection Add Boulder Dash XL 3D to your wishlist
Boulder Dash-XL 3DBoulder Dash-XL 3DReef7/10Add Boulder Dash-XL 3D to your collection Add Boulder Dash-XL 3D to your wishlist
BOXBOY!BOXBOY!Nintendo9/10Add BOXBOY! to your collection Add BOXBOY! to your wishlist
Bravely DefaultBravely DefaultNintendo8/10Add Bravely Default to your collection Add Bravely Default to your wishlist
Bravely Second: End LayerBravely Second: End LayerSquare Enix7/10Add Bravely Second: End Layer to your collection Add Bravely Second: End Layer to your wishlist
Brunch PanicBrunch PanicCircle7/10Add Brunch Panic to your collection Add Brunch Panic to your wishlist
Bubble Pop WorldBubble Pop WorldCypronia5/10Add Bubble Pop World to your collection Add Bubble Pop World to your wishlist
Bugs vs. Tanks!Bugs vs. Tanks!Level-56/10Add Bugs vs. Tanks! to your collection Add Bugs vs. Tanks! to your wishlist
BYE-BYE BOXBOY!BYE-BYE BOXBOY!Nintendo8/10Add BYE-BYE BOXBOY! to your collection Add BYE-BYE BOXBOY! to your wishlist
Candy, Please!Candy, Please!Nostatic Software7/10Add Candy, Please! to your collection Add Candy, Please! to your wishlist
Captain America: Super Soldier (3DS)Captain America: Super Soldier (3DS)SEGA4/10Add Captain America: Super Soldier (3DS) to your collection Add Captain America: Super Soldier (3DS) to your wishlist
Captain Toad: Treasure TrackerCaptain Toad: Treasure TrackerNintendo7/10Add Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker to your collection Add Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker to your wishlist
Carps & DragonsCarps & DragonsAbylight6/10Add Carps & Dragons to your collection Add Carps & Dragons to your wishlist
Castle Clout 3DCastle Clout 3DSelectsoft1/10Add Castle Clout 3D to your collection Add Castle Clout 3D to your wishlist
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of FateCastlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of FateKonami7/10Add Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate to your collection Add Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate to your wishlist
Cave StoryCave StoryNicalis9/10Add Cave Story to your collection Add Cave Story to your wishlist
Cave Story 3DCave Story 3DNicalis8/10Add Cave Story 3D to your collection Add Cave Story 3D to your wishlist
Chase: Cold Case Investigations - Distant MemoriesChase: Cold Case Investigations - Distant MemoriesArc System Works6/10Add Chase: Cold Case Investigations - Distant Memories to your collection Add Chase: Cold Case Investigations - Distant Memories to your wishlist
Chase: Cold Case Investigations - Distant MemoriesChase: Cold Case Investigations - Distant MemoriesArc System Works4/10Add Chase: Cold Case Investigations - Distant Memories to your collection Add Chase: Cold Case Investigations - Distant Memories to your wishlist
Chat-A-LotChat-A-LotTeyon3/10Add Chat-A-Lot to your collection Add Chat-A-Lot to your wishlist
Chibi-Robo! LetChibi-Robo! Let's Go, Photo!Nintendo7/10Add Chibi-Robo! Let Add Chibi-Robo! Let
Chibi-Robo! Zip LashChibi-Robo! Zip LashNintendo6/10Add Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash to your collection Add Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash to your wishlist
Chicken WiggleChicken WiggleAtooi8/10Add Chicken Wiggle to your collection Add Chicken Wiggle to your wishlist
Chicken WiggleChicken WiggleAtooi8/10Add Chicken Wiggle to your collection Add Chicken Wiggle to your wishlist
Chronus ArcChronus ArcKemco5/10Add Chronus Arc to your collection Add Chronus Arc to your wishlist
Chronus ArcChronus ArcKemco7/10Add Chronus Arc to your collection Add Chronus Arc to your wishlist
Citizens of EarthCitizens of EarthEden Industries4/10Add Citizens of Earth to your collection Add Citizens of Earth to your wishlist

Showing reviews 1 to 100 of 520

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