Castle Clout 3D (Nintendo 3DS) Review

By Drew Hurley 18.10.2014

Review for Castle Clout 3D on Nintendo 3DS

Though Castle Clout 3D seems like a clone of Angry Birds, it originally came out a full two years before. First released October 2008 as a Flash game, this 3DS eShop version is a port of the progenitor to the genre. Does it stand up against all the clones that have come after, though?

Most people are aware of Angry Birds - it was a mobile game phenomenon. Thanks to this, upon starting the game it is impossible not to draw comparisons between the two. When compared, the first thing that jumps out is the pacing, since everything seems to move slowly, whether aiming the war machine or moving the camera, it all just feels sluggish.

The premise is fundamentally the same as Angry Birds, with missiles being thrown at an enemy fortification in an attempt to try and destroy it, along with any enemies within. This starts with a standard Trebuchet, raining boulders on the enemy castle, and, as the game progresses, a Ballista and different types of ammunition are unlocked, which must be matched against varying castle materials, adding a little more complexity to the levels.

Screenshot for Castle Clout 3D on Nintendo 3DS

On top of this, there is additional depth added later with 'Friendlies' in the enemy castle to avoid and shields that can stop certain attacks, which in theory all sounds interesting, but unfortunately the underlying mechanics ruin any promise it may offer.

There are five levels to play across, with numerous stages within each, although it's difficult to get through. Completion of these levels unlocks 'Castle Pieces' that can then be used in the "Castle Creator" mode where levels with custom defences can be created for the mere reason of enjoying destroying it afterwards.

Finally, there is a multiplayer mode in the form of the Hot Seat. This looks, at first, like a cross between the Angry Birds and Worms series, and it shows a lot of potential with that, but again just doesn't live up to it. The mode allows up to four-player battles - AI or player - to try to destroy the opposite castle. It is a good premise but, as with every part of this game, the underlying gameplay mechanics ruin what could be great.

Screenshot for Castle Clout 3D on Nintendo 3DS

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 1 out of 10


There are so many things wrong with Castle Clout 3D that it's hard to know where to begin. The only people that would really enjoy this are hardcore fans of the genre who want to see where it came from, or fans of the original who want it on their 3DS with a minimal 3D display. If really wanting to try this precursor, go and try the online version since it's still there…and free!









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  1/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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